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Clean and Simple Cleaning™’s Guide to School Lunches

back to school lunches

The kids are all heading back to school next week. So, the preparation for the adjustment of schedules is in full force once again. Bedtimes are adopted once more. And we get to stock up on school supplies too. Moreover, we are, once more back, to making and preparing school lunches.

Making and preparing school lunches for my kids is always a challenge for me. I want to provide healthy, well-balanced meals, but also ones that they will eat. I also struggle at times making sure I have things ready and easy to pack. As the morning routine, at my house at least, can get a little tight on time. Furthermore, I have come across a few things that I love and help make lunch making an easier task to add back into my schedule. Here are my top 3 tips to school lunch making!

Get them Muffin

My kids get tired of the same lunch and don’t always eat sandwiches very well. So, I have found muffins to be an excellent alternative. My kids love pizza and corn dog muffins. I also do make them banana nut muffins and PBJ ones too. I can prepare them ahead of time, put them in their lunches frozen. By the time lunch comes around, they are ready to go.

Use Child-Friendly, Easy-to-Use Containers

Get them items that are easy to pack, in containers that are easy to pack in. I love my Lock n lock containers. They have dividers that can be situated differently to fit everything I want to pack for the day and eliminate all of the garbage waste that I would otherwise have.  The best thing about the boxes, it makes me see everything together which helps me to add variety and color. An entirely brown lunch is not a balanced and healthy lunch after all.

Go Get Bite  Size Varieties 

My youngest does not eat very fast. Moreover, both of my kids are social. They need the break in their day not only to eat but to talk to friends. So, of course, getting to recess as fast as possible is also a priority for them. Making food bite size means that it gets eaten at lunch and not thrown away. I make the muffins that I mentioned earlier mini size and pack multiples. Additionally, when I do make a sandwich, I use one piece of bread and roll it up and then cut into pieces. (We call them sushi sandwiches)

If you have other tips for lunches for the little ones, please add a comment below. Getting back into the school routine once more can be a challenge. Hopefully, these tips can make it a little easier to add school lunches back into the schedule.

As you are trying to scratch off all of the back to school to-dos from your list and you notice that your house is a little out of whack from a relaxed summer schedule, consider giving us a call. In September, we are offering 20% off all one time and extra cleanings as a back to school special.

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