
Five Health Benefits of a Clean Home That Will Surprise You

Everyone knows that you should keep your Bothell-area home clean.  Would it surprise you to learn the health benefits of a clean home?

Your mom probably made you clean your room (and the bathroom, and maybe even the cat litter box) growing up, as her mom probably did before her. 

Today, you try to keep your home clean, but some days you wonder: How bad would it be if you pushed aside that cleaning planner you downloaded off Pinterest and just took a break from cleaning for a bit?

How important is a clean house? To answer that, today we will share just a few of the many ways that keeping your home clean can actually benefit your health and the health of the ones you love—ways that may surprise you.

Health Benefit #1: Keeping Your Bedroom Clean May Lead to Better Sleep

Have a hard time catching those beloved zzz’s? You aren’t alone. 

A recent study by the National Sleep Foundation showed that 45 percent of Americans experience poor sleep. It’s a wonder, with our constant on-the-go lifestyles, that we all don’t fall into bed and conk out until morning—but that isn’t the case. 

The truth is, our minds are full, and of course we think of all the things left undone as we try to fall asleep, including all of the mess around us in our bedrooms. 

The National Sleep Foundation also ran a survey that clearly showed those with clean sheets and clean rooms had an easier time sleeping. Clean house, clean mind!

Health Benefit #2: A Clean, Clutter-free Space Can Improve Your Mental Health

When every surface is covered in clutter, laundry is in an unknown state—clean? dirty?—kids’ school papers, dirty cups and who even knows what lies beneath it all along with dust, crusted spills, pet hair… 

It’s overwhelming and can actually contribute to stress, anxiety, and depression. While over time, parts of our brain shut off the mess and we become “clutter blind,” other parts of our brain become overwhelmed. All it sees is the untidy mess, the unfinished piles, leaving a part of your brain ticking away as it thinks about that unfinished business. A Princeton University study concluded that clutter can actually overwhelm the visual cortex, making it more difficult to process the task at hand.

That wasn’t the only study showing the effects of clutter on mental health. Many psychology studies have been performed that show an uncluttered, clean space can help us focus better and feel calmer, less depressed and less anxious in general.

Health Benefit #3: A Clean Home Can Lead to Healthier Food Choices

Why is cleaning important? Here’s another reason: It’s been well established that cluttered, dirty and even off-smelling spaces make us feel anxious and stressed. And it’s no secret that many of us tend to make poor food choices when we are stressed. 

When you look at it that way, it’s easy to see the reverse, that a clean and tidy home may lead you to better eating habits and a generally healthier lifestyle. 

Science backs up this thinking. A 2010 study published in the journal Psychological Science showed that people in a more orderly, clean environment made smarter, healthier snacking choices than those attempting to work in more cluttered, messy spaces. 

A messy, grungy kitchen is no fun to cook or eat in, either, so those who have cleaner, neater kitchens may be more likely to make healthier food at home, rather than avoid their kitchens altogether and go out to eat. 

This may not seem like a big deal, but it does add up quickly. The average fast-food meal weighs in at about 1,800 calories, whereas a home-cooked dinner comes in at about 550.

Health Benefit #4: A Clean Home Can Ease Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Whether you suffer primarily from seasonal outdoor allergies to pollen and molds or mainly what’s considered “indoor” allergies like dust, dust mites, pet dander, and hair, keeping a clean home can greatly reduce your symptoms. 

Outdoor allergens like pollen and mold can be tracked in on feet and clothing, truly “bringing the outdoors in.” If left to accumulate, dust, animal hair, and other allergens can wreak havoc on your nose, eyes, and sinuses, leaving you feeling foggy, itchy and red-eyed. 

Keeping the home clean, including regular vacuuming with a high-powered, HEPA filter vacuum and paying special attention to any areas that might be prone to mold growth, specifically in the bathroom; keeping airborne dust to a minimum by dusting with a moist cloth (as opposed to a dry cloth, which will simply send dust flying around); regularly changing bed sheets; and cleaning window dressings can greatly reduce your allergy symptoms. 

Health Benefit #5: A Consistently Clean and Tidy Home Saves Money

Why is it important to have a clean house? Here’s another compelling argument: Staying on top of regular cleaning tasks and keeping extraneous clutter to a minimum in your home can truly save you money in several ways. 

First off, when you keep your home clean regularly, you will have less of a need for more expensive, extra-strength cleaning products, as the dirt and grime aren’t given an opportunity to get built up to the point that would require extra cleaning power. 

Secondly, surfaces are more likely to become damaged if they are coated with dirt and grime. Dirt on wood or tile flooring acts like sandpaper when people walk on it, scratching and dulling the finish, making it look worn before it should. Soap and hard water deposits can damage bathroom finishes. Keeping surfaces like floors, counters and bathroom fixtures clean will help them stay looking nice for longer. 

Third, keeping appliances clean will help them work more efficiently and last longer, saving you thousands.

Keeping clutter at bay can save money as well. How many times have you bought a new item because you couldn’t find one in your home, only for it to resurface a few days later, somewhere it definitely didn’t belong?

Cleaning for Health

Having a clean, well-kept space can have many benefits, from keeping germs at bay to helping you feel generally happier and less stressed. Unfortunately, for many people here in Bothell and around the country, establishing a clean home and taking the time to maintain it can be equally as stressful as the mess itself. 

Hiring a house cleaning service can provide you with the best of both worlds—a clean, healthy space without the stress of making the time to clean it yourself. The benefits of a clean house without the hassle. 

Clean and Simple provides affordable, high-quality cleaning services for the Bothell area. Whether you are looking for a deep clean to give you a jump start to regular cleaning on your own or you are ready for us to take the reins and keep your space sparkling with regularly scheduled maintenance cleaning, we have you covered. 

Request a quote today to get started living the Clean and Simple life!



House Cleaning Tip: Homemade Furniture Polish

House Cleaning Tip

Homemade Furniture Polish

Making your own “green” furniture polish is quick and easy!

By adding just a few drops of oil to 1/4 cup of vinegar, you can produce a far much better wood cleaner and furniture polish. The vinegar extracts the grime out of the wood, and the few drops of oil lubricate the furniture so that it does not dry out.

The ideal type of oils to make use of is the ones that have the longest storage life. One great example is Olive oil, as it has a long shelf life and it works well with this kind of mixture. Although, the best choice of all is the liquid wax jojoba because this particular one never goes rancid. Best of all, you can find it in most health food stores.

Organic apple cider vinegar is the great choice of the vinegar to use. Although, it is not usually recommended for general cleaning. Because using it can potentially cause staining on some furniture. If you are cleaning furniture and fixtures that could stain, we recommend using white distilled vinegar. Additionally, if you want a fruity scent, you can substitute lemon juice for the vinegar.


How to Maintain a Sanitary Fitness Center

Keeping your gym clean is a simple, effective way to help curb the spread of disease and make a great impression on your clientele. While it may seem complicated, the process is actually easy when you use all the resources at your disposal.

As with building a muscular body, implementing a cleaning strategy takes some effort in the beginning but then requires only a little maintenance to stay effective. If you don’t have time to thoroughly clean your gym every night, you can always hire a cleaning service to handle the job.

Top Tips for Maintaining a Clean Fitness Center

Keeping your gym free of germs starts with communication. You’ll need to educate your clients on how to curb the spread of disease by disinfecting surfaces before and after every use. Although it may sound simple, disinfecting surfaces is the most important step you can take to keep your gym sanitary, and it’s easy to get this step wrong.

For example, incorrectly using disinfectant wipes can spread germs instead of eliminating them. Wiping back and forth with disinfectant wipes is ineffective and unsanitary, and instead, you should wipe only in one direction, using several wipes if necessary.

Because the cost of disinfectant wipes can add up, you may prefer to use spray sanitizer instead. In this case, your clients will need to let the disinfectant sit on the surface before toweling it off. Different disinfectants require varying amounts of time to work, and the time requirement should be listed on the container. To teach your clients about sanitization, post signs near equipment explaining the process and the reasoning behind it.

Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

If you want to maintain a clean fitness center, you have few options other than enlisting your clients’ help. Either your clients wipe down equipment before and after every use or a staff member will have to hover around them at all times, which could get awkward.

However, keeping your gym clean will ultimately be your job, not your clients’, and you’ll have additional tasks to handle each day. Your clients will only be cleaning the pieces of equipment they use, but you’ll need to ensure that every surface in your gym stays disinfected.

One of the biggest mistakes gym owners make is assuming that disinfection is complete after their clients wipe down the equipment. Maintaining a clean fitness center takes daily, fastidious effort, and every surface in the gym will need recleaning after the clients are gone. A few areas that may require special attention include:

  • Floors
  • Doors and windows
  • Bathrooms
  • Water fountains
  • Lockers
  • Handrails
  • Office equipment

You have several options for cleaning these areas and any others that may be unique to your gym. If you have enough staff members, you could delegate cleaning work for them to do before they leave. In this case, you’d increase your employees’ hours and then have to inspect their work, which might not be the most efficient choice.

Alternatively, you could hire a cleaning service to handle the job with a high level of proficiency and attention to detail. Although this option would increase your expenses, it would save time and minimize the chance that your clients will walk into a dirty gym the next day.

How a Clean Fitness Center Can Boost Business

Maintaining a sanitary gym can give your clients a sense of confidence in your establishment. When they walk into a clean gym to begin working out, they’ll likely value your effort and associate your business with a conscientious work ethic. Most importantly, they won’t be likely to write negative reviews regarding the cleanliness of your gym, which could impact business.

When you keep your gym clean, you’ll be promoting optimal health and hygiene in your establishment, preventing the spread of illness and helping to ensure that your clients will keep coming back. By reducing the chance of an outbreak occurring at your gym, you’ll go a long way toward managing your reputation online and in the Lynnwood, Washington, community.

The Easy Way to Keep a Gym Clean

Instead of spending hours every night disinfecting your gym, you can cut to the chase by hiring a cleaning service. With a nightly cleaning crew to disinfect your gym, you won’t have to worry about untrained staff members doing an inadequate job.

A professional cleaning service can use powerful tools to fully disinfect large areas. Techniques such as electrostatic fogging can quickly eliminate germs throughout an entire building, eliminating the need for manual spraying and wiping. Other benefits of hiring a cleaning crew include:

  • Working with licensed, bonded and insured professionals
  • Eliminating the need to buy cleaning supplies
  • Knowing that trained, verified cleaners are on the job
  • Maintaining a convenient schedule

The Difference Between Sanitizing and Disinfecting

Cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting are closely related yet distinct concepts with important implications for your business. Sanitizing refers to a cleaning method that reduces microbes to a minimal level whereas disinfecting is a more thorough process that eliminates all germs. Cleaning is an umbrella term that includes both sanitizing and disinfecting as well as sweeping, mopping and other custodial tasks.

While disinfectant wipes may adequately sanitize your gym equipment throughout the day, a more thorough approach will be necessary before your clients return the next day. True disinfecting requires careful, methodical work to ensure that surfaces don’t become contaminated again during the cleaning process. Electrostatic fogging is by far the most efficient way to disinfect large areas without the possibility of recontamination.

Getting Your Clients Involved

If your clients are accustomed to working out without wiping down equipment, some of them may balk at adopting new rules. How you deal with customer education will ultimately be your choice, and you may simply choose to hire a full-time cleaner to sanitize equipment throughout the day.

However, most gyms require their clients to wipe down equipment and cover benches with towels to absorb sweat. In addition to posting signs explaining how to disinfect equipment, you can instruct staff members to set an example on the gym floor and patiently help your clients learn the process

Designing a Hygienic Gym From the Ground Up

With so many effective options at your disposal, eliminating germs in your gym shouldn’t take long. A comprehensive cleaning system will make it easy to maintain a sanitary fitness center in the years to come. At Clean and Simple Cleaning, we offer a full range of services for gym owners in the Lynnwood, Everett, and Snohomish County areaa. Call us today at 425-673-4733 to learn more about our services and get a quote for your project.


Your Winter Cleaning Checklist

As the winter months loom, it is time for you and your family to make sure you are prepared. While there are many tasks to take care of to prepare for the colder winter months, winter cleaning is something that should not be overlooked. Following the tips below will help your home perform more efficiently and allow you to enjoy the indoor environment while you spend more time inside. Here is a checklist you can use to ensure your home is prepared and sparkling for winter.


1. Check your furnace system.

Each winter, you should check your furnace system and replace its filters. It is also a good idea to have your vents and air ducts cleaned. The Environmental Protection Agency recommends that people change their HVAC filters at least every month and more often when the system is under heavy use. Changing the filters and having the ducts and vents cleaned help to ensure that your system will run more efficiently and help to prevent dust and allergens from building up inside of your home.


2. Clear out the clutter.

If clutter has collected inside of your home, now is the time to clear it out. It will be much easier for you to keep your home neat and clean if you are not overwhelmed by clutter. Getting rid of clutter also helps to make room for gifts you will receive during the holidays. Some tips to help you declutter include the following:

  • If you have not used it for one year, donate it.
  • Use three boxes labeled keep, donate, and throw away.
  • Start small before building up to tackle larger projects.
  • Work together with a friend or family member to declutter more quickly.
  • Go through your closet and dresser to get rid of clothes that no longer fit.
  • Donate toys your children have outgrown.


3. Have your dryer vents professionally cleaned.

Even with a lint trap, lint can accumulate in your dryer’s hoses and its back. Lint build-up can create a fire hazard, making it important to have it cleaned at least once per year. Lint buildup also makes your dryer work less efficiently, so cleaning it out can help to reduce your energy bills.


3. Clean your chimney.

If you have a fireplace in your home, it is critical for you to ensure that your chimney is properly maintained. Buildup in your chimney can cause a fire. It can also reduce the air quality in your home. The best way to ensure your chimney is properly cleaned and maintained is to get the help of a professional.


4. Deep clean your kitchen and kitchen appliances.

Most people do a lot more cooking during the winter months. This makes it important for you to clean your kitchen appliances, including your oven, stove, refrigerator, and freezer. Do not forget to clean behind your appliances, too. While you are at it, it is a good time to dust your cabinets and drawers and clean out your refrigerator and freezer. Check the food on your shelves to get rid of anything that is expired, and clean the grease and food buildup on your vent hood and backsplashes. Make sure to give the kitchen floors a thorough cleaning so that you will be left with a sparkling-clean kitchen your whole family can enjoy.


5. Clean your curtains, carpets, and furniture.

Keeping your carpets, furniture, and curtains clean during the winter can greatly enhance the enjoyability of your home’s indoor space. Pet hair, smells, and stains can build up in carpets, making it important to clean them regularly. Dust can settle on curtains, and dirt particles can settle into the crevices of your furniture. At the same time, winter brings snow and mud that people can track into your home on their shoes. Thoroughly clean your carpets, furniture, and curtains to reduce dirt buildup and improve the air quality of your home.


6. Wash your windows.

Winter weather makes smears and dirt on glass more noticeable. You will also want to allow more natural light into your home during the day, and keeping the windows clean and smear-free can help to brighten your home and combat feeling down when it is cold outside. Make sure to clean the sills and glass, and don’t forget to dust your blinds.


Get help from Clean and Simple to prepare for winter

Thoroughly cleaning your home as winter approaches can help you and your family to enjoy the time that you will spend inside together. If you simply do not have the time to complete the steps on this checklist, contact Clean and Simple Cleaning™ for help. We can help to ensure that your home is in tip-top shape so that you will be ready for winter. Call us today at 425-673-4733 to request a quote and schedule an appointment.


A Clean Home is Good for Your Health

Most of us agree that a clean house feels better. You breathe better, work better, and have more energy.  The environment in which you live impacts your health.  Research backs up this intuition, confirming that the cleanliness of your home affects both your physical and mental health. The biggest culprits are dust and clutter.  A clean home isn’t just a convenience, it’s good for you too.


A Clean Home and Physical Health

Dust and clutter exacerbate allergies and upper respiratory problems like asthma.  According to the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air is as much as 5 times more polluted than the air outside.  One of the most effective ways of improving indoor air quality is regularly vacuuming your home.  Carpets trap dust, food particles, and pet hair and dander.  Experts recommend weekly vacuuming, or even more frequently if you have kids and pets.

Another way to keep indoor air quality under control is to use low-VOC products.  VOCs, or volatile organic compounds, are gases emitted by certain products that can aggravate respiratory issues like asthma.  Many household goods, especially cleaning products, emit VOCs and it is difficult to eliminate these products from our lives.  The EPA recommends a variety of methods to reduce the impact of VOCs on your air quality. Ensure good ventilation during use and following the safety precautions provided on the label.

A Clean Home and Mental Health

Cleanliness also effects your mental health.  When your house is chaotic your thoughts get disorganized too.  A 2011 study used an MRI to measure the brain’s response to clutter and found that it effects the brain’s processing power.  It’s just harder to concentrate when you’re surrounded by clutter.  Reduce the clutter as much as possible – the minimalist look comes with health benefits! Use bins and baskets to organize toys and other supplies and try to donate or throw out what you don’t need at least a couple times a year.


Tips for Treating Common Stains

Treating common stains is one of the most important parts of conquering the tasks of laundry.  Stains are inevitable. So, knowing how to handle them is necessary to keep your clothes looking good.  Depending on the cause of the stain determines the treatment, but one thing is consistent; the faster you notice and treat a stain the best chance you have at getting rid of it.

Here is a quick guide to how to best treat common stains.

Fresh Blood Stains – Soak in cold water and launder as normal.

Dried Blood Stains – Pretreat/soak in warm water with a product that contains enzymes.

Beverages (Coffee/Tea/Soda/Wine) – Sponge/Soak in lukewarm water first and then pretreated with either stain remover, liquid laundry detergent, a paste of powder laundry detergent and water.  Launder using sodium hypochlorite bleach, if fabric safe, or oxygen bleach.

Cosmetics – Pretreat with either stain remover, liquid laundry detergent, the paste of powder laundry detergent and water or rub with a bar of soap.  Then, launder.

Grass – Pretreat/Soak in a product containing enzymes.  If stain persists, launder using sodium hypochlorite bleach, if fabric safe or oxygen bleach.

Mud – Brush off as much dried mud as possible.  Pretreat either stain remover, liquid laundry detergent, a paste of powder laundry detergent. Launder.

Paint (water-based paint) – Rinse in warm water while stains are still wet and clean.  Important note: One cannot remove dried paint.

Paint (oil-based paint) – Use the same solvent the label on the can advises for a thinner or turpentine and rinse.  Pretreat with either stain remover, a paste of powder laundry detergent and water or bar soap.  Rinse and launder.

Perspiration – Pretreat with either stain remover or bar soap.  If perspiration has changed the color of the fabric, apply ammonia to fresh stains or white vinegar to old stains and rinse.  Launder using hottest water that is safe for the fabric.

Now, you know how to treat these common stains. So your clothes are always looking their best and last longer.  With these tips on how to treat stains, you should have no problem removing stains and having your clothes


Avoid the Flu with a house cleaning

When looking around at a room full of people, it is easy to see who is fighting an awful cold of flu and who is trying to avoid them desperately.

With the flu being in full swing at an earlier time than normal this year it’s important to take precise steps in keeping you and your family healthy. The obvious steps to Avoid the Flu are to wash your hands, apply a generous amount of hand sanitizer after touching keyboards, door knobs, etc, and possibly get the flu shot. Those along with others are common ways of protecting yourself from illness, but another that not as many people think of is house cleaning.

When you come home from work, or your children get home from school, you are unintentionally bringing home germs, on your clothes, hands, and shoes. Without spending hours of time you don’t have house cleaning, those bacteria will stick around and potentially come in contact with you, making you sick. Disinfecting is important to Avoid the Flu during the Flu season. You already know the importance of washing your hands to eliminate germs, and that can be just as important as cleaning your house. While washing your hands protects you, regular house cleaning will protect your whole family from the many germs you bring home with you.

For most people who do not have the time to scrub the floors, disinfect all the surfaces, and keep up with all the house cleaning, don’t be afraid to schedule a professional house cleaning. Professional house cleanings will not only keep your house clean, and free of germs, they also will help you fight the flu season. Just as you consciously wash your hands, remember to keep your family safe with regular house cleanings.


Do-It-Yourself Steps to a Detailed Car Cleaning

Fall is a great time to do a detailed cleaning of your car since we spend the winter months cooped up in the car.  Here are six do-it-yourself steps to a thorough car cleaning.

Step 1 – Slide Seats to Clean  

Pick up by hand any items or larger garbage and then vacuum the rest using a brush attachment for the dash and door pockets.

Step 2 – Deep-Clean Carpet and Upholstery

Using a carpet cleaning machine allows you to get the dirt. It allows you to get even the dirt that is deep in the carpet and cloth seats. You have the option to rent a machine or use a spray-on cleaner and scrub brush instead.

Step 3 – Clean and Condition Leather or Vinyl Seats

Use a leather cleaner and rub with a clean terry cloth rag.  (Fold and refold the cloth to ensure you only use clean sections. It is so you do not spread dirt).  After seats dry, rub in a leather conditioner.

Step 4 – Remember to Clean Nooks and Crannies and Air Vents

It is in the details, as they say. So, make sure to clean the trim lines by wrapping a cloth with cleaning solution on it around a flat screwdriver and gently clean the trim, buttons, and controls.  Use a small, clean paintbrush with furniture polish on it to remove crumbs and dust from the tight, hard to get to spaces including air vents.

Step 5 – Wash the Windows

Do not forget to roll down your window. Additionally, get the top of it, the part usually hidden when completely rolled up.

Step 6 – Deal with Odor  

If your car still smells after you have cleaned it, place a cup of vinegar on a level surface overnight.  It should suck up the enzymes and rid the car of any unpleasant odor.  Place a sheet of scented fabric softener or a couple of drops of aromatherapy oil under the seats.

Now with your car looking and smelling great, it is the perfect time to ensure you have supplies prepared for winter. Make sure you have an ice scraper, umbrella, blanket and warm gloves along with an emergency road kit in your car.  And since one of the benefits of cleaning is an organization, go ahead and make sure your vehicle registration, proof of insurance is current and neatly in the glove compartment.

If you follow these do-it-yourself steps to a thorough car cleaning this fall, you and your passengers will be appreciative when you are on the go this winter.


Clean & Simple Cleaning Approach to Cleaning a Room

What is the best approach to cleaning a room?  Of course, there are several different ways, but after over 20 years in the house cleaning industry, here are our recommendations to save time on cleaning and being efficient in your house cleaning efforts.

Our Approach to Cleaning a Room

Gather all supplies needed for a job.

  • Make sure to have many rags for use with different cleaners and different rooms.
  • Have long extension cords, so you don’t have to replug.
  • Use a caddy and an apron, so supplies are handy.

Be systematic and orderly.

  • Move around the room clockwise until you reach the middle.  It will allow one to clean all sections of the chamber, without retracing steps.
  • Start at the very top and move towards the bottom of the room. Do the Vacuuming towards the end of cleaning.

Remember the finishing touches.

  •  Fluff the pillows, straighten the books and blankets and just having everything  display properly to indeed make a room feel complete.

Stay motivated.

  • Turn music on and keep the tv and phone off.
  • Do it with someone, as people say, more hands make lighter loads.

Update Your Home for Fall

Fall is here and with the cool, crisp air and the fantastic colors make it the perfect time to change your home’s decor to match the season.  Here are some quick and easy ideas that pack a punch when updating your home for fall.

The first suggestion isn’t the most fun, but it does have a significant overall impact and will help to remove your head as well as your house.  It is beneficial to declutter your home before you start decorating for fall.  Get rid of what you no longer need and organize what you still want and use so all of the new decors can be seen and enjoyed.

A cost effective way to change things up with the new season is to switch out the accents.  New pillows, candles, and throws make a significant impact for little cost.  Smell is a powerful scent so candles in fall aromas can help change the season in your home.  Warm colors such as rust, orange, plum, and gold also can modify the tone of your home to autumn.

Adding themed decorations also is an excellent way to update your home for Fall.  Halloween and Thanksgiving have many fun decorations available in the stores. Moreover, there are many ideas of ones to create on Pinterest.  Floral arrangements housed in pumpkins, autumn framed art. Additionally, glass bowls, candle holders, and the like full of acorns or pine cones instantly says fall.

Updating your home for a new season brings a freshness to your home and spirit.  Get ready for the change of the season by doing some of these simple things to update your home for fall.