Office Hours: M-F: 7:30a-4p

Cleaning Hours: M-F: 8:30a-5:30p

Chemical-Free Cleaning Materials

green cleaning

We got ourselves surrounded, and frankly, it seems there is no escape from it. We surround ourselves with the harmful effects of chemicals. Which, we all have in our homes, schools, and even in the very air we breathe. We can notice the harm it causes to people. We see it through news outlets, hear stories from friends and family. However, as a society, we do not fully comprehend the outcome chemicals bring into our lives. There are chemicals everywhere  From the food we eat, the water we drink, to even in the cleaning supplies we use.

Chemicals are, now, largely, a part of our lives and in our bodies. Which, is the reason for this article. It is why we want to bring light to the importance of lessening the usage of chemicals in your home.

You can begin doing it by checking into the ingredients in the items you eat and carefully watching what you consume. Furthermore, you should take into consideration the cleaning supplies that you use in your home. Whenever you take the time to clean your home, or you hire a housekeeping service, you should opt for natural cleaning supplies. You and your family will live a far happier and healthier life.

There are too many harmful components correlated with chemicals. It ranges from developing brain damage, altered pregnancies, and congenital disabilities to name a few. When you hire Clean and Simple Cleaning™, we guarantee that we only use green cleaners and chemical-free cleaning supplies. Which, will keep your home clean and free from non-toxic products. If you are looking for a reliable housekeeping service that can meet your needs, just contact Clean & Simple Cleaning. and we will get the job done for you. Check out some of our green cleaning services to get a clear idea of what cleaning services we provide and offer.

Four Natural Cleaning Supplies

We put together some of the best chemical-free cleaning products you can use. As professional housekeepers, we pride ourselves on our extensive knowledge of house cleaning. We know everything, from the best cleaning tricks, the ideal supplies, to the best-suited tools to use cleaning your home. We make it our mission to clean your home, using the utmost of our abilities. Learn more about our services to see if we are the right fit to keep home Clean and Simple.

Baking Soda

It is one of the best non-toxic, Chemical-free cleaner available. You can use baking soda many different ways for cleaning. All you need is baking powder, some hot water, a scrub, and your home will look marvelous.

You can use baking soda to:

  • Clean ovens
  • Cleanse pots and pans
  • Unclog and clean showers
  • Clean hairbrushes and combs
  • Remove strange smells
  • Eliminate the smell of cigarettes
  • Clean your clothes
  • Remove grease stains
  • Clean your barbeque grill.

You can virtually use baking soda on Whatever needs cleaning.  With baking soda, you can challenge any messy area. Don't have enough time to clean your home? You can always hire our housekeeping service to do it for you.


One of the worst offenders for carrying toxic materials are cleaning products. Microfiber is a great way to eliminate chemicals in your home. Moreover, using it allows you to continue saving money. It is because you do not spend as much as you generally would on supplies. Microfibers are in antibacterial cloths and mops, which makes cleaning your home easy. Microfiber is a combination of synthetic polymers-polyester and polyamide also known as nylon. It is a type of cloth that is a great tool for scrubbing and absorbency. Instead of using any old fabric, check out microfibers to clean your home without any chemical cleaners.


Lemons are not just for eating anymore. Hundreds of years ago, people used these essential fruits to clean their homes. Citrus is an excellent way to make your home smell good and immaculate. There are many different uses for citrus in cleaning products, and they are all non-toxic. You can use citrus for spray cleaners that are all-purpose and soapy. You can also use citrus for laundry, cleaning the dishes, and cleaning microwave ovens. Furthermore, you can use citrus to polish your furniture, and as an organic air freshener. Lemons are also inexpensive. So you do not have to worry about overspending. Additionally, lemons are a natural-solvent, which means it is a natural cleaner that will cut through any grease or dirt. Not the type who likes getting your hands dirty?


Vinegar is another great cleaning product that is non-toxic. If you combine citrus and vinegar, it’s even better. You can use Vinegar to clean various things. It is natural and organic, will get rid of bacteria, mildew, and dirt, and is inexpensive. Purchase a large bottle of vinegar and see how great your home looks as you clean with vinegar. Some of the things vinegar can clean are refrigerators, unclogging a shower drain, cleaning cutting boards and plastic containers, countertops, the toilet, tile surfaces, mattress disinfectant, and can even be used in fabric softener. Vinegar can also be used to make your wooden furniture clean and shiny. If you get tired easily after a long day at work, call to make an appointment for us to stop at your home to make it shine.

We're here to help you with your quality of life!

That said, what kind of cleaning tips or helpful information can we share with you to accomplish our mission?

Snohomish County Trusts Clean and Simple Cleaning

Clean & Simple Cleaning has successfully been cleaning Snohomish County homes for over 30 years! We deliver the best house cleaning service available in today’s market. Our rates are reasonable and our staff boasts solid trust and years of experience.

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Why to choose Clean and Simple Cleaning™

Love your life with less stress by hiring us. We look forward to caring for your Lynnwood, WA home.

Quality Guaranteed:

We focus on your priorities, Encourage your feedback and always strive to make you happy.

Get a quote today, you won’t regret it!

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Highly Trained Cleaning Staff

Locally Lynnwood Owned

Great Disinfecting, Sanitizing & Cleaning

Whole House High Quality Cleaning

Thorough Cleaning Checklist

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100% Satisfaction Guarantee

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Snohomish County's Most Trusted House Cleaning Company for Over 30 Years!

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