
This Is Why You Should Get Your Holiday Cleaning Done Early

The holiday season is officially here! When we go to bed on October 31st it is Halloween and autumn is still in the air. When we wake up on November 1st the world is transformed into a winter holiday land. Everywhere you look– store windows, TV commercials, the radio– tells you it’s time to celebrate the holidays!

It is an exciting and happy time, but also a very busy one. It’s a time for office parties, “friendsgiving,” extended family celebrations, gifts to buy, things to bake, putting up decorations and taking part in traditions. With all of these extra activities, the last thing you need to worry about is cleaning your house.

Even if you’re not hosting the holidays this year, finding the time to keep your home clean can be a challenge. Whether you are hosting for each of the upcoming holidays or just planning one party for your friends or family, there is an added level of stress to your regular cleaning.

Why not take this time to get some holiday cleaning help?

Hire Out Your Holiday Cleaning and Enjoy the Holidays

Hosting holiday festivities can be great fun. You get to plan menus, send out invitations, decorate, cook, bake, and find fun things for your parties. Unfortunately, all this fun comes with a heaping helping of work! All of a sudden, you might start noticing all the extra cleaning your home needs— just before your guests arrive.

When was the last time you wiped down your kitchen cabinets? How long has that cobweb been on the entryway chandelier? All of a sudden, your fun party planning is becoming more stressful than fun.

Let a professional cleaning team help you find your way back to the fun! Many people take advantage of the help that residential cleaners provide all year round. Adding an extra cleaning during the holidays to ensure their home is clean, healthy, and welcoming to all those they are hosting removes a lot of the pressure associated with the season.

Areas That Should Be Cleaned During Holiday Cleaning

We all have areas of our home that just don’t get cleaned as often as the rest. The seldom-used guest bedrooms only get a quick tidy-up just before they are used (and again after the guests leave). Guest bathrooms may go a little longer between cleanings than bathrooms that are regularly used.

The entryway might be in need of some extra love from the higher-than-usual holiday traffic. The refrigerator (especially that extra one in the basement or garage!) could likely use a deep clean. The kitchen tends to be where the party lands— after all, that’s where your guests find all the delicious food! Your stove top and cabinets might be overdue for a good wipe down.

Talk to your professional cleaning teams about the areas you think need some extra holiday cleaning. Ask them for their recommendations. There might be an extra charge for cleaning blinds, baseboards, or the refrigerator, but it’s worth it to have your home looking its holiday best!

When Should You Do Your Holiday Cleaning?

When you do your holiday cleaning varies. It depends on the event as well as the people who live in your house. A good rule of thumb: Spread deep cleaning out over a week if you do it yourself. This will help you avoid the stress related to cleaning right before the party or holiday. You can do all the normal cleaning in a morning or afternoon and not be pressed for time as you try completing the long list of “extras” you hope to squeeze in.

There’s one important thing to remember when you hire a professional cleaning company to do your holiday cleaning: Book early. You’re not the only one who thinks it might be a lot easier to get through the season with a professional tackling your cleaning list! If you already have a regular professional house cleaning done, but want to book an extra holiday cleaning, make sure you call early so there is still room on the schedule for your specific day or days.

You might consider treating yourself to a post-holiday cleaning, too. After your big event, after the holiday celebration is over, and after all the decorations come down, you’ll be left with a mess. Booking your post-holiday cleaning early ensures you’ll get the clean home you love back a lot faster.

Clean & Simple is offering all clients who already have recurring cleanings scheduled 10% OFF an extra holiday cleaning this season! Call our customer service team today to book your extra holiday cleaning and then relax— your home will be ready for all the holiday cheer!


House Cleaning Tips (Do’s & Don’ts)!

House Cleaning Tips Do’s & Don’t’s!

House Cleaning Tip No. 1 – Ditch the Paper Towels and Napkins. Rings and fingernails can easily break through and scratch surfaces. Instead, opt for reusable options like a set of papercloths or old T-shirts to protect your furniture and appliances.

House Cleaning Tip No. 2 – Embrace the ‘Clean as You Go’ Mentality. Taking a bath? Quickly wipe down the sides of the tub to prevent soap scum buildup. Finished husking corn? Immediately dispose of the silk and husks to avoid attracting pests. Incorporating small cleaning tasks into your daily routine prevents messes from accumulating.

House Cleaning Tip No. 3 – Don’t Let Limited Time Deter You. Even 15 minutes of focused cleaning can make a noticeable difference. Set realistic goals, such as tackling one room or organizing a couple of closets, to maximize your cleaning efforts.

House Cleaning Tip No. 4 – Utilize Your Dishwasher. Embrace the convenience and efficiency of an Energy Star-qualified dishwasher. It not only saves you time but also conserves water, using significantly less than hand washing.

House Cleaning Tip No. 5 – Minimize Pesticide Exposure. Prioritize organic cleaners and avoid unnecessary pesticide use both indoors and outdoors. Protect yourself and the environment by opting for safer alternatives.

House Cleaning Tip No. 6 – Clean from Top to Bottom. Always start by dusting high surfaces like ceilings, corners, and the tops of cabinets. This prevents dust from settling on already cleaned areas below, saving you time and effort. Then, proceed to clean windows, furniture, and finally, the floors.

In Conclusion

By implementing these simple yet effective tips, you can streamline your cleaning routine and achieve a sparkling clean home without sacrificing valuable time or exposing yourself to harmful chemicals. Remember, consistency is key! Even small efforts made regularly can significantly improve the cleanliness and overall ambiance of your living space.


House Cleaning Tips Using Baking Soda

The uses for baking soda as a cleaner are endless and with characteristics such as non-toxic, inexpensive and the fact it doesn’t spoil makes it a household essential. Here are our top 10 favorite house cleaning tips using baking soda inside your house.

Top 10 House Cleaning Tips Using Baking Soda

  1. Add baking soda to the bottom of your kitchen garbage, and add more after you put a new bag in to eliminate the smell.
  2. To get rid of scuff marks and/or grease spills on the floor, sprinkle with baking soda and then wipe with a warm, damp cloth. This tip is safe for no-wax floors.
  3. For burnt-on food in the bottom of pots, sprinkle with baking soda, then add hot water. Let soak overnight; the dried on food will come loose much more easily.
  4. To remove stubborn stains from most surfaces, use a baking soda paste (3 parts baking soda, one part water). Apply, let stand, then scrub or wipe clean.
  5. To avoid clogged drains, pour 1/4 cup baking soda down weekly. Rinse through with hot water.
  6. To help decrease the chance of spills remaining in the carpet and starting to smell. After cleaning a spill as you would normally, sprinkle with baking soda and vacuum after a few minutes.
  7. Clean children’s toys with 1/4 cup baking soda in 1 quart warm water. Toys can either be soaked in this cleaning mixture or wiped with a dampened cloth. Rinse with water.
  8. Replace half of your usual amount of laundry detergent with baking soda to keep clothing fresh.
  9. With the typical bleach amount add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your laundry to increase the bleach’s effectiveness.
  10. Add a little bit of baking soda every day to your laundry hamper to keep the hamper from smelling between emptyings.

The uses for baking soda are practically endless. Leave us a comment with your favorite use for baking soda as a household cleaner.  For more useful tips and information about our services, join our mailing list today!


All the Office Cleaning Tips You Need to Know


Super Bowl Party Ideas: Score Big with Food & Fun

Whether you’re planning to spend the Super Bowl this year at home with close family, or if you’re hosting a larger group, we’ve got some great Super Bowl party tips for how to make your event extra special (and stress-free!).

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Make this year’s Super Bowl party the best ever–no matter the type of gathering you’re planning.

Super Bowl party Tip #1: The food!

You cannot have a football party (or any party, really!) without food. Good food. Wings and nachos always go well with football. Cheese balls and crackers, chocolate covered strawberries or cake, also make frequent appearances on football party tables!  Bite size food is great for entertaining, because people can get up and help themselves, and it’s easy to eat sitting around the TV. We’ve put together a list of some recipe ideas, including both traditional and more adventurous options, depending on where you want to take your Super Bowl party. 

The Traditional Super Bowl Menu

The Vegetarian Super Bowl Menu

The Adventurous (ish) Super Bowl Menu

Super Bowl Menu for a Small Group

Super Bowl Party Tip #2: Games & Activities (Aside from the football game, of course)

The primary activity is obviously watching the big game.

However, having commercial bingo or a football pool going can add to the excitement. Furthermore, it includes any guests who might not be into the actual game. 

A round or two of “Don’t Say Football,” where each guest is given a small paper football and told they are not allowed to say the word “football” while in conversation throughout a given span of time is also fun. If a guest hears someone use the word, he or she takes the football from the offending party. The individual who collects the most footballs is the winner.

If you have younger guests at your party, have them play a round or two of hot potato with a football or have a football throwing contest outside.

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Additional games keep everyone involved, even those who might not be as into the football itself.

Super Bowl Party Idea #3: Party cleaning tips to help make your life easier before and after the game

First impressions

The entryway might be in need of some extra love from the higher-than-usual traffic. 

In the kitchen

The kitchen tends to be where the party lands— after all, that’s where your guests find all the delicious food! Your stove top and cabinets might be overdue for a good wipe down.

The refrigerator (especially that extra one in the basement or garage!) could likely use a deep clean. 

Ask the professionals (like Clean & Simple)

Talk to your professional cleaning teams about the areas you think need some extra cleaning. Ask them for their recommendations. There might be an extra charge for cleaning blinds, baseboards, or the refrigerator, but it’s worth it to have your home looking its best!

Give yourself a break

Don’t feel as if all of the party clean up needs to happen that same night.

Get things picked up and all in one place.  It will be easier to tackle the mess if it is centralized in one place.  Spot check carpets and furniture for any stains which need attention right away.  Then go to bed and start fresh in the morning.

It can also be super helpful and stress-reducing to book a post-party clean up with your professional cleaning service. Clean and Simple Cleaning™ offers a number of special event options for one time and deep cleaning services.

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The Hostess With The Mostess: Thanksgiving Prep

How to Host the Perfect Thanksgiving Dinner


If you have committed to hosting the next Thanksgiving dinner, it’s never too early to start planning. With enough preparation, you can snap your fingers as the day arrives, and everything will go off without a hitch. The following holiday cleaning checklists will help you organize your thoughts and streamline your to-dos before, during and after the holiday so that you can enjoy the turkey and the company.


Holiday Clean Up Before Guests Arrive

No matter how much time you have to prepare, you need to clean your house before the festivities. You may feel like that’s not necessary if your home will be filled with guests and food. But there are some areas that you can’t ignore before your visitors arrive.

Thanksgiving Prep: One Month Before

If you have this much time, consider taking care of some deep cleaning that you may have ignored throughout the year. Some weekend projects that will make your home more inviting and provide you with some ease later include:

  • Paint damaged and scuffed walls or trim.
  • Clean your baseboards.
  • Give your bathroom a thorough cleaning.
  • Clear out closets and purge old items.
  • Vacuum under beds and other furniture.
  • Wash the windows.
  • Clean out and scrub the refrigerator and freezer.
  • Organize the pantry.
  • Give the outdoor landscaping one last touch-up before the winter.

This is a good time to spruce up the space with seasonal décor. If you spend some time decluttering and throwing out items that you no longer need, your Thanksgiving decorations won’t create disorder, and your house will be even tidier when you put them away after the holiday.

Thanksgiving Prep: One Week Before

You still have some time to plan, but you probably want to focus on planning the meal at this point. You have already taken care of the major cleaning. This week is a good time to:

  • Vacuum and launder linens in the guest rooms.
  • Clear space in the refrigerator and freezer.
  • Purchase non-perishables for Thanksgiving.
  • Make a plan for the dinnerware that you’ll use to ensure that you have enough.
  • Wash guest towels.
  • Dust light fixtures and fans.
  • Stock up on food storage containers, foil and plastic wrap.

Double check that you have space in the guest room closets. If you cleared them out during the month, they should be ready to hold some of your guests’ items, and you won’t have to do a major overhaul this close to the holiday.

Thanksgiving Prep: One Day Before

Now, it’s crunch time. If you haven’t purchased your perishables or arranged for a pot-luck presentation, you should get moving. Luckily, you have done enough preparation to make Thanksgiving prep run smoothly.

Some to-dos that you can take care of today include:

  • Set out bakeware and serving-ware for tomorrow.
  • Set the formal dining table.
  • Clear off and designate an area for holding dishes, beverages or desserts.
  • Give the bathrooms a quick, but comprehensive cleaning.
  • Set out extra napkins, coasters and paper towels in areas where guests will be eating.
  • Sweep and vacuum the floors.
  • Empty the dishwasher

How to Style the Dinner Table

Whether you’re hosting many or a few guests, you can use these tips for styling the dinner table for aesthetics and convenience. You want to impress your guests but make cleanup as easy as possible.

  • Serve food in edible containers, such as bread bowls or pumpkin shells, for easy cleanup.
  • Cook in containers that are attractive on the table but useful for baking and storage.
  • Use eye-catching cutting boards, such as wood butcher blocks, to serve appetizers; they double as trivets to protect your table from hot foods.
  • Choose your tablecloth wisely. If you have kids or messy guests, you might prefer to use a runner and placemats so that you can wipe down the table easily.
  • If you don’t have a large table, you might want to serve dinner buffet-style from the kitchen counter. Prevent guests from setting clutter on the table by keeping it set throughout the day.

Post Holiday Clean Up

After Thanksgiving, you can relax and put your feet up if you prepared well. Just kidding! You’ll have some cleanup, but we have some tips for making it easy so that you can take advantage of your long weekend.

  • Clean the kitchen first. Return kitchenware to its correct place and wipe down surfaces.
  • Declutter and vacuum the living room. Fluff the pillows, fold the blankets, and find the remote.
  • Strip guest beds and wash linens.
  • Clean your rugs, carpets and floors thoroughly.
  • Clean, sweep and organize your entryway.

You don’t have to spend all of your time on Thanksgiving dinner prep and cleanup when you hire a professional cleaning service to tackle some of the work. We offer regular cleanings to make your house ready for drop-in guests at any time. We also provide one-time holiday cleaning, which isperfect for before or after Thanksgiving. We even have COVID-19 disinfection services to help keep you and your guests safe.


Post-Halloween Cleanup Guide

Halloween is one of the most fun nights of the year, but like many fun things, it often comes with a mess. Whether you have a mess left over from trick or treating the neighborhood kids’ pranks or if you just need to get your house reset before or after a Halloween party, below are some of our best Halloween cleaning tips.


Halloween Cleaning Tip #1: How to Dispose of Rotting Pumpkins

If your pumpkins have been sitting on your porch for a few weeks, chances are they’re getting pretty disgusting, unless you preserved them. Dispose of the pumpkins either in the garbage or in your composter.

If the pumpkins left behind a moldy residue on your wooden porch or stool, you can squirt toothpaste onto a damp washcloth. Rub the toothpaste into the stain and then clean with soap and warm water.


Halloween Cleaning Tip #2: Cleaning Up After a Halloween Party

Halloween parties can leave a big mess. If you served food and beverages, you likely have a big cleanup on your hands. You may even have spills and stains to deal with. After picking up the trash and giving everything a thorough clean, check for stains.

You can remove costume makeup stains with a mix of water, alcohol, and dish detergent. Use a cloth to blot the stains and avoid rubbing.


Halloween Cleaning Tip #3: How to Get Out Chocolate Stains

Did your little monsters get candy on your clothing, carpet or upholstery? Cleaning up after your little ones doesn’t have to be a terror.

To remove chocolate stains:

  • For clothing: Wet and use a sponge to dab. Then use a clothing stain remover. For stubborn stains, let it soak in an oxygen-based bleach solution for six hours.
  • For carpet and upholstery: Using a washcloth, apply a mixture of water and dish washing liquid to the stain. For carpet, you may soak the stain for a few minutes. On upholstery, wipe from the outside in.


Halloween Cleaning Tip #4: What to Do if You Get TP’ed

Getting TP’ed is funny in the moment, but it can be a pain to clean up. Above all else, try to get it cleaned up before it rains. Most of it can be picked up by hand, but if it’s high in your trees, you’ll have to do a little extra.

You can use a rake to help you get it down. Just don’t tug too hard. If you tear it, you’ll have to get a ladder. You can also use a leaf blower to help you clear up.


Halloween Cleaning Tip #5: How to Get Eggs Off Your House or Car

If you get egged, you need to clean up as soon as possible. As the eggs dry and bake in the sun, they can stain your siding or mess up the paint on your car. Grab your hose. Start by spraying the eggs from the bottom to loosen and then spray from the top until they slide away.

If the eggs are particularly stubborn, use a solution of cool water and soap. Scrub away with a brush.


Halloween Cleaning Tip #6: Cleaning Up the Glitter Trail Left by Costumes

Glitter is perhaps one of the most challenging things to clean. You sweep and vacuum, but it never seems to completely go away. You may find leftover Halloween glitter when you’re putting out your Christmas decorations.

For hard surfaces, dusting wipes can be helpful. If you still have glitter, try silly putty or tape.

If the glitter is on your carpet or furniture, start by vacuuming. If the glitter persists, use a lint roller or a carpet broom and then vacuum again. Masking tape can also help lift the excess. If it’s still bad, trying rubbing an inflated balloon over the area. Static electricity can attract glitter.


Halloween Cleaning Tip #7: Tough Cleans Like Gum and Wax

Gum and wax can be especially annoying to clean. If you have gum stuck to fabric or carpet, use a sealed bag of ice to get the gum cold. Next, use a scraper to lift the gum. If the gum left a stain, you’ll need to use a stain remover made for the fabric.

If you have wax on your wood floors, use the ice method and scrape it away. If it’s on the carpet, place a cloth over the spot and use an iron to heat. It’ll transfer to the cloth. You can also use ice and then break up the frozen clump.


Let Clean and Simple Take Care of the Sugar Crash Cleanup

Did your Halloween fun get out of hand? Clean and Simple can help you get your home back to normal after even the most frightening of parties or we can just help with the trick-or-treat clean-up. If you want to keep your home scary clean all year, we also offer recurring cleaning packages.


Easy Green Bathroom Cleaning Tips

So many of our customers prefer green cleaning products, and we completely understand why. We like green cleaning products for everyday cleaning because they tend to be gentler on your skin and lungs, without the harsh smells and chemicals of more conventional products. However, sometimes green products don’t seem to work as well. In the bathroom especially, you want to know that you’re doing a thorough cleaning job and getting rid of germs. So we’ve put together this helpful list of some of our favorite green bathroom cleaning tips so you can keep your bathroom clean, green, and healthy. Most of these tips can be accomplished with simple household items–the big three being vinegar, baking soda, and dish soap.

Preventive maintenance green cleaning of sink and shower drains

Maintenance cleaning is your best friend in general, but especially when it comes to green bathroom cleaning. Once a week, pour ½ cup of baking soda followed by a cup of vinegar down the drain. Let sit for 20 minutes and then flush the drain with hot (preferably close to boiling) water.

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Green cleaning process for tub and shower walls

Spraying the whole shower with vinegar and letting it sit can help loosen stubborn stains, soap scum and grime.

  • Fiberglass: Clean using a paste made from dish soap and baking soda, wiping with a sponge. 
  • Porcelain: To remove stains from porcelain using only green products, try spraying them with lemon juice and then sprinkling with alum powder. Work into the stain and let sit overnight. The next morning, add a little more lemon juice and scrub the stains off. 
  • Non-skid strips and appliques: Apply baking soda to wet or damp appliques. Let sit for 15-20 minutes and then scrub and rinse. 
  • Marble/stone showers: Many homeowners opt for natural stone or marble in their bathrooms because of the way it looks. Check with your manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning products before applying anything to your marble or stone shower. These materials can be etched or stained by certain acidic or alkaline compounds–even all-natural ones! Even water can eventually wear away and dissolve marble and other natural materials. We like to use a mild, green dish soap on marble for green bathroom cleaning, because it is gentle and pH neutral.
  • Bonus tip: if you take a lot of baths, putting 2 tablespoons of baking soda in your bathwater can help prevent a ring from forming around the tub.

Green cleaning solutions for grout

Baking soda is your go-to yet again for brightening up dingy bathroom grout. Make a paste of baking soda and dishwasher soap and scrub it into the grout. Then all you need to do is rinse it off. Our technicians love their toothbrush scrub brushes for detailed work like grout and the rings around drains.

Weekly process for toilets

Pour half a cup of vinegar into the toilet and let sit for half an hour. Sprinkle baking soda onto your toilet brush and then scrub the toilet.

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Let the Professionals Help!

Let Clean and Simple Cleaning™ help! We are firm believers in using the best tools for every project (meaning that sometimes we’ll pull out the heavy-duty stuff when the situation calls for it!). However, our standard cleaning process is largely green. We even offer exclusive green cleaning services for our customers who prefer it–at no extra cost! 


Back to School Cleaning Tips

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Get your home ready for the upcoming school year with these simple back to school cleaning tips. If you have school-aged kids, you know that the shift from summer vacation to the school year impacts all your routines–especially your cleaning routines. Everyone’s schedules get a little more hectic, which leaves less time for cleaning. With just a little preparation, however, you can bring some order to the chaos and keep your home clean and organized throughout the school year. 

Get Rid of Too-Small and Rarely-Worn Clothes

Set yourself up for back to school cleaning success by minimizing clutter right from the start. Prioritize storage space for the clothes your kids can and will actually wear. Sit down with your kids and go through their closets and drawers to help them identify what fits and what doesn’t, as well as what they just don’t wear at all. 

Set Up an Entryway Station for Shoes, Coats, and Backpacks

Once school starts, Seattle weather inevitably turns rainy. Prepare for muddy boots, wet rain jackets, and haphazardly dropped backpacks by creating a designated space for all of those items right in your entryway. This will stop dirt and mud from being tracked through your home. It also protects your hardwood floors and extends their life. You can check all eighteen of our entryway organization tips here

Set Your Kids Up for Success with a Chore Chart

Back to school cleaning works best when the whole family is putting in the effort. Give your kids the best tools to contribute by setting up a chore chart with them before the school year begins, so they can get comfortable with the daily or weekly routine of cleaning chores. Check out this link for some cute chore chart ideas, with chore suggestions appropriate for all age groups.

Take Time to Relax

Don’t burn yourself out over the long school year. You don’t need to clean up immediately all the time. Let the dishes soak in warm soapy water in the sink after dinner while you and the family unwind with a favorite show or game. They’ll actually be easier to clean after a good soak, and you’ll have a built-in window of downtime every evening. 

Make Back to School Cleaning Fun 

Whether you’re cleaning with the kids or by yourself while the kids are at school, it’s important to keep cleaning as fun as possible. Cleaning is a necessary task, but we shouldn’t dread doing it! We recommend playing your favorite upbeat music and singing (and possibly dancing) along as you work. Another way to make cleaning more pleasant is to buy cleaning products with scents you really like–you’ll look forward to using them, and you’ll love relaxing in your home once the cleaning is done. 

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Cleaning with your kids teaches responsibility, but it can also be fun!

Get a Back to School Cleaning Reset for your home from Clean and Simple

If things got out of control over the summer, and you’re really not sure where to start with your back to school cleaning, let Clean and Simple Cleaning™ help! We offer customizable deep cleaning packages that will get your home clean and sparkling, and make it easier to maintain during the school year. Of course, we can help with maintenance cleaning, too, and save you even more time and peace of mind during the upcoming school year. 


5 Reasons Why Biweekly Cleaning Service Is Right for You

Choosing a frequency for your cleaning service can be challenging. At Clean and Simple Cleaning™, we offer weekly services, biweekly services, every 3 weeks services, and monthly services. While budget is an important consideration in choosing the best frequency for your lifestyle, it’s not the only one. You also have to balance your family’s schedules, your own time to prepare for cleanings, and how fast dirt and grime tend to build up in your home. Here, we consider four reasons why biweekly cleaning services are the best choice for you

1. Weekly service is too much

We’re big believers in weekly service. We’ve written about it before. It really is the most effective way to keep your home in peak condition. Your home will always clean and with minimal upkeep from you in between sessions. However, weekly service can be challenging to a lot of people. Some people can’t make the time one day every week to have strangers in their home. Other people struggle to fit weekly service into their budget. People without children (or pets) often don’t make enough mess to justify weekly cleaning.

2. Biweekly service keeps homes healthy

Things probably won’t stay quite as clean with biweekly service as with weekly service. However, biweekly cleaning services are still highly effective at removing allergens from your home, especially dust and pet dander. 

  • Regular, thorough dusting removes dust not only from surfaces, but also from the air
  • Our cleaning technicians use soft microfiber cloths to trap and remove dust from furniture surfaces, rather than kick it up into the air 
  • Regular vacuuming of carpeted areas also removes dust and pet dander from your home and keeps it from being kicked into the air

3. You have less work to do in between cleanings than monthly service

Another benefit of biweekly cleaning service is that you don’t have to do nearly as much upkeep in between your cleanings as you do for monthly. Biweekly cleanings are great at keeping common household soils like soap scum and grease from building up in your bathrooms and kitchen, without you having to scrub out the tubs or scour the stovetop in between. Monthly cleaning services, on the other hand, often require a little bit more elbow grease on your part in between cleanings–no matter how clean your home.

4. Biweekly service is the better deal in the long run

While it technically costs less to have your home cleaned once a month, biweekly service gives you the most cleaning for the least amount of money. The cleaning frequency discount means you pay less per cleaning. Not only that, but because you’re spending much less time cleaning your home, you have more time to spend on what’s important to you, further increasing the value of your cleanings.

5. You get to pick the services that are most important to you

At Clean and Simple, we know that each and every one of the homes we clean is unique. That’s why we make our service plans completely customizable to your needs. You get to pick which rooms to clean, which rooms to skip, and what tasks need to be done in each room. One of our dedicated professional estimators will work with you to design a personalized plan for your home or office. Contact us today to get started.