
House Cleaning Checklist

The Clean and Simple Way

Proudly serving Snohomish County since 1991.

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House Cleaning Tips to Remove Excess Pet Hair

Pets can bring you and your family endless joy. However, pets can also bring you enormous amounts of hair when they are shedding.

Most people use vacuums, to hopefully, suck up all the fur. However, usually, the individual hairs stick onto the fibers of the carpet. Thus, making it impossible to pick up with a vacuum alone. We compiled a few house cleaning tips to help you remove pet hairs from your carpet and home. Many people are extremely allergic to pet dander. So, by getting rid of all of the excess furs in your carpet and furniture, you will remove a large amount of the dander from your home. Not only does it help your friends with allergies, but it will also make for a cleaner and more hygienic home. Here are the simple house cleaning tips to get rid of that pet hair.

  • The first step in these house cleaning tips is always to vacuum. Vacuuming will not remove all of the hair, but it will decrease the amount by a lot. If you have a vacuum cleaner specifically designed for pet hair, it will have a stronger suction and thus remove more of the hair.
  • The next thing that I have found to work well is a squeegee. These have long handles with a rubber end used for removing water off windows. By running the squeegee along the carpet like the vacuum, the hair will stick the rubber and collect for easy removal by vacuuming or just picking up.
  • If you do not have a squeegee, another thing that works well is a kitchen sponge. Make sure the sponge is clean and do not reuse in the kitchen after use. The sponge needs to be slightly damp, and you can attach it to a mop or just run it over the carpet with your hands. The sponge has the same effect as the squeegee, the hair will collect together, and you can remove it.
  • Another simple thing to use, but it might be a little more time consuming is tape. The adhesive side of the tape will pick up the hair. However, it is harder to dig deeper into the carpet than with a squeegee because it is more challenging to apply as much pressure.

Keep your house free of pet hair with these simple house cleaning tips. You will find your pets even more enjoyable if their hair is not as prominent.


Four Focal Points in House Cleaning

In between seasonal house cleanings, or during busy weeks it’s hard to keep up with all the house cleaning.

Many people believe house cleaning is an all day thing but house cleaning can be done quickly and efficiently if you’re following a schedule and do a little every day. This blog is about quick ways to tidy up your house every day, and the best ways to keep your house looking good no matter what the occasion.

  • When you don’t have time for a full house cleaning the best way to feel still safe is always to keep the dishes under control.

This point may seem obvious, but believe me, many people (including myself sometimes) do not follow this simple step. Have all your family rinse off their dishes and put them straight into the dishwasher. A simple 30 seconds of cleaning can save you  5 minutes of scrubbing once the food dried onto the plate. Doing the dishes can also serve as great family bonding if everyone contributes

  • Make your bed.

After coming home from a long day at work, there is nothing worse than walking into a messy room. Even if you only have a minute tidy up your blankets before you leave in the morning the difference it makes it unbelievable.

  • Always leave the shoes at the door.

This point may be inconvenient sometimes. However, you would not believe the difference it makes in keeping your house clean and HEALTHY! Your shoes bring in dirt and germs spreading them onto your carpet. By keeping your shoes out of the house your floors will stay looking great longer, and you’ll have to sweep and vacuum much less. Along with them looking cleaner, the germs will not be spread around your house potentially making you sick.

  • Clean your kitchen sink.

Your Kitchen sinks can get dirty fast. A simple way to avoid rigorous sink scrubbing is to wipe down your sink after every use. With a cleaning wipe, this can take less than 30 seconds! It keeps your sink more hygienic and always sparkling. A combination of lemon juice and salt can help shine your faucets if you don’t have a proper cleaner. Another great use for lemon peels is to put them down the garbage disposal, killing germs and deodorizing. Leaving your sink sparkling and your kitchen smelling fresh!

By continually doing these four steps, along with more in depth house cleaning when you have the time, your house will be looking better in no time. House cleaning does take time, but a few simple things can make all the difference!


Why Cleaning Your Fitness Space Is Part of Staying Healthy

When you think about the benefits you get from your exercise routine, clarity of mind probably ranks near the top of your list. It can clear away mental clutter and let you think of solutions and new ideas. Winter cleaning can refresh your fitness space and enhance the benefits of your workouts. Exercise in a clean and pleasant environment promotes a positive outlook and allows the feel-good hormones to produce amazing benefits.

Adopting the Right Approach

A clean fitness space invites you to visit often as part of staying healthy. While it may not offer as much fun as using spotless equipment in a gym, cleaning everything after each session makes it a joy to return to next time. Sweat and bacteria make your mats, bikes and equipment unattractive, and they produce odors within days or even hours. When you have no time to do a deep clean, you can do a brief wipe-down until you can come back later. The mental clarity you achieve through exercise can contribute to your performance in all areas of your life.

Choosing an Effective Cleaning Process

Keeping your fitness space clean and free of clutter can have a beneficial effect for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. The process that lets you anticipate returning to your favorite workout area requires products that produce the results you want.

  1. Select a disinfectant.

Choose a product that actively kills germs. Even though no one may use the equipment but you, it still needs disinfecting. Statistics show that exercise bikes have many more germs than you may imagine. Some include the bacteria you bring home from the office.

  1. Get rid of bacteria.

Make sure to remove grime and sweat residue from mats and equipment as a key step in staying healthy. Your sweat contains salt and acids that can cause a machine to malfunction.

  1. Leave no trace of cleaners.

Slippery surfaces on exercise equipment can pose hazards when a sure grip provides safety. In addition, the metal on some pieces can rust when damp, and rubber can crack. Moving parts need a wipe-down with a dry towel to keep them working properly.

Establishing a Regular Routine

Until you can schedule a winter cleaning by a professional service, you can enjoy a clean fitness space with a simple routine. Anything in your home can accumulate dust and grime from regular use, but your fitness space adds another factor. Sweat complicates the need for cleaning because of its potential to create odors. A fortunate outcome of maintaining the cleanliness of your fitness area allows you to use it regularly and often.

Using Available Space

Whether you have a room dedicated to your fitness activity or not, you can make staying healthy a primary goal. Many exercise enthusiasts find that a bedroom, office or living room can work perfectly well for the purpose. In addition, proximity to furniture, appliances and decorative objects invites you to clean them too.

After your workout, you can cool down while you wipe away the sweat on the equipment. With the cleaning materials available, you may take the opportunity to remove dust that settled on the objects around you. A goal of keeping your exercise space as inviting as possible can help ensure your regular use of it as an essential measure for your good health.

Tending to Equipment and the Workout Area

Your attention to your bike, treadmill, weights or mats ensures that you can use them without delay the next time you have a workout period. Almost nothing takes the fun out of an activity like having to do a chore before you can enjoy it. An antibacterial spray can clean the bacteria off your equipment to prevent spreading it to anyone else who may share your exercise space.

You can keep the electronic screens free of fingerprints and smears with the damp tissues you use to clean your glasses or smartphone. In addition, run your vacuum around the room at least once a week to gather up any debris, sand or dirt to keep the room looking fresh and well-tended.

Promoting Fresh Air

Odor control can start with laundering fabric mats that can tolerate machine washing. You may eliminate odors from rubber mats by wiping them down with a cloth soaked in nice-smelling dish soap and warm water. The aroma that permeates your fitness area can increase your enjoyment of a workout.

In addition, consistent airflow can help create a pleasant environment for your exercise routine. You have probably noticed the fans that gyms place near activity areas to keep the air flowing. Your AC may accommodate the need to manage your activities in a workout area. However, if you notice that it does not provide the results you prefer, you can use an odor-neutralizing spray. Alternatively, air fresheners and fans clear the air with amazing effectiveness. An oil diffuser with your favorite essential oil can make the exercise experience even more enjoyable.

Letting a Clean Exercise Area Contribute to Your Health

Controlling dust and clutter helps eliminate allergies and respiratory issues, and it affects mental health too. Indoor air quality poses concerns about carpets that trap dust and particles that result from cooking and household chemicals. Good ventilation and weekly vacuuming can help control the quality of the air you breathe.

Finding a Superior Professional Cleaning Service

At Clean and Simple Cleaning, we offer a full spectrum cleaning service to Lynnwood, Washington and surrounding areas. Our commitment to serving the community spans 30 years, and our reputation reflects our dedication to pleasing Snohomish County clients. We offer the services that clients need most often. Our one-time deep cleaning program fills options that satisfy some needs, and recurring house cleaning meets many others. We do move-in/move-out cleaning, COVID-19 disinfecting and office/commercial cleaning as well. You may obtain a free quote by calling 425-673-4733 to get started on a solution to your cleaning needs.


Snow Precautions to Protect House Cleaners and Your Family

Much of the Northwest saw its first snowfall this week. Waking up the first flurries of the year fell from the sky in Mukilteo, which continued on my drive to work through the Lynnwood and Edmonds area.  While snow can excite the kids, create a more traditional holiday season, and stress out drivers, it can also make for a slippery, treacherous mess.

Not only do you want to keep your family safe, keep in mind your friendly house cleaners will be dealing with snow conditions as well. Being a professional house cleaning service means snow is just another obstacle in providing you with a quality house cleaning. If you have a scheduled house cleaning in the near future make sure to keep our house cleaners safe by taking proper snow precautions.

Most people enjoy falling snowflakes when they are safe inside their home with their kids making snowmen in the yard. However, snow can be dangerous if appropriate safety measures aren’t made especially for your house cleaners. Everyone’s had the awesome experience of slipping on ice in their driveway and it never feels good. This is why clearing your driveway is so important when it snows. Professional house cleaners, like the crew at Clean and Simple Cleaning™ never put their cleaning on hold for a little snow but they hope your house is maintained so they’re not put into a dangerous situation. Here are some Snow precautions and tips you can do to keep our house cleaners and your loved ones safe:

  • Always make sure to shovel excess snow off the walkways and use a deicer if needed. Rock salt is commonly used to melt snow and ice off of driveways. While this does melt the snow, there are more eco-friendly ways to stay safe.
  • Stay on top of shoveling and don’t let the snow build up. Snow is much lighter when it is fresh. Moreover, snow  will not strain your body as much if you are doing a little shoveling at a time.
  • Sand is commonly used to help increase traction. This doesn’t melt snow, but it does provide a more eco-friendly way to keep your feet on the ground. Wearing proper boots that provide good traction will also help.
  • Avoid cat litter-some people believe this helps melt or provide traction. While it might help a little it is more expensive than sand and makes for a huge mess when the snow melts. Sand will work just as good if not better!
  • If you must go with rock salt make sure to only apply as much as needed to melt the snow. Many directions call for much more salt than is actually needed wasting your money and hurting the environment.

By using these simple Snow precautions and tips you can keep your driveway clear of snow. Moreover, it will keep you safe and help our house cleaners safely clean your home. Also remember to never rely on electricity! Heavy snowfall can cause power to go out, which in turn disables electric garage doors. If you’re like me and didn’t carry a house key until faced with this circumstance take this as a reminder to always have a spare key or have a friend that holds onto one for you.  If the power does go out make sure you have a generator or alternate form of heat. It is important to ensure that you and your family can keep warm. Taking the necessary steps to prepare for snow can allow you to stay safe and get out and enjoy the beautiful weather!

Cleanings almost always go as scheduled during the Western Washington snow. However, we will never put our house cleaners in danger while getting to your house. If you suspect that snow has caused dangerous driving conditions and are unsure if your cleaning will be cancelled there are a couple ways to check. One way is calling the office, more than likely we will have someone answering calls unless the conditions are unbearable. You can also check local schools, if the Mukilteo School DistrictEdmonds School District or other surrounding schools are canceled for the day more than likely our cleaning schedules will be disrupted because house cleaners are unable to get to work. Remember safety always comes first. Additionally, we hope these tips can keep you, your family, and our house cleaners safe this winter. Wishing you happy holidays from the Clean and Simple Crew.


House Cleaning = Perfect Holiday Gift

House cleaning services make the perfect holiday gift, especially with our specially wrapped gift baskets.  The gift of a clean house is a gift that truly says you care.

Part of gifting house cleaning service is really about time and how we spend or want to spend our time.  Time is precious and once lost can never again be found.

I do not know anyone who would wish to spend their time cleaning the house over watching their kid’s sporting event. Dating their spouse or meeting a friend for coffee. Gifting house cleaning services are giving the gift of time. Moreover, giving it to someone special in your life and time is truly priceless.

Another part of house cleaning service is peace of mind.  When we live busy lives, the house gets messy, and we spend time picking it up instead of cleaning it.  We get behind and start feeling overwhelmed.  Organization and efficiency start to spin out of control and anxiety sets in.

Having a house cleaning service makes staying on top of chores easier as the deep cleaning is being taken care of and the whole home is cleaned at the same time which also eliminates stress which makes it the perfect holiday gift.

Another benefit of having a house cleaning service is living in a sanitary environment. It is not only good for physical health but our mental health too.  Several of our clients often say that after their houses are cleaned that the rest of their life is suddenly more organized too.  I like to point to this as the Clean Factor.  When the house is sanitized and clean, we get sick less often and sleep better.

Time, peace of mind and good health are amazing gifts to give someone you love.  Our gift baskets make it easy too as they are beautifully wrapped and come with all kinds of extras such as gift certificates to local restaurants and spas, candles, chocolates and more.  If you are looking for something a little different then what we have, contact us and we can come up with a customized basket perfect for you!  House cleaning service truly makes the perfect holiday gift.


Easy Home Cleaning Remedies

Home cleaning doesn’t have to involve harmful chemicals or even expensive green cleaning products. There are plenty of products around your home that can also be used to cut through tough grease, deodorize your home, and polish your counters. Home cleaning remedies can come in all forms just make sure to test a small area of what you are cleaning to make sure the surface will not be harmed.

Home Cleaning Remedies


Lemons are my all time favorite ingredient in home cleaning remedies. There are many ways to use lemons from sanitizing to removing stains.

Garbage disposal: Slice the lemons and put the whole slice into the disposal. The juice of the lemon will disinfect and clean the disposal while the rind will release a fresh fruit aroma. It is not harmful to your garbage disposal and will remove any odor causing bacteria.

Laundry: Lemon juice will help brighten whites and colors. Add the juice of one lemon to any load along with your normal detergent.

Counter Tops: A combination of lemon juice and baking soda will clean your counter tops, as well as a store, bought the cleaner. Slice apart the lemon in half and place the exposed part in baking soda. Rub the exposed half over your counter tops; the baking soda will be crude enough to eliminate any residue while the juice will clean and disinfect. Do not use this when cleaning precious gems or stainless steel. The baking soda could scratch or discolor the surface. Remember to always test a small area before applying the mixture to the whole counter.

Cooking Oils

Cooking oils serve as an excellent home cleaning remedy. Oils can be used to polish wood and stainless steel.

Furniture: Wood furniture can quickly take on a dull color when not properly cleaned. An excellent home cleaning remedy for wood is using two parts olive oil to one part lemon juice. Take a clean rag and buff the oil mixture into the wood lightly. Make sure you are not damaging the surface by testing a small area first. Once you apply the oil, you need to take a new clean cloth and wipe the excess oil off of the wood. It will leave your furniture well hydrated and shine like new. You can also utilize white distilled vinegar in place of the lemon juice. Lemon juice gets the dirt out of the furniture while the oil will polish it.

Stainless Steel: Stainless steel can be cleaned by using olive oil on a clean cloth and gently wiping the stainless steel. Make sure to go with the grain of the steel and not use circular motions. Stainless steel is easily scratched, so you want to be very careful when polishing it. Never used paper-based towels when cleaning stainless steels, such as paper towels or napkins. The best thing to use when cleaning stainless steel is a clean or even brand new microfiber cloth.


Vinegar is something even professional cleaners use as home cleaning remedies.  It can be used to clean floors, bathrooms, and even drains.

Floors: Utilize vinegar to clean almost any type of floor. The acidity disinfects and slows the process of mold and bacteria growth keeping your floors cleaner, longer. To clean floors combine a ¼ cup vinegar to a bucket of warm water. Use a clean cloth and the vinegar mixture to wipe floors clean. We recommend not using vinegar on hard wood floors because of possible discoloration. When cleaning hard wood floors, it is best just to use warm water. Or clean hard wood floors using proper hard wood cleaners. Make sure to wipe dry any floor you are cleaning to prevent water spots.

Miscellaneous: Whenever you are out of your usual cleaning product vinegar is a good substitute. Use it to clean toilets, sinks, and counter tops. Always dilute the vinegar as talked about above and use with a clean cloth. If you have a surface that can be easily scratched or you are worried about discoloration always test a small area and research the best cleaning methods.



Add A Charcuterie Board To Your Holiday Party

Charcuterie boards add more to the party than simply being the latest trend.  They can keep your entertaining endeavors, festive and welcoming and clean and simple.   

All the items for a charcuterie board can be prepped and ready to go ahead of time.  Preparing extras makes for refilling boards easy as well as switching out perishables if needed.  

Adding interesting spices and flavors adds to the fun and makes your guest feel special and becomes a conversation starter if your group isn’t well acquainted.  

Charcuterie boards are versatile and can be served as an appetizer, a main course, or even dessert and can be created for any size group.  

Multiple boards can be used to help with party flow, separate foods whether it’s hot/cold, vegan, gluten-free, or sweet/savory.  

Charcuterie boards have such a mixture of items everyone will find something to eat and won’t have to feel uncomfortable if they choose to pass on an item.  

When you use a variety of colors and shapes to create a bountiful board of deliciousness, it is so visually appealing it becomes the centerpiece.  

How to Charcuterie, you ask?

To get started, grab a board!  Any food safe material will work.  The size of course will depend on whether it’s an appetizer or main dish and the size of your party. 

Other items needed are small serving dishes and utensils.  Along with small plates and/or cocktail napkins for serving.  

The food items for a charcuterie board are endless as really anything goes.  A general rule of thumb is to plan for 3oz of cheese and meat per person for an appetizer and 6oz if serving as a main dish.  

Meats: Salami, prosciutto, and pepperoni are commonly used.   

Cheeses: Both hard and soft should be introduced

Spreads: Jelly/Jams, Mustards and Hummus, but don’t rule out honey or chutneys!

Fruits & Vegetables: The opportunities are truly endless.  Our recommendation is to keep it seasonal and try something new!

Crackers & Breads: You can’t go wrong with sliced baguettes, crackers, or pretzels both hard and soft.  Breadsticks can also be a fun addition!

Extras:  Olives, Pickles and of course Nuts are a must!  They round out a board perfectly.  And don’t forget Chocolate!

To arrange your charcuterie board follow these steps and remember there is not a wrong way to charcuterie.

First, place the serving bowls on the board, then place the meat and cheese pairings in different sections.  Connect the meat and cheese pairings with the breads and crackers.  Tuck berries and veggies in the remaining spaces and fill in the nooks and crannies with the nuts, olives and other extras.  The one thing to keep in mind is the moisture of the foods, so you don’t end up with any soggy items.  

Charcuterie boards are a fun, festive and simple trend to add to your holidays. 

Entertaining can be stressful, especially during the holidays.  Get help from Clean and Simple Cleaning.  Whether you are looking for a deep clean or simply a Holiday Clean, calling an experienced cleaning company is the way to go.  With 30 years of experience, Clean and Simple Cleaning will ensure your home is ready for holiday hosting.  

Contact Clean and Simple Cleaning at 425-673-4733 to get on the sparkle schedule for the holidays.  What would you rather be doing this holiday season?  Let our Clean & Simple professionals take care of the cleaning, so you can enjoy and be present with family and friends.  


How To Keep Your Home Smelling Inviting This Holiday Season

Fresh pine, hot apples, and sugar cookies are the smells of the holiday season. During this time, plenty of guests will come into your home for celebrations, meaning you want the interior to smell inviting to all those individuals. What should you do to make your home a nice and cozy environment for holiday gatherings? You will want to incorporate these holiday cleaning tips to create a more inviting home.

#1 – Clean Your Interior

Appliances are well-known sources of odors in the home. When the weather turns colder, you will want to flip on the furnace, which can lead to unpleasant smells. Take time to clean the filters around your home. Allergens, mold, and deterioration in a room can make it hard for someone to breathe. Keep all appliances clean and investigate any strange smells to ensure you have a fresh-smelling home for the holidays.

You might be moving furniture throughout the room when decorating for the holidays. With the rearranging, that is the ideal time to break out the vacuum to clean the carpet and rugs. Winter cleaning means vacuuming up those dust bunnies. You might not realize it, but excessive dust can make any room smell old and musty. Plus, dust and dander are not good for your lungs and could contribute to allergies. If you want a foolproof way to make your home more inviting for the holiday, make sure to do a deep cleaning before anyone arrives for the celebrations.

#2 – Use Fresh Greenery

The holidays mean it is time to break out the decorations. Garland, wreaths, and Christmas trees will add a fresh and clean scent to your interior spaces. These scents can bring a little holiday joy and a touch of elegance to your room. Remember to go easy with scent. Some smells can be overwhelming for visitors, especially if they are sensitive to heavy perfumes or fragrances.

Even when it is not the holidays, you may want to keep plants around the home. Live plants just make the air seem fresher. You can bring some lovely scents into your home with flowers and plants. These natural elements will add a little fresh oxygen to any room, making the space more refreshing, clean, and inviting. However, make sure to take care of them since dead plants can add unwanted odors to your home. When you add plants to your indoor spaces, it will also boost your mental well-being.

#3 – Take Out the Trash

You are bound to build up trash with all the cooking in the kitchen. You never want to let the garbage sit too long in your home. Trash can be a significant source of unpleasant smells in your house. If you want the indoors to smell inviting, take out the garbage and wash the bin. These steps are essential, especially if you have a space for compost or organic materials. Also, deep-clean those drains with baking soda so that no foul smells remain in your kitchen and bathrooms.

#4 – Create Holiday Season Home Scents

If you want a great way to bring pleasant scents into your home, consider making pomander balls with the kids. These balls are citrus fruits that have been pierced with whole cloves. Typically, these crafts use oranges. Sweet citrus and spicy cloves are a natural way to refresh your indoor spaces. To make a pomander ball, you will want to:

  • Carve a design in a grapefruit or orange
  • Poke a row of holes into the skin of the fruit
  • Push the cloves into the holes

These beautiful pomanders can be placed in a bowl as a centerpiece in your home. For those who don’t want to make a pomander ball, consider boiling a pot of various fruits and spices. Simmering a pot of water on the stove will fill your home with autumn smells. A slow cooker can also be used to create the same fragrant scents. You can use the following:

  • Apple peels
  • Orange slices
  • Cranberries
  • Nutmeg
  • Cloves
  • Cinnamon sticks
  • Anise

Don’t forget about baking some treats. Sugar cookies, gingerbread men, and apple pie will put a smile on your guests’ faces. Those smells are the quintessential holiday scents, and they will make your home more inviting for the season.

#5 – Use Natural Elements

Find other ways to introduce natural smells into your rooms. Consider using essential oil during the holiday season. Unlike air fresheners and candles, a few drops of essential oils can create a pleasant smell in your home. For the holiday season, you might want to add a touch of pine. Also, essential oils are safe to use throughout your home without any safety concerns. Plus, they will provide a continuously inviting aroma throughout the holidays.

Over the years, many people turned to bowls of homemade potpourri to add a natural scent to their homes. However, having bowls of potpourri can make your home look cluttered and outdated. Instead, think about using cloth sachets. You can easily create a serene-smelling sachet for your home. Take a small linen bag and add your favorite fragrant elements, such as allspice berries, star anise, cinnamon, and whole cloves. Add these sachets to your living room and kitchen areas.

#6 – Keep the Bathroom Nice and Tidy

Like other spots in the home, you always want to make sure the bathroom is clean for your holiday visitors. Take time to clean the room from top to bottom. A little work can go a long way to make your bathroom look sparkling and smell fresh. Bathrooms also contain a few drains, meaning you will want to clean them as well. These spaces can start to smell if you don’t keep up with the cleaning duties. Often, bathrooms can smell like mildew because there could be a leak near the toilet or sink. You will want to clean up any spills, wipe the cabinets and sinks, and mop the floors. Along with that, place some holiday-scented soaps to add a little seasonal freshness to those areas.

Get Help from Clean and Simple Cleaning

The holidays can be hectic with cooking, shopping, decorating, and entertaining. If you have too much to do during the holidays, call an experienced cleaning company. These professionals will ensure your home is ready for holiday hosting. During the holidays, you want to spend time with family and friends. If you don’t have the time to complete those deep cleaning jobs, contact Clean and Simple Cleaning for a bit of holiday help. We will ensure that your indoor spaces will continue to smell fresh and clean for the season. Call us today at 425-673-4733 to request a quote and schedule an appointment.


Local, women-owned small business celebrates 30 years in business

Promoting Work/Life Balance by both providing residential house cleaning services to clients along with being a compassionate employer offering growth and opportunity throughout the years has been owner, Stacie Sutton’s, driving force.

LYNNWOOD,WA  – November 3, 2022  – Clean and Simple Cleaning, a residential and commercial cleaning company celebrates their 30th year in business.  Owner, Stacie Sutton, embraced her entrepreneurial spirit and her desire to serve others and started cleaning houses full time after leaving her corporate job.  ‘Going all in – can be scary, but I wanted to take control of my future and knew I had both the drive and work ethic to make this business work,’ reflects Sutton, ‘I wanted to find my own work/life balance, however, my passion to serve and help others has always been significant.’

Over the years, Clean and Simple Cleaning grew in size and Sutton hired employees to do the cleaning and spent most of her time on marketing and human resources.  ‘There is a great responsibility as an employer, especially in the service industry to be fair and compassionate and ensure quality and trustworthiness on both the customer and employee sides.’  Sutton is most proud of her integrity and continued growth and success as she has balanced both.

Her success is evident not simply because Clean and Simple Cleaning was able to sustain itself through two recessions and the height of the covid pandemic, but several of the clients from day one are still with the company and Sutton often hears from past employees expressing gratitude for their time at Clean and Simple.  ‘It is a joy to watch people grow and thrive both at Clean and Simple and beyond,’ states Sutton.

One of those employees, Ezra Rash, believes what he learned during his Clean & Simple journey enabled him to propel himself to being a semester away from graduating law school. Rash shared, ‘Clean and Simple provided me support and encouragement. Having people believe in me when I wasn’t ready to fully believe in myself yet, encouraged and empowered me to pursue dreams that I otherwise wouldn’t have believed could be for me.’

“Clean and Simple Cleaning at its base level is cleaning houses, but truly it is so much more.  It’s providing a service that promotes healthy living and time for families to spend together and to enjoy the activities they love,” shares Jen Hoerber, Business Manager. “We believe in its importance and strive to always improve.”

Work/Life balance allows for a more sustainable and healthy lifestyle which has even become more prevalent after pandemic life.  Clean and Simple Cleaning was built on this foundation and has grown over the past 30 years and Sutton along with her employees believes and is motivated to keep growing and thriving in service to their employees and their clients.

Clean and Simple CleaningTM

Clean and Simple Cleaning is a woman-owned, local small business that has been serving Snohomish County for 30 years.  Our personalized residential and commercial service is backed with a 24-hour quality guarantee.  To find out more about our residential recurring service, one-time cleanings, move-in/out or commercial cleanings, visit  Call today to discuss our services in detail or book your cleaning at 425-673-4733.

Jen Renee Hoerber
Business Manager, Clean and Simple Cleaning