
COVID-19: Measures we have taken to protect you and your home

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We hope this message finds you and your family healthy! The coronavirus situation in our area remains fluid, and there is much we still don’t know about the trajectory of the outbreak. We wanted to share the changes we are making related to the novel coronavirus, and always under consideration of the latest recommendations of national and local health officials.

Safety steps we are taking to protect your home from the coronavirus

Our technicians now have a powerful, EPA-registered disinfectant and virucide, Betco AF315, along with their other cleaning supplies. Not only will this be used to disinfect equipment such as vacuums before and after each home is cleaned, but it will also be used on high-risk, high-touch areas in your home, such as door handles and light switches, to protect your health and safety. Additionally, this product is pH-neutral, which means it is safe to use on all surfaces. We also provide several bleach-based and other products that are approved by the EPA specifically for use against the coronavirus.

Preventing cross-contamination

For the cleaning industry, preventing cross-contamination both within and between jobs is built into the way we do business. Many of these practices are not new to our technicians, though the stakes are higher now:

-Employees will disinfect hands and put on gloves immediately prior to entering each home. They will also be wearing shoe covers at all jobs going forward. Gloves are changed during the cleaning as well to prevent cross-contamination between different areas of the home.

-Sponges, cleaning cloths, and magic erasers are used at one job and then either disposed of or bagged separately to be returned to the office for disinfection.

-Equipment such as vacuums or scrub brushes are thoroughly disinfected with the products listed above in between each job.

Schedules: more solo technician routes

Based on the most recent business guidelines from the CDC on social distancing, starting this week we will begin to change the way we do the schedule to incorporate more solo technician routes, as well as limit the days our technicians come into the office to pick up supplies and route information. While we will still maintain some 2-person routes for jobs that are too large to be cleaned by an individual technician, most of our technicians will be working alone for all or most of the day. We appreciate your understanding as we implement this policy.

Your Pets: maintain at least a 6-foot distance

While in your homes, technicians will maintain at least a 6-foot distance from any occupants. This will include your pets – there is no consensus on whether or not this virus can be transmitted by our pets, but until we know more, we will err on the side of caution. If you can, please crate pets during the cleaning to minimize contact with our technicians.

Paid Sick Leave for our Cleaning Team

Per Washington State law, all Clean and Simple employees who are eligible receive paid sick leave. We make it clear to employees that they are to stay home if they aren’t feeling well, without risking their job or paycheck. Many employees have PTO in addition to sick pay, and we are educating all employees on additional benefit packages if they do need to take time off if they or a family member becomes ill. Currently, no one at Clean and Simple Cleaning™ has contracted the virus, nor been in contact with someone who has. Our technicians are as concerned about getting sick as we know you must be, but they also want to have work if they are healthy.



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All of these changes reflect the latest business recommendations from the CDC and local health professionals. We will continue to monitor their recommendations, as well as best practices within our industry as things progress.

House Cleaning Service is an Essential Service

If you or a member of your household has had COVID-19 or tested positive for the coronavirus, please cancel all cleanings until you or they have been symptom-free for at least two weeks. You must let us know.

In the meantime, having your home professionally cleaned is an important component in overall defense against the spread of the virus, and we will continue to provide this essential service along with the quality you have come to expect.

In fact, during this time we would love it if you could share our name with your friends and family. If you know someone who could benefit from our services, please send them our way. Gift cards are also a great option to spread the cleaning love, and they can be easily purchased online.

We hope everyone stays safe and healthy. As always, if you have any questions or concerns at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re happy to chat with you!

A Message from Stacie Sutton, owner of Clean and Simple Cleaning™



Protective Measures Against the Novel Coronavirus

Update 3/27/20

I hope this week finds you and your family HEALTHY! We will continue to touch base with you as valued clients and keep you informed about Clean and Simple’s current situation. We are all facing this epidemic together and doing our best to adapt in a rapidly changing, uncertain environment.  We remain hopeful and looking forward to brighter times in the near future.

We are thankful that the cleaning industry has been designated as an “essential service” in Washington state.  We can assure you that Clean and Simple is here to keep your home clean and healthy now and in the foreseeable future.

We want you to know that we have made and will continue to make adjustments in our processes and procedures to help keep staff and clients safe.  We continue to practice personal hygiene and hand washing, social distancing and the use of PPE (gloves and shoe covers).  We have made modifications in our office check-ins, getting staff supplied and in and out of the office quickly and efficiently while minimizing in-person contact. You, our clients, have been doing a great job at practicing social distancing while our technicians are in your home. We know our technicians are very appreciative of your thoughtfulness!

You can feel confident that our current cleaning supplies and procedures are effective in cleaning and sanitizing your surfaces and home.  Our staff is taking extra care to get touch points and heavily used areas wiped and sanitized each visit.  

Along with our primary goal of keeping your homes cleaned and sanitized, we are also focused on keeping our wonderful staff busy. One of the ways we will be able to supply our staff with hours and pay is to pivot our cleaning and sanitation services to expand into more commercial cleaning.  If you have a business (or know of one) that is lightly staffed or empty right now we would appreciate the referral.  We are here and ready to help out businesses and offices stay clean and healthy with top to bottom deep cleaning and disinfecting services. We recently took a certification course to use an electrostatic sprayer, which will soon be part of our new package of powerful sanitization cleanings.  

We are here for you. We are always happy to hear from you and look forward to serving you now and in the future.

Again, thank you to all the wonderful clients who have reach out and sent emails of support, and clients who have continued to pay for service while they suspended.  Your thoughts, prayers and encouragement give us energy to continue to innovate and educate ourselves in how best to serve you.

Remember, a clean home is a healthier home!  Please contact us if you have questions or concerns.  


Stacie Sutton


Update 3/21/2020

Given the high degree of disruption in our world right now we want to keep our lines of communication open with all of our current customers, both those that are continuing services, as well as those that have paused during this challenging time.

We want to express our deep gratitude for every one of you. Many of you are forced to make hard choices that you realize have negative consequences for small businesses. This is just a fact of life at the moment, and nobody’s fault. For those that continue to have us come to clean, please know that we are extremely grateful as your business is what is helping us keep our staff employed. We Are Grateful…
To each customer who has volunteered to continue some form of payment although they have suspended services, please know that this is a gesture that is enormously appreciated and will not soon be forgotten. Our goal is to keep all of our staff employed for as long as possible. We have had to alter the way we work and make changes to the schedule, but we are most appreciative of the work and have heard from many customers about how they appreciate the service. Any money that is being sent to us to pay for services that we are not performing is money we are setting aside specifically for staff to help offset days we ask them to stay home for various reasons. We are keeping an open dialogue with all staff members and asking for transparency on who needs help the most; a few have asked for a temporary lay off for childcare or family reasons.

COVID-19 Updates…
For all current and prospective customers, we’ve added a Covid-19 safety page to our website, which can be found here. As additional information becomes available to us, we will continue to adapt and to provide the highest assurance of safety to all our staff and customers. Any updated measures we introduce will be added to this page.

In regards to avoiding illness, we see a tremendous amount of care from our customers in reporting if they have traveled recently, or have had any illness at their home no matter how seemingly insignificant. This has led to many cancellations, but we 100% want it this way for the safety of everyone involved in our services. Thank you for taking this request seriously so that we can keep everyone healthy. We will also be adding some health questions to our appointment reminder texts just to keep this in the forefront of transparency.

We want all customers to know that we are monitoring the status of our community regarding the virus daily. So far we strongly believe the steps we are taking provide a safe, sanitary environment for us to work in. However, we do believe there may come a time when temporarily ceasing operations is necessary for the safety of all involved. This is not guaranteed, but we are prepared and ready should the time come. As of now, our business is still considered safe to operate using our safety and sanitation protocols.

Potential for Errand Running…
In a national peer group of cleaning business owners that we are a part of the idea has been tossed around that given the staff we have, and the recent lapse in demand, we might help serve our community by running errands for those that should not risk exposure to the public. These errands would be focused on meeting essential needs such as grocery and toiletry item pickup.

We are not certain how this would work, or the capacity we would have. However, if you or someone you know could really use this service due to the lack of nearby family/friend support please let us know. Our goal would be to cover the costs of our staff member and insurance related items, but not to profit in any way from it. We would implement a layer of safety with this, likely dedicating someone on our staff to do errands, who would then not be allowed to go to cleanings due to their higher public exposure. It’s just a possibility at this point, but if there is demand we would pursue it as a way to help our community if it could be done while meeting our high standards for safety. We are working on a link to our website and hope to have that posted next week.

Hope for The Future…
The virus situation and social isolation is certainly life-changing for our society at this time. But… we want you to know we are still the same happy, friendly, caring company as before and that we will be there for you when this is over. We continue to find ways to laugh, and to enjoy what we are doing for each and every one of you. If you have been significantly affected by recent events please let us know if there is a way we can spread the word about your career, business, or other need. If you own or work at a restaurant serving take-out let us help you promote it and give you business. It is part of our mission to be deeply involved in the community that provides us the opportunity to do what we love, and there is no better time than right now when the need is so high. Thank you for being a part of our cleaning family.  A clean home is a healthy home.


Dear Customers,

We have created this page to post up-to-the-minute information regarding our response to the coronavirus and any other news for those of you who may have concerns as this situation progresses. As always, you are also encouraged to call our office at (425)673-4733 or send us an email at info@ with any questions or concerns. We understand this is a stressful and uncertain time for many people, and we want to provide you with full transparency surrounding our practices and protocols in your homes so you can make the best decisions for your family.

We believe that a clean home is an important part of a broader preventative strategy to reduce the risk of illness. We will continue to provide excellent service while tracking and adhering to the latest in recommendations from health experts at both international and local levels.

Clean and Simple Cleaning™ Policies and Protocols regarding the Coronavirus

First, each week we will hold a training meeting with our technicians to go over the latest recommendations and practices for sanitation in homes, as well as of any equipment that might be used in multiples homes (vacuums, etc.)

Crucially, we will not allow any employees to work when they have the flu or flu-like symptoms, a fever, or have been exposed to coronavirus through a friend or family member. In addition, we ask the same of our customers. We request that you cancel or reschedule your appointment if you or a family member is sick or experiencing flu-like symptoms or has tested positive for the flu or coronavirus. We will waive all lock out fees in the case of illness. Our top priority is to protect our technicians, as well as our customers who are immune-compromised or elderly.

What we’re doing to be proactive: 

  • We are disinfecting door handles, light switches, and other surfaces in our office on a daily basis to avoid spreading germs.
  • Technicians will wash their hands immediately upon arrival at each job, and before leaving. We will be providing disinfectant for them to use in between jobs as well, and they will disinfectant vacuums, knee pads, and other equipment prior to entering and after leaving each home.
  • Employees have been advised they must not work if they have a fever and/or flu-like symptoms, or if their family members or close contacts have such symptoms, unless they have received a negative test for the coronavirus, or similar approval from health officials.
  • As always, cleaning towels are washed and thoroughly sanitized before coming into your home. Used cleaning towels are kept separate. Technicians who use mops will use a fresh mop head in each home.
  • Technicians will always wear gloves in your home. Additionally, all technicians have the option of wearing masks and protective gear for their own protection. This does not mean they are sick

For your information, here is a link to the WHO recommendations for the public:

Click here to visit WHO

These pages from Snohomish and King counties have up-to-date information and alerts:

Novel Coronavirus 2019

novel coronavirus

The coronavirus is already impacting our community, and we are taking this very seriously. We want to be calm but prepared as we move forward, to protect our clients and our employees.

Clean and Simple will always practice the best cross-contamination protocols and will continue to be a leader in the home cleaning industry by staying at the forefront of the latest research and cleaning techniques. We will improve our cleaning protocols where appropriate by incorporating techniques shown to be effective at preventing the spread of viruses and other germs. And we will continue to provide you with excellent service as well as peace of mind knowing that all the surfaces in your home are clean and sanitized.

Please bookmark this page, as we will update it as needed. We will also post any updates to our Facebook page, and will be in touch via email as well. This situation remains fluid, and we have yet to see how extensive this outbreak will be in our area. In the meantime, be kind to each other and take care of yourselves.


What You Should Know About Getting Your Bathroom Tile To Look Its Very Best

Cleaning bathroom tile is no easy task. And you certainly don’t want to spend hours and hours discovering the best way to clean bathroom floor tiles, or scrubbing and scrubbing to get your bathroom tile to a dazzling shine. 

You’d much rather spend time with your family in Mukilteo, picnicking and beachcombing at Lighthouse Park, than you would in the bathroom, on your hands and knees, cleaning bathroom tile. Who can blame you? Cleaning bathrooms is tough work.

So what is the best way to clean bathroom tile? Let’s eliminate unnecessary time scrubbing, by discussing the best techniques to get your tile to sparkle, as quickly and efficiently as possible.

How to Clean Bathroom Floor Tiles

All kinds of things get tracked into your bathroom and onto the floor. Dirt and bacteria accumulate quickly, and if you’re getting ready in the bathroom, hairspray can just cement it all onto the floor.

The more you think about how gross the floor of a bathroom can be, the more you will want to clean it. How can you get your floor sanitized, hairspray-free, and looking its best? Let’s take a look at the proper steps: how to clean bathroom tile floor.

–  Clear the floor of all obstacles like bath mats or rugs, and the trash can. Then, get rid of dirt and dust by sweeping or vacuuming. This is a great time to toss your bathroom rug in the wash, too! If you plan to vacuum your floors, make sure the vacuum is on a setting suitable for hard flooring.

–  A mop is the best way to clean a tile floor, but if you have a small space and/or extremely tight corners to clean, you may want to use a rag instead.

–  Fill a bucket with warm water and a good floor cleaner. Here are some of the very best available. Or you can also try this remedy, using a gallon of hot water and a cup of vinegar, if you don’t want to use harsh chemicals.

–  Dip your mop or rag into the cleaning solution, and wring out most of the water. Too much liquid can leave you with a bigger mess, and even damage some kinds of flooring.

–  Starting at the far end of the bathroom and working your way towards the door, mop the floor. You may need to dunk and wring out the mop a few more times as you go.

–  To clean your grout if it’s still not looking the way it should, you can use a special antifungal grout cleaner or bleach-based cleaner, testing it in a small area first. Apply the cleaner, let it sit for at least 10 minutes, and scrub with a small brush or toothbrush. Don’t forget that bleach-based sprays and solutions should never be used on marble tile.

How to Clean Shower Tile

Grime on your shower tile is different from the grime on other tile surfaces in your bathroom, and it presents its own set of challenges if you’re hoping for a sparkling clean shower. 

Hard water, soap scum, and dirt and grime build-up and leave your shower tile looking less than its best, and this combination can seem next to impossible to remove. And how to clean bathroom tile stains? If you’re wondering how to clean shower tile so it’s free of this buildup, you’re not alone.

To restore your shower back to its former glory, here’s the best way to tackle the buildup of water, soap, and grime.

-Start by running the shower with hot, hot water for 10 minutes (or just clean it after you’ve showered). The hot water opens the tile’s pores, which will make it easier to clean.

-Mix equal parts water and vinegar and fill a spray bottle.

-Spray the solution onto the tile spraying more of it in the dirtier areas and in between the tiles, where the grout is.

-Let the solution set for at least 5 minutes to loosen soap scum. If your shower is particularly grimy, you may need to let the solution sit for as long as 30 minutes to really loosen everything up.

-Scrub the soap scum with a stiff brush to further loosen the buildup.

-Rinse everything away with warm water.

-Mix 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water in a bowl -it should be thick, like toothpaste- to really deep clean the tiles. If there are especially difficult stains, you can substitute half the water for hydrogen peroxide. (If you don’t want to make your own mixture, or have a tile cleaner you prefer instead, you can use a tile cleaner instead of this at-home remedy.)

-Apply this paste with a sponge, applying it more generously to the grout and the areas that need attention.

-Spray the paste with more of the vinegar-water solution. The baking soda and the vinegar will react, making it bubble, and the vinegar will help continue to break down the soap scum.

-Scrub everything down again with a stiff brush, and rinse with warm water.

-Dry the tiles off with a towel.

You can repeat these steps as necessary to get a sparkling clean shine, and to remove all the tougher buildup that may remain after your first cleaning.

You deserve a clean bathroom, floor to ceiling. And if you’d rather spend your time enjoying your family, enjoying time exploring the outdoors, or if your commute from Mukilteo to Seattle and back is taking up too much of your time, let Clean & Simple Cleaning take care of your bathroom tile -and the rest of your home- for you. 

We offer exceptional house cleaning services right here in Mukilteo, and we’ve got the happy clients and clean homes to back up our offer. From regular maintenance cleaning to deep-cleaning, to move-in and move-out cleaning assistance, and even green, eco-friendly cleaning, we offer all kinds of services to clean your home with as much care as if it were our own.

Clean and Simple Cleaning™’s goal is the same as it was when the company was created years ago: to provide top-quality, affordable house cleaning services so you don’t have to spend your weekends cleaning your home. Instead, you can focus on what matters most to you. Your time is precious. Our time is affordable. Let us help you with your bathroom tile, your home, and your time!


What Are the Most Effective Solutions for Removing Mold from Your Home?

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It’s unsightly, smells, and can make you sick. Mold is the last thing you want to find in your Seattle home. If caught quickly, however, it should be easy to remove by yourself. No matter where you find mold in your home, there are safe, effective ways to remove it from a variety of household materials and to prevent it from coming back. 

All you need are some basic household supplies and a general understanding of what mold is and what kills mold to get your house back to its original mold-free condition. 

What Is Mold?

First of all, what is this nasty household infestation called mold? Mold is a fungus made up of minuscule living organisms that thrive in moist environments like your damp bathroom or basement. Mold and its spores are everywhere. There are over 100,000 types of mold, and every homeowner finds at least one type in their home at some point. 

Many types of mold are harmless, even useful–others are dangerous. Either way, you don’t want it in your home. Mold breaks down matter, triggers allergies, and can make people sick. It also looks like soil build-up. 

Because mold is a living organism, the best methods for getting rid of it involve killing and removing the mold; otherwise, it will come back quickly. As long as household mold is contained to a small area, you should be able to do this yourself. 

What Kills Mold: Bleach vs Vinegar

Uh oh, you found mold. What do you do? Most homeowners’ response is to douse it in bleach or another cleaning chemical. Unfortunately, while these cleaners are toxic to you and your family, they don’t do much to mold. The real mold killer is vinegar. 

How does vinegar kill mold when harsh chemicals can’t? Well, bleach can clean off surface mold, but its chemical structure prevents it from permeating porous materials where mold spores have dug in deep and built a protective membrane. It just can’t get to the root of the problem.

Vinegar, on the other hand, can penetrate porous materials and attack the mold membrane with its acidity, effectively killing the entire mold colony so no surviving spores can reproduce and grow back. Bleach might clean a moldy surface temporarily, but vinegar can wipe it out completely.

How to Get Rid of Mold with Vinegar and Other All-natural Solutions

So now that you know bleach doesn’t work, you’re probably wondering how to get rid of mold with vinegar and if that’s the only solution.

Good questions! Vinegar is very easy to use on mold, and there are other equally easy and effective non-toxic mold killers you can try as well. Here are the best all-natural ways to get rid of mold in your Seattle home: 

Vinegar: Simply put some vinegar in a spray bottle and generously spray the moldy surface. Let the vinegar sit for at least an hour while it works its magic. Finally, wipe the area with water and a cloth or paper towels and let air dry. That’s it!

Hydrogen peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide is an antifungal that works similarly to vinegar on hard surfaces. Pour 3% concentration hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle, soak the moldy surface, and let it sit for 10 minutes. Scrub off the mold and wipe everything down to remove any residue. 

Baking soda: This mild ingredient has the right pH to effectively kill mold without being dangerous to pets and people. Just mix a quarter of a tablespoon of baking soda in a spray bottle of water and spray the moldy area. Scrub the area and rinse with water. Then spray the area again and let it dry. If any residue remains, wipe it off with a damp cloth. 

Tea tree oil: You may not have this in your cupboard, but you can find tea tree oil at health food stores or online. It is a very effective fungicide that can be used to kill mold. Mix two teaspoons of tea tree oil with two cups of water in a spray bottle. Spray the mold and let it sit for 24 hours. Clean off the dead mold. 



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When to Call the Professionals

Most mold infestations Seattle residents experience are minor enough to handle yourself with the above solutions. Some die-hard DIY-ers can even tackle larger infestations themselves if they take appropriate precautions. However, some mold problems do require the experts. 

The United States Environmental Protection Agency offers some guidelines for when mold is too dangerous to remove yourself. They discourage homeowners from attempting mold removal if the affected area is larger than 10 square feet. You should also not attempt major mold removal if you do not have the proper protective gear or fumigation equipment. If you are not confident in your skills of recognizing mold, repairing mold damage, or safely removing mold, do not try to do it yourself. 

How to Prevent Mold

After removing mold, you may wonder how to prevent it from coming back. Remember, mold loves damp surfaces, so controlling moisture and humidity in your home is key. You can do this with proper ventilation in steamy rooms or around appliances that produce moisture. Fix leaky plumbing or other places where water seeps into your home, like foundation cracks.

You should also avoid letting water collect and stand. Redirect rainwater away from your foundation, clean and repair roof gutters, and dry spills or flooding immediately. Use a dehumidifier and fans to dry wet spots. Launder wet clothing and bedding immediately. The fewer wet surfaces in your Seattle home, the less attractive it will be to mold spores.

Luckily, most mold can be managed by keeping a clean house. Having a clean house has never been easier for Seattle families who hire the expert cleaning services of Clean and Simple. Our highly rated services discourage mold and catch those occasional infestations while they’re still small. 

If you want to have a perfectly clean and mold-free Seattle home week after week, get started today with a free quote from Clean and Simple!



Why is There So Much Variation in the Cost of House Cleaning Services?

House cleaning prices vary widely across the U.S., ranging from $90 to $250 per cleaning visit and much higher in certain metropolitan areas. If you’ve ever shopped around for cleaning services, you’ve probably noticed there’s a lot of variation right in your own town.

So why do different house cleaners charge such different rates for their services? To answer this question, we looked at multiple sources that track house cleaning prices, including Home Advisor, Fixr, Thumbtack, and cleaning services right here in Edmonds, Washington.

There are a number of reasons why house cleaning prices vary so much. Here’s a closer look.

Home Location & Size

Your home’s location is an indisputable factor in the cost of house cleaning services. An apartment cleaning in New York City, despite the home’s small size, will cost much more than a comparable cleaning for an entire suburban home in Edmonds, Washington. 

The cost difference comes from variation in the overall cost of living and other economic factors. Everything is more expensive in NYC, and house cleaning is no exception.

Plus, size matters. Your home’s square footage is a big deal because it affects the time frame involved. Most cleaning companies have home size thresholds that allow them to quote house cleaning prices before the first cleaning, even if they’ve never seen your home.

An 800-square-foot 1-story home is going to be much less expensive to clean than a 3,000-square foot multi-story home. The average nationwide price for a 2,000-square-foot home is $75 to $125 for a single basic cleaning visit.

Fee/Contract Schedule

Another consideration is the fee structure of the cleaning company, including whether you have signed up for an ongoing contract or just an individual cleaning. Some companies charge a flat fee for a defined set of services. Others do everything on an hourly basis. 

Many companies have a blended structure, with a flat fee for certain services, plus an hourly rate or extra charge for additional services. Because there are so many types of fee schedules, it can be hard to make an apples-to-apples comparison among companies.

The cleaning schedule has a lot to do with how much you’ll pay, further muddying the waters, in terms of making comparisons. If you sign up for a weekly or bi-weekly cleaning, it’s common to pay around $25 to 25% less per visit. Some companies run specials, like getting a discount if you sign up for 6-month or 12-month recurring services.

So if you call around, one company might quote you $150 total for a single cleaning visit. Another company might quote you $35 an hour for a basic cleaning, plus $45 an hour for additional services. Another might quote $175 per visit, but with a 25% discount for a multi-cleaning contract. How do you compare these companies?  

The answer lies in examining the lineup of services they’re offering at each price point. So let’s take a closer look at the types of services a cleaning company typically provides.

Service Lineup

For a basic cleaning, here is a list of house cleaning services any cleaning company should be able to provide:

• Vacuuming
• Dusting
• Tidying
• Cleaning bathroom fixtures, including toilet and tub
• Cleaning kitchen fixtures, including sink and countertops

The following tasks are usually considered to be more labor-intensive and are likely to come in at a higher tier in terms of cost:

– Cleaning windows
– Scrubbing/mopping soiled floors
– Scrubbing and cleaning out the kitchen sink and oven
– Deep cleaning the bathroom
– Cleaning the refrigerator

Finally, there is a list of very labor-intensive cleaning tasks that may require special equipment, additional training and staffing. These will always come with additional fees.

– Carpet cleaning and carpet spotting
– Hard floor care such as machine scrubbing ceramic tile floors or polishing wood floors
– Granite countertop cleaning and polishing
– Power washing outside areas
– Deep cleaning grimy and cluttered spaces
– Move-in/move-out services
– Event cleanup services

Your Unique Home

Don’t be surprised if you receive a higher cleaning quote than a neighbor, friend, or family member. The quirks of your individual home are also factored into house cleaning quotes. 

Maybe you have a 100-year-old historic home with lots of nooks and crannies to clean. Maybe you have a large family, and there’s lots of clutter to dust. Or perhaps you have floors with ground-in dirt left by a previous homeowner who recently vacated the premises. 

A cleaning company will take all of these things into account when giving you a quote. They’ll also be able to provide advice about how to get your home ready for the next cleaning, in order to possibly save money in the future.

Extras & Special Requests

Many homeowners have a few extra cleaning tasks and special requests for the house cleaning crew. Do you have pets that leave hair around the house? A cleaning company will likely charge extra to remove hair from the surfaces of floors, curtains, furniture, and more.

Is your garage a mess? A housecleaning crew can’t organize it for you, but they could help you give it a facelift by applying a special cleaning solvent to the floor that removes oil, gasoline, and grime. They could also vacuum out the dust bunnies and cobwebs and make your garage door windows sparkle.

One area of cleaning where the cost may surprise you is window cleaning. This time-intensive task costs an average of $225 to $300 alone, outside of regular cleaning services. Even if you just want 4 or 5 of your home’s most visible windows cleaned, expect to pay $75 to $100 for this service. It takes time and skill to get windows crystal clean.

To clean window treatments, you’ll likely pay about $100 to $200. Furniture and upholstery cleaning fees usually come in at about $100 to $150, and cleaning a home’s walls and ceilings costs about $150 to $300 on average.

Professionalism & Reputation

The final factor in home cleaning costs is the professional reputation of the company involved. You might get a bottom-dollar quote from a certain company, but what if their reputation is terrible? Will they really do a thorough job?

Always check out a company’s online reviews and ratings from sites like Yelp and Google Reviews. Request a written estimate and don’t be surprised if the company wants to send a representative out to take a look at your house before providing a quote. That’s a good thing for both you and the cleaning company because the quote will be more accurate.


How Hiring A House Cleaning Service Can Actually Save You Money

In today’s world, it seems like there is a company that will pretty much take care of any tedious, time-consuming or just generally unpleasant task that your household may need,  from taking on your yard work to delivering lunch and all manner of things in between. 

Yes, it’s great that we have all of these time- and energy-saving options for managing our busy lives here in Mukilteo, but when it comes down to money, are these services really worth it? Some people may argue that anything that makes your daily life easier is worth the money; others, who are more cautious about where they direct their funds, may feel that doing it all DIY is the best way to go. 

When it comes to house cleaning, what’s the best option? What if we told you that outsourcing the toilet scrubbing, dusting, and vacuuming can actually save you money in the long run? Here’s how. 

Consistent Household Maintenance Prolongs Lifespan

If you ask any carpet, countertop, tub, and tile, or appliance expert, they will tell you that consistent upkeep will keep your home looking newer longer, and make your carpet, bathroom fixtures, and appliances last longer. Dirt, dust, grit, and animal hair that isn’t cleaned up regularly will get worked down into the carpet fibers. There, it can damage the backing, acting as an abrasive and wearing it down prematurely. 

Likewise, dirt and hard water deposits on bathroom fixtures can etch into the finish, making them appear older than they are. Regular, professional house cleaning will keep your home at a consistently clean state, saving you money in the long run as you won’t have to replace or refinish pricey household fixtures and carpets as frequently.

Time Spent Cleaning = Money 

Sure, you could spend every Sunday cleaning your house, but is that the way you really want to spend your valuable time off? It’s no secret that there’s plenty to do and see in and around Mukilteo, so enjoy your weekends outside instead of cleaning inside. When you consider hiring a house cleaning service, think about the time you spend cleaning on a weekly basis. How much is your time worth? 

Investors and budget experts refer to this as “opportunity cost.” (What are you missing out on by spending your time cleaning? Job opportunities, priceless time spent with friends and family?) Mopping floors, vacuuming carpets, scrubbing toilets, and wiping away dust is a time-consuming project, even in a small home with no kids or pets. A professional house cleaning team can efficiently clean your home in a few hours while you are away at work – or play. 

Save on Supplies

Professional house cleaning technicians will be properly trained and prepared to work with the proper cleaners for each surface in your home. Instead of wasting your money on ten or more different cleaning products that may or may not work, you can rely on your professional cleaning technician to come armed with the right tools for the job. 

Hiring house cleaning service with trained technicians who know how to clean effectively with the right tools for the job can not only save you money on supplies, but also save you the replacement cost of furnishings or appliances that become damaged with ineffective or incorrect use of cleaning products.


How to Get the Most Out of Your Cleaning Service

Everyone wants to get the most value for the money they’re spending, and it’s no different with a cleaning service. A quality cleaning company’s cleaning technicians have a limited time to spend at your home, and that time can be spent either tidying up or cleaning.  To make sure the time spent at your home is productive cleaning time, we have put together a few tips to make sure you are getting the most from your home cleaning:

  • Respect your cleaning technician’s time constraints – Be aware that techs have a specific schedule to keep and other homes to clean before the end of the day.  If you are present for the cleaning, please allow techs to focus on their jobs as much as possible.
  • Dishes – Unless specifically requested, we don’t normally do dishes. Your techs might go above and beyond and load your dishwasher for you, but this could take away cleaning time from other areas in the kitchen.  If dishes are put up and counters are clear, there will be more time to focus on cleaning.
  • Bathroom vanities – Put personal products in drawers or cabinets so counter tops are more accessible.
  • Floors – Make sure floors are clear and all items are picked up before cleanings.  Coins, hair pins, and sharp object on carpets can potentially break or damage our vacuums, which again takes away from time spent cleaning.  In entryways, having a designated basket for shoes can be very helpful for quick pick up.
  • Pets – Our techs love your pets!  However, if you know you have a skittish or less friendly pet, it will be much less stressful both for our techs and your pet if the pet is either in a room we don’t clean, or out of the home during the cleaning.  Additionally, we do not handle animal (or human) waste.
  • Furniture – Keep in mind that we don’t normally move furniture, unless it is light enough for one person to move safely.  We don’t want to damage your floors or our backs.  If you want a hard-to-reach area cleaned, consider moving items out of the way ahead of time.


Your Complete Homeowner’s Checklist – What You Should Be Doing Monthly, Seasonally, and Beyond!

Being a homeowner comes with plenty of perks for sure, but with these perks also comes a great deal of responsibility. Performing regular maintenance and cleaning tasks may seem like a pain, and especially if you are a new homeowner, it can seem overwhelming.

Taking care of these maintenance jobs throughout the year can save you from costly repairs and extend the life of the components of your home. We’ve put together a handy guide to help you get a handle on what must be done and how often:

Monthly Maintenance

Doing just a small handful of quick maintenance jobs each month can help prevent major repairs down the road. These are mostly 5 minute jobs, or less, and don’t require any special expertise.

Check and replace HVAC filters (if needed) Some recommendations say to change out your air filters monthly, but many times this is unnecessary. If you have pets or allergies, every month and a half may be needed, otherwise every three months is likely plenty. Check it regularly, as pollen and dust amounts will vary throughout the year, and the filter may need to be changed more often.

Clean the kitchen sink disposal This often-overlooked appliance can get really grungy with miscellaneous food scraps sitting in the damp. There are several commercially available cleaning tablets to do this, which you can pick up at any retail store or grocery – however, you can make your own by freezing an ice cube tray full of vinegar, and then running the cubes down the disposal. This dual-purpose solution also acts as a sharpener for the disposal blades.

Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors Make sure these life-saving devices are at the ready with a quick test. Check the manufacturer’s instructions first, but most models simply require you pushing a button on the device. If it sounds, it should be good to go.

Check sinks and toilets for leaks  A quick peek and feel around under the sinks and around toilets can potentially save you from costly and extensive repairs. A slow leak gone undetected can cost thousands in damages, and can even compromise the structural integrity of your home. Any moisture under sinks or around toilets should be investigated, as well as any gurgling or running sounds long after a toilet is flushed.

Inspect caulk and grout While you are in the bathrooms and kitchen checking over the sinks and toilets, take a minute to look at the grout and caulk situation. Touch up any cracks or empty spots. This not only keeps it looking nice, but can prevent water from seeping behind walls and causing major damage and mold issues. Heavily mildewed grout or caulk shouldn’t be covered over – be sure that any mildew or mold has been thoroughly cleaned before doing any touch-ups.

Clean the range hood filter If you haven’t given this much thought before, the first time you do this the filter may be pretty nasty with greasy build up. Most range hood filters are reusable, so a good soak in some dish soap or a degreaser should do the job. Not up to the challenge? An experienced professional cleaning company can help you with this deep cleaning task.

Take a lap outside Give your house, shed, and carport if you have one a good look over. Look for anything out of the ordinary, checking for cracks in the foundation, damage to siding, and the condition of downspouts and gutters.

Seasonal and Annual Tasks

Some things don’t need attention monthly, and some things need to be done as the seasons change. Getting these items checked off quarterly with the seasons:

Check water softener, add salt if needed Most of the time, this simple job just requires peeking under the lid of the water softener for a check. Add salt as needed.

Clean out gutters (Spring and possibly Late Fall) If you have lots of trees around your home, this might be a twice-a-year task. Clear out leaves and sediment by hand, then flush with a hose.

Remove/replace, clean and inspect window screens (Winter/Spring) In preparation for winter, remove your window screens for storage. Snow can build up between screens and windows, which can cause damage. In the Spring, clean them well with dish soap or an exterior house cleaner and hose. Check for any holes and replace damaged screens.

Schedule a heating system checkup (including chimney if you have one) Get your furnace tuned up and inspected professionally at least every other Fall, and your chimney, if you have one, inspected annually. IF you have steam heat, drain your boiler to clear out sediment.

Deep clean inside and out Spring is the perfect time to give the whole house a deep clean. Start outside by washing the windows and siding or masonry with a garden hose and exterior house detergent (just avoid going overboard with the soap, it’s not great for your plants.) Inside, take the time to detail clean areas that may not be regularly attended to – like behind the refrigerator, wiping down walls and cabinets, descaling shower doors, and dusting hard to reach areas. (If this job sounds overwhelming and time-consuming, request a quote from a professional.)

Check for drafts (Spring and Fall) Before summer’s warmer days and winter’s chill, it’s a good idea to check windows and doors for drafts. Cracked caulking or weather stripping can let cold/warm air in, costing you more in energy bills.

Clean heat ducts Dust and dirt can collect and restrict air flow, cause bad smells, and post health hazards to those with allergies. Call in a professional, especially if you have severe allergies.

Clean dryer duct Lint can build up within the ducts, blocking the flow of air, and not only making your dryer less efficient, but posing a fire hazard. Kits are available at most home improvement stores, but if you prefer, the same folks who clean heating ducts usually also clean these.

Let us handle it for you

Doing these maintenance projects along with keeping your home clean can extend the life of your appliances, keep you and your family healthier, and make your home a safe, comfortable place to be. However, some of these tasks can be handled by highly-trained cleaning professionals— why not hand the job over to them?


HCT Certified Residential Cleaning Professionals

Hiring a professional cleaning company to clean your home does not mean you are just hiring someone to do the tasks that you don’t want to do. You are hiring professional cleaners who are trained to clean your home efficiently and thoroughly, using the most advanced techniques and equipment available.

Most professional cleaning companies have trained employees who come into your home to clean, but how do you know you are getting the most highly trained professional cleaners to make your home shine?

A cleaning company with the HCT (House Cleaning Technician) Certified cleaning designation has the highest standards of cleaning you can expect in the entire industry. They don’t just know how to clean a home— they know the science behind the cleaning as well.

What HCT Certification Teaches

HCT Certification goes deeper than just teaching professional cleaners proper methods of cleaning and more efficient processes. The course for HCT Certification dives into the microbiology and chemistry behind the soil and messes that will be found in homes.

This clarifies the processes for cleaning the different soil throughout a home— cleaners with HCT certification have a better understanding of why different methods are required to treat different messes. For example, the kind of soil you find in a bathroom is biologically different than what you find in a kitchen; therefore, you need to clean it differently to ensure sanitation.

HCT Certification gives cleaners the ability to identify and care for the many different kinds of materials that make up a home. The way a cleaner cares for leather is different than the protocol for cleaning, say, fabric upholstery. Here’s a short list of the materials HTC certified cleaners learn about:

• Natural Stone
• Wood Flooring
• Bamboo and Cork
• Laminates
• Clay
• Tile and Grout
• Concrete
• Resilient Flooring
• Vinyl
• Vinyl Asbestos
• Linoleum
• Rubber
• Carpet
• Countertops and Cabinets
• Glass  Fixtures
• Metals
• Stainless Steel
• Paint
• Wallpaper

There is a good chance that homeowners themselves don’t know the proper way to clean bamboo fixtures, but your HCT certified cleaning professional will!

The Health Of Your Home

When they decide to hire a professional cleaning company, most people think about how much time they’ll save— and that is absolutely true. You will take back hours a week, time you can spend doing something you love rather than cleaning. However, you might be surprised to learn that the biggest impact hiring a professional cleaner will have is on the health of your home. A cleaning company with an HCT Certification will keep your home the healthiest environment possible for you and your family.

The HCT Certification course teaches professional cleaners about microbes and pathogens, and how hygienic cleaning can break the chain of infection. They also go over the safe practices for the cleaner, and the importance of washing hands between rooms to prevent cross-contamination from one room to the next.

Trusting The Company You Hired

When you hire a professional cleaning company for residential cleaning, you are putting a lot of trust in the people that are coming to clean your home. In most cases, you won’t be home when they clean. You need the company you work with to perform background checks on their employees. Additionally, the company needs to be bonded and insured so you won’t be financially liable for any accident that may happen while they are in your home.

If the cleaning company you hire is HCT Certified, you have the added reassurance that they have been highly trained in workplace safety, specifically safety while cleaning residential homes. They’re well versed in the use of chemicals and the reading of labels for safe use around people and animals. They know how to properly use their equipment and they’re educated on the standards of safety when using plugs and ladders. They even know the proper personal protective equipment they should use. You can rest assured that they will not only know how to protect your property, but they will be able to protect themselves as well.

How to Find An HCT Certified Cleaning Company

If you are ready to hire a company that stands out from all the rest, hiring a company with an HCT Certified employees is your first step. You can use the Association of Residential Cleaning Companies International (ARCI) to search for an HCT Certified company near you.

You would hire a professional to ensure your oil is changed correctly; the same principle applies when it’s time to hire someone to clean your house. It’s not just about saving time. It’s about getting the highest quality clean possible in your home, allowing you and your family to live in a clean and healthy environment.

If you’re looking for a residential cleaning company in and around Lynnwood, Washington, you’ll be working with the best when you hire Clean & Simple. Our customer service team members are standing by to give you your complimentary cleaning quote for your home. Let us start cleaning your home, and you get to living your happier, and healthier life!



2018 Holiday Toy Drive

It’s time for our 2nd annual toy drive!

Last year our customers raised thousands of dollars worth of toys and gift cards for Hand in Hand‘s Christmas store (the featured picture is just a fraction of what we ended up donating). The Christmas store serves 135 families living in poverty in the Everett area. If you’d like to help us make this holiday season brighter for families in need, here’s how –

Hand in Hand needs:
NEW toys appropriate for children 0-12
Gift cards in $25 increments to Fred Meyer, Walmart, or Amazon

If you have a cleaning between now and 12/12/18, you can leave your donations at your home for our techs to pick up. Just send us an email or call at (425)673-4733 to let us know what to expect.

Otherwise, you can drop off donations at our office, 18908 Hwy 99 Ste E Lynnwood WA 98036, anytime between 7-4 M-F.

P.S. We want to spread as much love as possible, so everyone who donates will be entered into a drawing to win a FREE CLEANING. Each item will count as one entry, so the more you donate the greater your chances of winning.