
Weekly House Cleaning Checklist

House cleaning checklists are an effective way of making sure all of the house cleaning chores are taken care of.  With the busy schedules we all keep today, it is easy to skip a task, but a clean room promotes a healthy lifestyle, so it’s important to stay on top of it.

Two weeks ago, we posted our monthly cleaning checklist, this week we will focus on our weekly house cleaning tasks.  Make sure to leave a comment if there are other tasks you like to include in your weekly house cleaning as we are consistently reviewing our house cleaning checklists.  Next week we will be focusing on our seasonal house cleaning checklists.  

Weekly House Cleaning Checklist


  • Wipe all fixtures.
  • Change and launder bath mats and towels.


  • Change and launder sheets.


  • Clean counters (remove items such as canisters, etc…)
  • Clean Toaster
  • Wipe Microwave
  • Wipe down exterior of all appliances
  • clear down cabinet doors
  • Sink

Throughout the House:

  • Empty all trash bins
  • dust furniture, shelves, and staircase banisters
  • Shake or vacuum area rugs
  • Vacuum
  • Mop hard surface floors (Clean & Simple cleaners clean floors on their hands and knees!)
  • Wipe Mirrors

Front Entry:

  • Sweep

Of course, if this house cleaning checklist is overwhelming or you would just rather be spending your time doing something else, contact us to set up a cleaning.  We schedule cleanings weekly, every two weeks, every three weeks, monthly as well as one-time cleanings.


Quality Cleaning Services Start with Dedicated Employees

Quality cleaning services is, without a doubt, the fruit of having dedicated employees.

Quality cleaning services is an essential factor for a company to stay in business. And achieve it, you must first take care of your own workforce. As a company that looks after their employees, claims the reward of their employees’ loyalty, hard work, and dedication.

Clean and Simple Cleaning™ works hard to support and recognize our employees, so they continually are encouraged to improve. With 2012 coming to a close a month ago, we named our Employee of the Year. This cleaning technician has been with us for many years. Moreover, this employee has a unique story about becoming part of our crew. It was nearly two years ago when this quiet, shy woman responded to our ad for house cleaning.

I rarely see the people that come into the office to apply because my office is not in the front, and often I am working with my door closed.

This particular day I remember stepping out for something to drink. She was sitting in our waiting area filling out paperwork. I can remember our operations manager thanking her for taking the time to apply but she would not be hired because she did not have a driver’s license. Well, that did not stop Yusely. She went and studied and obtained her license. So then, a few months later, she returned to see if she could work for Clean and Simple Cleaning™. Yusely impressed us with her motivation to obtain the necessary requirements and decided to proceed with our hiring process.

Just a few short weeks after starting work with our company, she had only had her license a short while and she was in an accident . As a new driver, we expected her to be rattled, which she was. However, she somehow determined to overcome her driving fears came right back to work. This kind of determination continues to demonstrate outstanding employment and helps us provide quality cleaning services.

Yusely is the one always willing to go the extra mile, make sure she satisfied her customer and also sets a great example for her co workers.

This past year a course was suggested through our national association, ARCSI, for home cleaning technician certification. This was a new exam, which offered and administered by a third party. Designed to encourage cleaning companies, The Clean Trust test was to make sure their technicians obtained a certain level of competency in the home cleaning industry. They would learn and get tested on their knowledge of cleaning, restoration, inspection techniques and customer satisfaction. Yusely impressed me again when she came to me wanting to take the course. I had taken the course just a few months before with a group of businesses across the nation in Dallas, TX. It was not an easy test. We thought she might find it difficult.  As it is because English was not her primary language. She passed! Again, determined and showing leadership while providing outstanding quality cleaning services.

It is with great honor to have such a quality individual working for our company. She was hands down the best example of employee of the year for 2012.

Thank you to all of our clients who take the time to fill out online surveys and say wonderful things about the home cleaning technicians that care for your homes. Our industry is changing and trying to stay on the forefront of professionalism offering quality cleaning services and educated technicians that care for your family home.


Green Cleaning Offers Exceptional Quality

Clean and Simple Cleaning™ has been taking large strides to become a green cleaning company. When it comes to cleaning products, it is tough to balance the best possible clean and what’s best for the environment.

With our green cleaning products from Betco, we are providing the best possible clean with a product that is still environmentally responsible. Our four leading green cleaning products clean a large variety of surfaces safely, while still disinfecting. Some surfaces are also cleaned with a water/vinegar mixture to ensure the protection of the surface which is also safe for the environment.

Living in the Pacific North West, which is a leader in environmental awareness, it is even more important to use green cleaning products and procedures. Servicing Lynnwood, Mill Creek, Mukilteo and all the surrounding cities. So, it means we are cleaning in areas that we live in as well. We are protecting the environment of our customers, and our own families.

Knowing that these harmful cleaners that other companies use on a daily basis are extremely damaging to the environment. So, you can only imagine the effects they can have on your body. Homes are enclosed spaces. So, by using chemicals to clean them only releases the chemicals in the air you breathe. It is why we made efforts to use green cleaning products. Not only are we taking steps to protect the environment we also are protecting you and your family.

We do still offer non-green cleaning products for people that specifically request it. Our number one goal is to satisfy the customer, and every customer has different preferences. However, the majority of customers are happy and love that our companies default products are green cleaning products. Clean and Simple Cleaning™ knows the importance of protecting our world for generations to come.


Changes and Advancements in House Cleaning

Many people see the New Year as a time for resolutions and beneficial changes. For us, the New Year is drawing many new and exciting aspects to our house cleaning company.

Tthe past few months brought us a completely redesigned website and a new wrap job on our company car. We also picked the recipient of our 2nd Annual Deanie Douglas house cleaning award! We could not be happier with the new changes and hope you will enjoy them just as much as we do.

The new website offers many new features that not only benefits us but you, the customer as well. It not only saves us time but it also conveniently answers your questions, allowing you to learn more about us as a house cleaning company. We post blog entries weekly. It includes company news releases, cleaning tips, and other fun and interesting information. Like us on Facebook to track when we post new blogs entries!

Our freshly wrapped car is pinker than ever with a whole new design. Do not forget to wave when you see us in the Mukilteo, Lynnwood, or Snohomish County area! You will notice minimal changes to our flyers and quality cards, the same great information with a new look.

Sometimes it is nice to do a little modernization even as a house cleaning company.

Most importantly the New Year has brought the new awardee of our 2nd Annual Deanie Douglas Award. One-woman free house cleaning for an entire year! Our recipient of the 2nd Annual Deanie Douglas Award is Jenny Westby! We are as excited as ever to get to know this incredible lady who has inspired us with her story of battling cancer.

Jenny had two friends nominate her for her strong will and gentle heart while undergoing such a stressful time in her life. Jenny is married, with two young sons and has been battling cancer since 2007. A friend of hers quoted Jenny as having strong faith “which brings her unspeakable joy and hope for herself and her families’ future. Her smile and laugh are contagious.” Jenny is working hard to fight cancer, and we could not be happier to provide her and her family free house cleaning for the upcoming year while she undergoes treatment. We wish her nothing but the best and are praying for her recovery.

We wish all of you a happy and prosperous New Year! We also look forward to providing you with quality house cleaning services in the upcoming year. Happy 2013!

Free House Cleaning For a Year with Deanie Douglas Award

It is an exciting time in the Clean and Simple office. Because after reviewing all the nominations, we finally chose the recipient of the 2nd annual Deanie Douglas Award.

For those of you who do not know, the winner will receive free house cleaning for an entire year! After being a member of Cleaning For A Reason for many years, we have witnessed and helped many women battling cancer. We accomplish it providing them discounted or free house cleaning services.

Our friend, Deanie Douglas, passed away battling cancer. So, Clean and Simple Cleaning™ made the award last year to honor her and help others any way we could. It is always a challenge to pick a winner for this award. As it is because we wish we could give every breast cancer patient free house cleaning. It is remarkably true after finding out all their remarkable stories.

We chose our winner for the free house cleaning after being touched by this astonishing woman’s story. Her friends described to us the heartache and strength that she has had to endear, and we know the free house cleaning for a year is perfect for her.

We hope that by giving her the gift of a clean and sparkling house, she can focus on her health and battle of breast cancer.

Thank you to everyone who shared their loved ones stories with us. We will hope and pray for their recovery. Every year in October we begin accepting nominations for the Deanie Douglas Award. If you know someone who has been battling breast cancer be sure to nominate them for free house cleaning for an entire year, next October! We love hearing peoples touching stories and granting one person the gift of free house cleaning. Stay tuned for more information on the winner of the 2nd Deanie Douglas Award. Happy Holidays.


Holiday House Cleanings on a Budget

The time is fast approaching, delicious smells, food, family, snow and more. Yes, it is the holiday season.

While this is argued to be the best time of the year the expenses can add up and not to mention keeping the house clean for all the entertaining can become tedious. Within this blog, you will find the best tips to budget your money while also learning about Clean and Simple’s exclusive holiday house cleaning offers.

Here are a few ways you can stick to your budget this holiday season:

  • When you go shopping, make a list of what you need to get. This way you will not be buying things you do not need.
  • Have whoever your buying for making a list of their top items. It allows you buy their necessities. Moreover, you still have room to surprise them with other little gifts.
  • Know how much money you can afford to spend ahead of time. If you do not take your budget into account, you might have shoppers remorse later.
  • Look for the best deals
  • Don’t wait until the last minute. The best deals are early. Additionally, you will be less likely to deal with a higher price. Plus, being pressured with time, no longer becomes an issue.
  • Have priorities

 Priorities are key this holiday season. That is why Clean and Simple Cleaning™ would like to offer you an incentive to have a clean and peaceful (… ok, maybe just clean) house this holiday season. We offer holiday house cleanings that keeps money in your pocket. We additionally give you the satisfaction of a beautifully clean house without all the time and effort. Many people consider the thought of hiring a professional house cleaning service but never really get around to doing so for one reason or another.

It is precisely why a holiday house cleaning is perfect for you. Clean and Simple Cleaning™ will be offering several great deals for holiday house cleanings in November and December including exclusive Black Friday specials.

The festive holiday season does not have to be a time filled with stress and anxiety. Wondering how you will manage cooking, shopping, entertaining, and the dreaded house cleaning. Stick to the fun stuff this year. Take advantage of our money-saving holiday house cleaning offers, all while sticking to your budget. Just think of it as our present to you! Happy Holidays and Happy Budgeting from the Clean and Simple team.


Mukilteo House Cleaning Service Sponsors Local Kamiak Football Team

Kamiak High School’s football team is the talk of the town, in Mukilteo during the fall months. Everyone in Mukilteo gathers every Friday night to cheer on the Fightin’ Knights as they compete against other local schools.

For Stacie McMillan, owner, and proprietor of Clean and Simple Cleaning™, Friday nights contribute something else.  She enjoys going to all the games and cheering on the team. Although, she covers her eyes whenever her son, Kyle McMillan, takes the field. This year, Stacie decided to sponsor the Kamiak Squad as her son approaches his senior year.

Being members of the Mukilteo community for many years, Stacie and her family are excited to support something so close to home.Additionally, it brings some attention to her business which provides Mukilteo house cleaning service. Mukilteo is home for the McMillan family, they attend a local church, chamber meetings, and her kids have attended Mukilteo Schools their whole lives.

While her business is located just up the highway in Lynnwood, her heart resides in Mukilteo where she continues to offer quality Mukilteo house cleaning service as abundantly as in Lynnwood.

Deciding to sponsor the Kamiak Football Team was an easy decision for Stacie. It is not only because her son plays for the team. Stacie has also built lasting relationships with many of the players and their parents on the team. The Fightin’ Knights had 19 seniors this season. Moreover, Stacie is appreciative of all the support and guidance they have provided her son, Kyle. The team guided Kyle all throughout his first three years on the football team. An easy thank-you for her was to sponsor the team. She accomplishes it with her local Mukilteo house cleaning service, Clean and Simple Cleaning™. Stacie and her family are proud to be active members of the Mukilteo community. Moreover, they are looking forward and excited about next football season, Go Fightin’ Knights!


Free House Cleaning For a Year – Deannie Douglas Award

Our 2nd annual Deanie Douglas House Cleaning Award… October 2012 will give one woman Free house cleaning for an entire year! This one is the Story of Deannie Douglas.

Deanie Douglas was an amazing woman.  I could write on and on about the impact she had on the many lives she touched.  Aside from being a lifelong family friend of my parents, Deanie Douglas took me under her wing of inspiration and encouragement and believed in me.

She encouraged me in business and to stretch my wings and have faith in many areas of my life.  Deanie was simply a gift from God.

Deanie had three kids, including a daughter named Stacy, my age, and a granddaughter.  Tragic things happened to the Douglas family. Over the course of six years she was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer, lost her husband Don and her daughter, Stacy, was killed in a car accident.  The most amazing thing about Deanie was that she was always upbeat.  She never seemed defeated.  Deannie could see God’s blessings in every single tragedy or hurdle.

She fought her cancer for six years before passing July 4, 2003. Amazingly through treatments and other tragedies she was still giving blessings of encouragement to everyone involved in her life.  You could not have a visit with Deanie and not laugh.  She joked about everything and made everything funny.

When people have bad things happen or get sick, sometimes we just don’t know what to do.  I offered to clean Deanie’s home as a gift.  She was thrilled and raved about how great the cleanings made her feel.  It was all I could do to deal with my own grief and feel good about giving back.  Deannie touched my life.

 Deanie Douglas was an amazing woman who lost her battle to cancer after six hard years. She inspired owner Stacie McMillan to award one woman, battling with cancer free house cleaning for a year.

Deanie is a big part of why I got involved with supporting the launch of Cleaning for a Reason, a nonprofit organization that started from our national convention in Chicago of 2006. We became a charter supporter of this organization.  This group started with the support of just a few handfuls of maid services across the country, and today HUNDREDS of residential cleaning services in more than 40 US states and Canada commits to provide benevolence cleaning to women who are undergoing treatment for cancer.  We are all happy to do our part and support Cleaning for a Reason.  For more information regarding this foundation and to help the hundreds of maid services that give their own time and resources to provide quality free house cleaning, please visit Cleaning For A Reason’s Website.

Today we offer service several Cleaning for Reason recipients a month, along with other benevolence free house cleaning in remembrance of those whose families have to give every ounce of energy to fight this awful and frightening disease.  If we can give a simple peace of mind to them by adding just a sparkle of cleanliness to their homes…it makes us smile.  So, when you call our office to nominate your friend or relative who is battling breast cancer and would be a good candidate for free house cleaning for a year, and have a few questions, remember our friendly operations manager, and a great friend of mine, Janet Swett, is also a SURVIVOR.

Please call our office for more information in nominating a recipient for our 2nd annual Deanie Douglas House Cleaning Award. Free house cleaning for a YEAR!


Employee recognition program’s make for quality cleaning services

Clean and Simple Cleaning™ knows the importance of quality employees and quality cleaning services. Our intensive hiring process is one of the reasons why our quality out does our competitors. However, we also believe employee recognition is essential in having a successful business.

Yusely is passionate and one of our most dedicated employees. Yusely received the employee of the month award several times in the last few years. She acquired it for providing exceptional quality cleaning services.

Every month, for our employee recognition program we name one of our excellent employees “The Employee of the Month.”

During this celebration, we provide treats and let the crew members mingle and relax. We then name the honoree and explain to the team what they did to deserve the honor of being Employee of the Month. This individual receives a gift certificate to a local restaurant, and their picture hung on the wall.

To become the employee of the month, you must have good attendance, provide quality cleaning services to our clients, come to work prepared, and follow a few other guidelines for proper employee behavior. We know our employees appreciate our employee recognition program and that is one of the reasons they work so hard to provide quality cleaning services to our customers. During the holiday season owner, Stacie McMillan, treats all of the employees to a holiday party at a nice local restaurant. Here she gives everyone a gift and gets to mingle and talk with the crew. Having a team that enjoys working for you is a big first step to providing quality cleaning services.


Breast Cancer Patients Get Free House Cleaning

Take a look at the clock, and think about how quickly two minutes comes and goes. 

In that two minutes, another diagnosis of a man or woman having breast cancer, and their lives change forever. October is approaching fast. Moreover, although everyone is feeling excited for falling leaves and spooky decorations, there is another thing to remember. October is breast cancer awareness month! This moment is our time to remember and support all the individuals who are suffering from the debilitating disease of breast cancer.

Although it was challenging to see the positive when a family member, friend, or loved one goes through such a hard battle, a national organization is working hard to put smiles on the faces of women who have breast cancer. This organization is Cleaning For a Reason. They spend their days organizing with cleaning companies all around the United States to give free cleaning services to women that do not have the time or energy to clean their homes while battling this disease.

Clean and Simple Cleaning™ was honored to be one of the featured in Cleaning For a Reason’s monthly newsletter for their September issue for our employee recognition program. We have been a proud affiliate and company partner of Cleaning For a Reason since they began.

Their program provides free house cleaning services to afflicted breast cancer patients.

Now, there are over 1000 cleaning companies who partner with them to give free house cleaning for breast cancer patients. In honor of breast cancer awareness month, we would like to highlight their incredible efforts. Additionally, also remind everyone to take a moment or two this month to support women and men who are fighting this awful battle.

If you would like more information on Cleaning For a Reason, please visit their website at  Always remember to pay attention to your body, in between mammograms check for anything unusual at home.  Here’s a great article from titled  “The Five Steps of a Breast Self-Exam.”