
Showing Flat Stanley the Pacific Northwest

I got reminded how fun acting like a tourist in the place where you live is and how amazing the Pacific northwest truly is.  Flat Stanley* is visiting us from IL which is where we lived before moving to Washington 8 1/2 years ago.

When we first moved here, we did all of the touristy things. However, the longer we live here all of the neat things the pacific northwest has to offer to seem reasonable. Moreover, we do not always take the time to enjoy them.  It was time to act like a tourist. Additionally, go on some adventures, and Flat Stanley gave us the push we needed.

We, of course, had to take Flat Stanley to Seattle!  We stopped by the Space Needle. Snapped a picture before heading to Pike’s Place Market.  I always find there is no better place to indulge your senses than at Pike’s Place.  The smell of seafood and donuts to seeing the beautiful colored flowers and fruit.

And, let us not forget fish flying, hearing the different street musicians as you walk around just makes you feel alive.

The employees at the fish market and our favorite fruit stand, Sergio’s, are very familiar with Flat Stanley and did some great poses with him.

Our next adventure was one of my boys’ request.  We headed to the Fremont Troll.  They climbed all over the troll under the bridge and even stuck their heads up the troll’s nose.  Flat Stanley smiled nicely for the picture but needed dusting off afterward.

This week we are going to the Tulip fields to take another photo with Flat Stanley and take in the rows and rows of beautiful colored tulips.  I remember going for the first time and being amazed and am looking forward to going back.  Tulips fields are a lot prettier than corn fields.

We plan on taking Stanley to the Edmonds waterfront and get a picture with one of the ferries and Everett’s navy base as well.  And of course, Flat Stanley will be taking a trip or two or three to Starbucks.  My boys have also decided that we need to send Flat Stanley back to IL with an umbrella and a Seahawks jersey too!

Where would you take Flat Stanley if he visited you?  

*Flat Stanley is a 1964 children’s book written by Jeff Brown and originally illustrated by Tomi Ungerer. It is the first in a series of books featuring Stanley Lambchop who becomes flat as a pancake after an accident and then gets to go on adventures to different places by being sent in the mail.  As a learning project in 2nd grade, many schools in the country have each child send a Flat Stanley to someone in another part of the country or world to go on adventures and then send them back with information about that place teaching them about the country and the world.


Outside Spring Cleaning Tips – Focusing on the Yard

Outside spring cleaning is necessary and taking care of your yard and deck are a big part of getting ready for the warmer weather.  The yard and deck/patio are not going to be ready for the barbeques without a little work after the winter season. So, follow these outside spring cleaning tips for your home.

First, get rid of the wet leaves and debris that are covering your flower beds and grass.  Then clean up the flower beds with getting all the weeding done.  It is a perfect time to add bark, rocks or the ground covering of your choice to all the flower beds too.

Pressure wash the deck/patio using the specialized cleaning solution to remove stains, dirt, and mildew.  When cleaning surfaces, consider re-staining or adding a protective coating if applicable to your material.

Your outside furniture is surely going to need some attention too.  Get rid of cobwebs and dirt with a broom or rag.  Depending on the type of furniture you have will depend on the best way of cleaning it.

Lastly, bring out your grill.  Use a degreaser and a wire brush to remove all of the build-ups and get it ready for the bar-b-ques.

Sprucing up the yard and deck/patio area are an excellent way to get the outside of your home ready for spring and summer.  Click here for more suggestions for outside spring cleaning for your home.  Let the bar-b-queuing begin!


Spring Cleaning for Outside Your Home

It’s spring and as the sun decides to show itself more and more, you will want to start getting the outside of your home ready to enjoy.  Spring cleaning for outside your home is important in the general maintenance of your home and will help prevent damage over time.

You will first want to tackle your windows.  Check your screens for any holes or damage. Then, repair or replace it as needed. If the conditions of your screens are good, take them off and gentle rinse outside with a hose.  You can gently rub them with a soft brush. Then, use some soapy water if needed.  Clean the outside of glass windows before inside. As it helps see dirt and smudges more easily.

Spring Cleaning for Outside Your Home includes cleaning your gutters. It is another chore that one should do as part of outside spring cleaning. As it will lessen your chance of water damage.  Use a stable ladder, to climb up and remove all leaves, twigs, and other debris that has made its way into your gutters.  Make sure to wear gloves for protection and consider using some sort of a scoop.

Take a look at your shutters, trim, and doors and decide if they need to be freshened up. it is because the weather can take a toll on paint jobs.  Consider a new bold color or adding new light fixtures or a new mailbox to help increase the curb appeal of your home.  Make sure to check with your homeowner’s association if applicable before major changes or additions are done.

Tackling your garage may be a big project but will make a big difference once complete.  Organize your garage by assigning zones for different types of storage and/or uses.  Install cabinets, shelves, or hooks to help store things efficiently and make sure to get rid of anything you no longer need or use.

Spring cleaning isn’t just for the inside of your home, but the outside as well.  Spring is the perfect time to prioritize many of the chores that one needs to do. Moreover, it will help you get ready to enjoy the warmer weather and summer parties.


Maximize Your House Cleaning Experience

There are a few things that you, as the homeowner, can do before the house cleaners get there to help us work more efficiently. So, you can maximize your house cleaning experience.

Clean – What does it mean?  The definition states clean is ‘free from dirt, unsoiled, unstained and free from pollution.’  Cleaning is a house cleaner’s job, and we go through training to be able to do it well and efficiently.  Picking up underwear and other items is not what we are there for, which brings us to my first tip.

Tip #1: Pick up all belongings and put them away.

As the saying goes: The more surfaces area that is free from items, the more surfaces that one can sanitize.  Besides wouldn’t you rather walk into not only a clean home after work but a neat and orderly home as well.  On top of that, if your house cleaners spend the time picking up belongings the less time your home is getting cleaned.

Tip #2: House cleaners prefer cleaning when nobody is home!

Understandably some people do not feel comfortable with people in their home when they are not there or need to work in their homes, which I understand.  However, if you can manage not being home during your house cleaning, your house cleaners will thank you.  Going into your home with you there can make us feel uneasy since we are touching your belongings. Additionally, we are in a foreign place and we are trying to satisfy you the customer.  Even if you are not watching us, it can feel like you are and it can be stressful.  When no one is home, we can more comfortably focus at the task at hand; cleaning your home!

Tip #3:  Make things accessible.

We want to make each client happy and provide customized cleanings, so help us by making the things you want accessible.  If you want your garbage taken out, please leave out garbage bags or let us know where they are at.  We understand clients don’t want to throw a piece of garbage away only to find that there is not a garbage bag, but we need one left to be able to put one in.  Also make sure your main garbage bin is easy to find or let us know where it is.  If you want certain products used, leave them out where we can see them and we will always be happy to use them.

These are a few tips that will aid you to maximize your house cleaning experience and will hopefully put a smile on your face when you walk through the door to your clean home!  If there are extra items you would like to be included in part of your cleanings, call our office.


Vacuuming Upholstered Furniture

Even though upholstered furniture hides dirt well, the grime and crumbs from daily life are still there. and if you have pets, their hair is too.  Regularly vacuuming your upholstered furniture will help eliminate the dirt in your house. It also helps with the upkeep of your furniture.

How frequently you need to vacuum upholstered furniture depends on how often you use the furniture. Also, what the snack factor is.  It is evident, the couch in front of the television is where children hang out daily. Additionally, it is where you have movie nights. It requires a higher frequency of vacuuming than the chair in the corner of the formal living room that completes the design of the chamber.  For high traffic areas (especially the beloved pet’s favorite spot or places with a high snack factor) we recommend weekly or bi-weekly.  For those low traffic rooms, every month or two is sufficient.

When vacuuming your upholstered furniture, you will need to use different attachments to your vacuum cleaner for the best results.  Use the upholstery attachment for your vacuum for basic vacuuming.  Remove cushions if applicable and work from top to bottom left to right.  Put cushions back in place after cleaning all sides of each one.  Remember to change the suction-level lower when cleaning delicate fabrics.

When necessary, use the crevice vacuum attachment tool for corners and edges.  This small, flat head removes dust from tight spots and works well on upholstered furniture and several areas of the house too.  On leather furniture, the dust brush attachment works best and keeps your leather furniture safe with its soft brush edge.

Vacuuming upholstered furniture is an important key to keeping your house at its most cleanliness state.  Contact our office or ask during your in house estimate about including this service to any of our house cleanings.


8 Ways to Freshen Your Home for Spring

Spring is almost officially here so it is time to get your home feeling fresh, airy and light.  Changing out a few things can quickly freshen up your home and get your home and you ready for the season change.  Here are Clean and Simple Cleaning™‘s top 8 ways to freshen your home for spring.

  • Change out your area rugs.

Better yet, try layering a slightly smaller rug on to your standard decor rug to add color and a freshness to room and also adding a comfort, layered put together look.  Also consider putting a standard rug in front of your sink in your guest or master baths instead of a traditional bathroom rug.  They will hold up just fine and give a new look and feel to your bathrooms.

  • Change out or add more throw pillows.

Adding pillows in bright colors and funky patterns will instantly add new energy to your room. Don’t forget to add white to help add a lightness to your room.

  • Add life to your space by bringing in flowers and/or greenery.

Displaying fresh fruit or vegetables is also a great way to do this.

  • Change out window coverings to a light airy fabric.

Letting in more natural light will definitely help you welcome in the new season!

  • Change out your accessories.

This doesn’t have to cost you anything as just moving things around and putting different items even from different rooms together to make a fresh new display does the trick.  Throw in a little spring fling with a quote placed in a picture frame, flowers, or an easter decoration to complete the transformation.

  • Change out artwork.

This could be as easy as switching out the photograph of your kids with their snowman to your favorite photo with their easter baskets on their heads from a few years back or simple showcasing decorative paper, spring quotes or flower artwork in inexpensive frames.

  • Change out linens and towels.

There is nothing quite like having fresh new bed linens and towels so treat yourself to some plush new linens this spring.  It will instantly add freshness to your space and possibly your attitude too.

  • Organize your space.

No matter what you do to change out your decor your house will not feel fresh and relaxing. Well, it will not, unless you organize it.  Take some time to get the book shelf back into its desired state. As well as getting the closets switched around and donate anything that you are no longer wanting or using.

The trending top spring color this year are turquoise, tomato red, deep blue, apple green, and vivid yellow. However, it is most important that you fill your house with colors you love not what is trending.

Check out our Spring Time Pinterest board for more ideas and leave us a comment below of how you update your decor for spring.


Clean & Simple™ Cleaner Earns Top Industry Certification

February 17, 2014 – Lynnwood, WA — Clean and Simple Cleaning™, Inc proudly announces employee, Chanelle Parton recently earned her house training certification from The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration (IICRC) located in Vancouver, Washington.

Receiving the house cleaning technician certification consists of attending a House Cleaning Technician course. It also provides the knowledge and understanding through scientific applications. Moreover, proven methods for proper cleaning maintenance of a residential home. This course also gets supplements with additional on-the-job training and field experience.  So, to earn the certification, one needs to pass an exam.

Parton has worked at Clean and Simple Cleaning™ for 2 and a half years.  “There are so many reasons why we value Chanelle. Also, she not only comes to work every day with a positive attitude, but all the cleaners enjoy working with her.

No matter what life throws at her day in and day out, she embraces it and delivers excellent service to our clients,” states Clean and Simple Cleaning™’s owner, Stacie McMillan.

Parton, who lives in Everett, feels more capable servicing clients after certification.  “Being certified is great. Because not only do I physically know how to clean and get the job right, now I have the knowledge behind it,” said Parton.  ‘I feel more confident in my cleaning.’

Both staff and management at Clean and Simple Cleaning™ are very proud of Parton and her most recent accomplishment.  Parton joins four other employees at Clean and Simple Cleaning™ who have received certification.

About Clean and Simple Cleaning™

For over 20 years, Stacie McMillan, proprietor of Clean and Simple Cleaning™, and her crew have had deep roots in the communities of South Snohomish and North Kings Counties, Washington. In this age of big-box stores and corporate franchises, Clean and Simple Cleaning™ is happy to be an independent, locally-owned housecleaning business that prides itself on excellence.

About the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration (IICRC)

The IICRC is a non-profit certifying and standard-setting organization. Dedicated to fostering industry standards by which consumers can receive the highest quality of service from trained, knowledgeable, professional technicians.


Owner to serve on ARCSI Board of Directors

Clean and Simple Cleaning™, Inc is with great pride announces owner, Stacie McMillan, will serve a 3-year term on Association of Residential Cleaning Services International – ARCSI board of directors starting January 2014.

ARCSI consists of residential cleaning companies, both large and small, new and old and representatives of our Industry Partners. The members are dedicated to continually striving to reach new levels of professionalism. Additionally, personal success and helping others do the same.

ARCSI holds conventions each year which McMillan and several members of her staff have attended since the first one in 2004.  She has also attended over half a dozen executive leadership conferences sponsored by ARCSI.

“The networking and education at conventions and conferences have had a direct impact on our growth over the last 6-7 years. We have tripled our gross sales. Moreover, during the process have been able to offer more competitive wages and benefits to our employees,” states McMillan.      

The association is a valuable resource for networking and changes in the house cleaning industry.  McMillan claims, “ARCSI’s membership is one of the best I have experienced in my work history. The business owners are transparent and the friendships developed over the years and across the nation are priceless!”

ARCSI President and proprietor of Custom Maid in Virginia, Allison Palmer, look forward to the massive agenda this year.  “Stacie McMillan will be playing a vital role in our plan.  We will be presenting our Executive Leadership Conference in San Diego February 28 through March 1. Furthermore, this summer we will be taking our show on the road to six cities: Tampa, New York, St. Louis, Washington, DC, Portland Oregon and San Antonio.  The Summer Success Series will aim at smaller, newer house cleaning businesses who want to improve their level of professionalism.”

Palmer adds, “Stacie has been very interested in the Association for many, many years. Including massive support in our convention committees. Also, I look forward to serving with her and our other board members from across the country.”

“I think being elected to the board will be a great adventure. Additionally, I am looking forward to participating in keeping up with industry changes and having input in directing our association toward the future,” states McMillan. “I am proud to be able to be giving back to the association that has given so much to our industry.”

About Clean and Simple Cleaning™

For over 20 years, Stacie McMillan, proprietor of Clean and Simple Cleaning™, and her crew have had deep roots in the communities of South Snohomish and North Kings Counties, Washington. In this age of big box stores and corporate franchises, Clean and Simple Cleaning™ is proud to be an independent. And locally-owned house cleaning business that prides itself on excellence.

About the Association of Residential Cleaning Services International (ARCSI)

ARCSI was built to assist residential cleaning service owners and professionals in starting, promoting, building and expanding their residential cleaning businesses. ARCSI is committed to providing valuable information to ensure the growth and development of our members’ businesses.


10k Run Training Challenges

My second week of the 10k run training is in the books, and I am thankful that I started the 12-week training session with more than 12 weeks before the Inspiring Hope Run as my week did not go as planned. 

Some of many 10k Run Training Challenges of week 2 was that my kids were sick, so my time was cut short. Another one is that I was not able to leave my house to run due to other reasons. Finding time is a constant struggle for me especially being a single, working mom.  I am determined though to make myself and my health a priority. Also to make time, but when the kids are sick, there is not too much I can do.

There were two times this past week when I was called home in the middle of a run/walk and cross training at the gym.  (Of course, my son called me back on the run where I was feeling great. My feet were like feathers and not the one where I felt like I had bricks tied to my feet.  It always works out that way, right?)  Besides the couple workouts that were cut short, I also had a run scheduled but couldn’t leave the house due to my youngest being at home.

I have decided to redo week 2 of the 10k run training this week. It is to make sure I am ready to move on.  Also, I think it will be best to take it slow at the beginning. Additionally, to only push myself later in the training if needed.  I don’t want to get frustrated with myself or worse get injured.

Even though I am scratching the week, I did have a win.  I didn’t go as far as I was supposed to, but I did run, and the day I wasn’t able to go on a run, I did a workout at home to replace it.  The first sign of determination and the fact a habit might be forming is a win, so I am taking it and will run with it this week.

The healthy living program is having a redo week this week too.  Last week’s challenge was to write down everything we eat so we could track our decisions and portions.  There wasn’t a lot of success with it, so we are trying it again this week.  Tracking food intake is important. It is because it allows us to see what we are eating. Additionally, sometimes it might even influence us to make better decisions.

Leave a comment with a tip for food and activity tracking. We will send you a copy of our tracking booklet.


Super Bowl Party Ideas

The Seattle Seahawks are on their way to Super Bowl XLVIII! So, it’s time for the 12th man to plan a super bowl party.   Here are a few Super Bowl Party Ideas to make your Seattle Seahawks Super Bowl viewing party both fun and festive.

Image result for Super Bowl XLVIII partyBe creative with your Super Bowl party ideas, most especially in the food category. You cannot have a football party (or any party, really!) without food.   Wings and nachos always go well with football. However, also try to incorporate the team’s colors and foods shaped like footballs. Cheese balls and crackers, chocolate covered strawberries or cake, are great examples!  Mini food is a huge trend and just plain fun!

The primary activity is obviously watching the big game. However, having commercial bingo or a football pool going can add to the excitement. Furthermore, it includes any guests who might not be into the actual game.  A round or two of “Don’t Say Football,” where each guest is given a small paper football and told they are not allowed to say the word “football” while in conversation throughout a given span of time is also fun. If a guest hears someone use the word, he or she takes the football from the offending party. The individual who collects the most footballs is the winner. If you have younger guests at your party, have them play a round or two of hot potato with a football or have a football throwing contest outside.

Check out our Super Bowl 2014 Pinterest board for more great and excellent Super Bowl Party Ideas!

Clean and Simple Cleaning™ can also help get you ready for the party or back to normal afterward with a special occasion cleaning.  We are offering 12% off any special occasion cleaning from now through Feb 7th.  Call us today to schedule using the code ’12th Man’.