
Supporting the Fight Against Breast Cancer

This past weekend was the Seattle 3 Day Susan G Komen Walk to raise money for breast cancer.  Clean and Simple Cleaning™ loves the sea of pink (not only because we could easily camouflage in with them) because of the hardcore dedication it represents to fight against this horrible disease.

Clean and Simple Cleaning™ has been supporting breast cancer since the company was started in through programs, donations and sponsorships.  We will be highlighting the different organizations we have and continue to work with throughout October.  I personally was reminded why it is so crucial to keep supporting breast cancer by a friend who just walked 60 miles when asked to complete the following task…

Write down 8 names of women who are important to you.  Coming up with 8 women who are important is pretty easy. So, go ahead and write a second list of 8 names of women who have been blessings in your life.

You should now be looking at 16 names of beautiful women who have enriched your life and helped form who you are today.

Circle 2 names on your paper of women whom you are ready to watch battle breast cancer.

My pen didn’t move.  A tear fell from my eye.  I didn’t want to imagine.  I was terrified.

Terrified because the truth is…

1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in our lifetime.

We believe in the importance of taking care of those who are battling and supporting prevention so others don’t have to face the battle.  Clean and Simple Cleaning™ is proud to help fight against cancer.

Check back with Clean and Simple Cleaning™ throughout the month of October. Find out more about how we support breast cancer including information about our 3rd annual Deanie Douglas Housecleaning Award.


Increase Your Efficiency in the Kitchen with 3 Pantry Organization Tips

Here are three Pantry Organization Tips to increase your efficiency in the kitchen.  Having an organized pantry will save you time and money since you will no longer waste time to search for items or waste money on buying duplicates of items.

Pantry Organization Tips

1. Remove everything from the shelves of your pantry, so you can easily start sorting the items and thoroughly wipe down all of the shelves including the corners.

2. Next, begin to sort by grouping like items together; such as baking supplies, kids lunch box items, etc…  Make sure to get rid of any items that are expired or suspicious looking. This will immediately free up some space in your pantry.

3. Place the grouped items into plastic trays or bins for easy access. Slide the bins/trays back into the pantry placing the most used items at eye level and in the front.  For some items, it might be easier to add shelves with different levels rather than trays or bins as it is easier to see all items when they are on tiered shelving.  Make sure to add labels to your bins. It to make it easier to keep liked items grouped and find the items quickly.

Another general guideline to increase efficiency in the kitchen is to add a shopping list pad of paper in the pantry, so you can quickly jot down those pantry staples you are running low on.  This will allow you to always have your pantry stocked with the desired items.

It doesn’t take too much time or energy to follow these pantry organization tips. However, in the long run, they will save you money and time making you more efficient and hopefully more at ease.


Start of School

The start of school is upon us. Which means gone are the relaxing days of summer, and the busy fall schedules are in full force.  I often find that with the start of school, we often try to change our ways a bit, sort of like new years resolutions.  It is a new start, so we set goals of being organized, meal planning, new exercise regimen, implementing homework hour and yes keeping our houses cleaner.

We tell ourselves that we have a strict schedule to adhere to with the start of school. So, we will be able to do all these things. Some of us even think we will do them all perfectly and some of us gave up that hope a long time ago!

There will be enough time to plan. Furthermore, prepare healthy meals for our families and go to the gym on top of sports practices, homework and club meetings.  We start rationalizing things like house cleaning will be easier.

All because the kids are in school and we will spend less time in the house. Alternatively, the rain is coming. So, we will not want to spend our time outside in the garden or to go on hikes and bike rides.

I have fallen into these traps before and I have seen my friends do it too, and sadly it usually doesn’t work out that well.  Houses get dirtier when you are going in and out more times.

The added foot traffic increases the dirt coming in, and the hurriedness of most fall schedules also get us off track with picking up after ourselves.  Then when it is time to clean, more time is spent picking up and putting away than actual deep cleaning.  (Yes, I am the proud Mother of two energetic and active boys!)

There are many items on the calendar. Moreover, we know we will eventually start hearing about how many days it has been since we have seen the sun. Moreover, we will start thinking about what we would rather be doing and feeling overwhelmed by our to do lists and new schedules.

To help lessen the stress of the start of school, Clean and Simple Cleaning™ is offering a Back to School special.  Let us help. Whether it is adding an extra cleaning on your rotation or a one time cleaning to get things ready for the school year or better yet starting regular service to help keep the house clean on an on-going basis throughout the year. You can save 20% on a cleaning scheduled this month using promo code SCHOOL TIME CLEAN.

Clean and Simple Cleaning™ understands a change in schedules can mix up the cleaning routine.  We know the start of school, along with all the other classes, clubs and sports starting up can be overwhelming just as much as exciting.  We live it day to day too, and we want to help.

Call us today 425-673-4733 to schedule a one-time cleaning or fill out an estimate request form for regular service.

CLEANING TIPS In the Home In the Kitchen

Cleaning Stainless Steel Appliances

Stainless steel appliances and even counter tops and sinks have become very popular in the past few years, and the trend seems to be continuing.  I agree stainless steel appliances give a clean, sleek appearance to a kitchen, but scratches and fingerprints can easily take over and ruin the look.

If you search online or ask your friends on Facebook, you will probably hear water, Windex or even baby oil as the best stainless steel cleaners.  All of these may work, but here are some cleaning tips from Clean & Simple Cleaning to always keep the stainless steel in your home looking great.

Cleaning Stainless Steel Appliances

Routine cleaning of Stainless Steel

One can accomplish it by using warm water and a cloth. It is the least risky option for cleaning stainless steel. Furthermore, honestly, just plain water works to clean in most situations.  Wipe down the appliances when you notice marks.

Dry Appliances and Stainless Steel Surfaces

Make sure to dry stainless steel with a towel or cloth after cleaning or spill to prevent water spots. It is essential since minerals in water can leave marks on stainless steel.

Follow the Stainless Steel Grain

Wipe in the directions of the polish lines for best and most beautiful results and to eliminate scratching the surface.

Use Microfiber Cleaning Cloths

These cloths are a great option to use when cleaning stainless steel. It is because Microfiber cleaning cloths do a great job in absorbing all of the water. Also, microfiber cleaning cloths are gentle, so it does not scratch.

Use Specialized Stainless Steel Cleaner

Use a specialized stainless steel cleaner for a polished clean on a continual basis.  You should spray it directly on the cloth to control how much you use, eliminate getting any residue on the floor or cabinets and eliminate drip marks on the stainless steel surface.  Clean & Simple Cleaning uses Sprayway’s Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish.


House cleaning for Dogs owners

House cleaning for Dogs owners is not impossible. However, it does require some changes in your cleaning routine.

When I recently broke down and said yes to getting a dog, I felt like I was relatively prepared.  Personally, I had had several conversations about the responsibilities that go along with having a pet.  I had made sure there was room in my budget for the extra expenses such as food, vet bills, and the like.

I had researched the best products for dogs, talked to friends about their dogs, and decided on a training class that my boys and I could take our new four-legged member of the family to.  Then we got her, and I realized I was not really prepared at all.

Our sweet Misty Girl does not always make it outside to go to the bathroom. I knew that was going to be the case, but she did well the first few days. So, I got my hopes up!), she will not come down the stairs by herself, but oh how she loves going up them, and my house just didn’t smell as fresh as before, and my floors were in need of constant cleaning.

She does like to play with the boys, comes running to the door to greet me,  gives puppy hugs and kisses and overall is a sweet, smart and well-behaved puppy who we are all in love.  So, here are a few pointers I have found when  House cleaning for Dogs owners.

House cleaning for Dog Owners

  • Baking soda is an easy and inexpensive way to keep your carpets smelling fresh.

    • Sprinkle a small amount on the carpet and let it sit for a few hours and then simply vacuum it up.
  • Freshen up the house with baking soda is to make your air freshener.

    • Combine 1/4 cup baking soda with water in a spray bottle and shake well.  (You can add vanilla extract, cinnamon or essential oils as well)  The baking soda absorbs the pet (or other unpleasant) odor.  Vinegar sprayed in the air also takes away dog smells.
  • Place a fabric softener sheet next to your pet’s favorite spots.

    • We decided not to let Misty up on furniture. However, she already found her favorite spots to lay around the house. One of her spots is right next to the couch.  I placed a fabric softener sheet under the cushion next to where she lays to also fight against the doggie odor.  She also has a blanket that she lays on which I make sure to wash weekly.
  • Put mats both inside and outside the door to cut down the dirt from even entering the house

    • There is a lot more in and out of the house now, so we have made a habit for her (HA! really it is a habit for the humans of the house!) to wipe her paws at the door. It is also recommended to put mats in the  inside and outside the door to cut down the dirt from even entering the house.
  • Clean up accidents immediately, so your dog does not think that that spot is her/his toilet.

    • Don’t use cleaners with ammonia as they smell like urine to dogs.  A homemade cleaner you can use for pet accidents is fairly simple to make. It consists of mixing 1 quart of hot water, one teaspoon of dish soap and one teaspoon white vinegar.  Blot the area with towels, wet with the homemade cleaner and let it sit for 15 minutes before you blot again.
  • Always keep a mat under their food bowl to help with easy cleanup and to keep most of the food/water debris off of your floor.

  • Vacuum fairly often.

    • I have increased my vacuuming since Misty joined our household to every two days.  It is not a deep cleaning type of vacuuming but does cut down on fur. Which is not too big of a problem yet, but know as she grows, so will the hair issue.

Keeping a house clean when you have pets is not necessarily harder. Furthermore, not impossible but, it does require different routines.  A little training for your dog and yourself (and kids!) will help ensure you succeed at maintaining a clean house.


Anti-Burglary Home Protection Tips – Part 4

Here is the next entry of home protection tips in our anti-burglary home protection blog series. Homeowners should make it hard for burglars to hide and install a home security alarm system. It seems relatively straightforward. However, is an important home protection tip since thieves are more likely to attempt breaking into a house where it is easy for them not to be seen and is free from surveillance.

Anti-burglary Home Protection Tips to make it hard for burglars to hide

  • Trimming down or removing shrubbery next to doors or windows.
  • Use thorny plants next to the house like holly or roses.
  • Utilize outside security lighting and make sure to pay attention to burn outs.
  • Use motion detecting lights as lights coming on will make burglar uncomfortable and neighbors are more likely to notice the change in lights then constant lighting.  If you have a tall security fence in the backyard, we firmly recommend motion detection lights in the back of your house as well.

Home Security Alarm System Home Protection Tips

  • Use the sign/window decal that shows your house is under protection and ensure sure they remain visible.
  • Choose a home security system that covers windows and doors.  Some systems include glass-break sensors and sudden shock waves too.
  • Do not post your code next to or on the home security alarm keypad.

Clean and Simple Cleaning™ Summer Newsletter

Just over three years ago, I got myself talked into trying a “Try-a-Tri” triathlon in beautiful Lake Chelan. I had never even considered “swimming” as an activity I would do as part of my athletic adventures.  But, what the heck!

I signed up and learned how to swim!  The next summer, I did an Olympic distance triathlon, and then last fall did my first “half iron” distance triathlon.  I guess it can be an addiction of some sort.  At any rate when IRONMAN Canada announced moving its location to my favorite ski resort I thought….I must give this a shot!

Wow! IRONMAN in beautiful Whistler BC.  So, the “buzz” went full circle, and at least 20 of us from Mukilteo/Edmonds area all signed up the same day registration opened.  Thank you endurance sports NW for creating a real “club” like feeling where I got to meet other nut cases…LoL.

Training  for IRONMAN Canada has been exhausting, fun and a tremendous learning experience.  I think the biggest surprise and most challenging part for me has been the nutrition aspect of the sport.  Nutrition is huge for longer endurance and is very calculated for each. To get through a 15 hour + event, you need consistent nutrition but different types during different parts.  Every body is different, and I had to learn to listen to my body and figure out how different foods and supplements impact it.  Dehydration is not fun either….does not work well for me anyway!

I am excited to participate in the Ironman.  Races especially the huge ones like this one, is when you completely feel your fitness come together.  Plus, I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I was nervous too.  I am nervous about all the things that can go wrong….a lot of stuff could go wrong.

I have anxiety about the water, and the crowd in the swim during this sold out event!  Additionally, I also know that I have put in the training, am physically capable and mentally healthy.  Furthermore, I am prepared and worked hard to get to this point and am ready to participate in Ironman Canada on August 25th with my bib # 896.

This will be an especially significant event to celebrate my 50th birthday just five days later, and it has been wonderful bonding time with my younger sister as she is also participating in this event.

It will be her third Ironman!  I was telling our mother she would be about 4 hours ahead of me and she said: “why”?  REALLY????  She is done it for years, and she is younger was my response.  My goal? To FINISH!

FAMILY In the Home

Decorating with Photographs

Adding personal touches to your home decor helps turn a house into a home, there is nothing more personal than family photos.

Decorating with photographs can easily fit into any design scheme and style.  Photos tell a story about our lives and family and truly add beauty and energy to every home.

According to Urban Utopia Photography’s, owner and photographer, Dana McGlocklin, “The best advice I can give for what “type” of photos to have in your home is the simplest..what makes you happy? What makes you think?”

Reflect on the room itself and what feeling you would like to create and pick images that portray that.  The number of photos you display in a room or the size depends on the space.  Large photos can add a dramatic impact, but sometimes a grouping of photos tell the story better than just one image.  “I have never had a client wish they would have ordered a smaller photograph but have had some wish they would have spent the money for a larger print,” added McGlocklin.

One of the hardest things about decorating with photographs in your house is deciding how often you should change them out.  “As a professional photographer who balances images throughout her home between posed, editorial and lifestyle photos of my kids, family, and surroundings, I’m constantly updating. Which means other rooms and hallways are always getting additions,” states McGlocklin.  Another way to handle updating photos but still being able to keep your favorites close by is having coffee table books made.

Portrait photography trends change frequently.  According to McGlocklin, “lifestyle photography seems to be very popular right now. Real moments. Daily memories. Having a photo on the dining room wall of your family making pizza, for instance, is a conversation piece as well as a memory.”

It all goes back to the feeling and mood you want to create in a room. The story you want to share not only with people who visit your home but your family as well.  Seeing your family posing perfectly in a traditional family picture is special, but also seeing your family working and laughing together provokes a feeling, memory, it tells a story.  Decorating with photographs is an excellent way to make your house, your home.

Urban Utopia Photography is a local, on-location, natural light custom photographer.


Part 3 – Protecting Your Home from Burglars

Making it hard to break in is our next tip for ‘protecting your home from burglars’ series.  One of the top items on thieves list is easy to access, so it is important to make it hard for a thief to break in.

Follow these tips in protecting your home from burglars:

  • Do not leave doors and windows unlocked.
  • Do not leave a key outside where anyone can find it easily.
  • Use a metal or wooden rod in the track on sliding glass patio doors to prevent from sliding open.
  • Place stops in your windows so that it would be difficult to open over 6 inches. However, make it so only if everyone in your house is aware of and able to disable it. So in case of an emergency evacuation, they can do so.
  • Never leave a ladder that can be used to access the roof or a second story window outside or in an unlocked shed.
  • Trim back tree branches and limbs that hang over the roof of your home. Alternatively, you can also remove any lower branches from trees next to the home.

Try breaking into your house to see how easy it is to gain access.  Here is a checklist to grade your house on easy access.


  • Is the door between an attached garage and the house treated as an outside door with the same sort of locks that you use on the front and back door?
  • Are your outside doors solid core or metal?
  • Are your outside doors secure with good quality deadbolt locks?

Door locks should have an ANSI grade 1 rating. Deadbolt locks must have a horizontal bolt measuring at least 1 inch long. It is because burglars can easily use tools to widen the frame and gain entrance with anything shorter.

  • Are your casings (outside of the lock) made out of hardened steel and beveled?

It increases the lock’s resistance to impact and decreases the possibility of the lock twisting free with a pipe wrench.

  • Do your locks have an anti-saw pin or anti-drill feature?
  • Do you have one long screw in each door hinge?


  • Are your windows 42 inches or farther away from the lock?

If not, then they should be reinforced with an invisible security film to prevent a burglar from breaking the window and then reaching in to unlock and gain entrance.

  • Do you connect your windows to your home security alarm?

Check out all of our blog posts regarding home security at the following links.
Don’t Advertise You Are Away
Owner, Stacie McMillan’s personal story
Protecting Your Home Against Burglary


The ‘Why’ of Clean and Simple Cleaning™

I think that most people could spend less than 5 minutes on our website and figure out the who, what, when, where and how in regards to Clean and Simple Cleaning™, but could they answer the why?  I hope so, but it can be difficult to convey.

My favorite quote when my kids were in preschool was, ‘Good Moms have Sticky Floors, Piles of Laundry and Happy Kids!‘  It gave me grace when my floors didn’t shine, and I was too tired and exhausted to do anything about it.  I knew my primary job was taken care of and that my kids felt love.  Now that my kids are a little older and we are all sleeping through the night, I want it all!  I want time for my children and myself AND a clean house.

Kids grow up way to fast.  My advice to moms has always been, enjoy every stage your child is in. It is because it will just be a ‘remember when’ very soon.  I want to be at all of their ball games. Help them with school projects. Moreover, be with them,  just curling up with them on the couch. However, I also want a clean house.  Since I haven’t figured out how to clone myself (and seriously, don’t think I haven’t tried) and I value my sleep, I have maid service.

I don’t want to scrub toilets instead of going to the park.  I don’t want to feel guilty when my floors are dirty, and I leave to go to a taekwondo tournament.  If you put the cost of having a clean house, being able to enjoy my kids like I want, being a little less overwhelmed with life, the cost is minimal to the value it provides.

I feel lucky to work at Clean and Simple Cleaning™ because at all levels of the company from the owner, Stacie McMillan to the cleaning technicians and the office staff the ‘why’ we are in business is not only understood it is believed.

Clean and Simple Cleaning™ is here to give you back your time. It is so you can spend it doing the things you enjoy.  We do not look at the houses we clean as mere buildings. We, instead, see them as the people who live in them.  So however you want to spend your time, remember your time is valuable and our time is affordable.