
Don’t Advertise You Are Away

Safety Tip! Don’t Advertise You Are Away

Don’t advertise you are away from home! It is an important factor in protecting your home.  The first thing a burglar looks for when choosing a house is one that is empty.  Here are some specific ways that you can make your house look occupied even when it is not.

Don’t Advertise You Are Away

  1. Use automatic timers throughout the house for lights, radios or TVs.  They even make automatic timers to open curtains and drapes now.  Make sure to set the timers up where they follow normal patterns and have battery backup in case of loss of power.
  2. Arrange to have maintenance on your house (i.e. lawn mowing, snow removal) taken care of when you are gone.
  3. Ask a neighbor or friend to pick up mail or deliveries and put out your trash can to help make it look like someone is home or at least that someone is regularly watching over your home.
  4. Ask a neighbor or friend to pick up mail or deliveries and put out your trash can to help make it look like someone is home or at least that someone is regularly watching over your home.
  5. When you are home, park your car in the garage with the garage door closed.  This will make it harder for burglars to calculate your patterns.
  6. Make sure your privacy settings are set up correctly on social media sites to ensure your posts about vacation aren’t seen by the wrong person or better yet, don’t post about your vacations until you get back.
Don’t advertise you are away from home was the first tip from our Protecting Your Home Against Burglary blog post.

Clean and Simple Cleaning™ will be doing several more blog posts that go into details about the other tips covered in the original home protection post.

Protecting your home against burglary is important.  Share other ways you avoid advertising when you are away from your house. Place it in the comment section and check back soon for other posts on this topic.


Clean and Simple Cleaning™ June 2013 Newsletter

Clean and Simple Cleaning™ June 2013 Newsletter

It was just an ordinary sunny Thursday when I left my house through the front door to go to work.  I did not set the alarm because the window washer was coming so I would be back shortly.  As I was leaving my basement, I had eye contact with a man and felt uncomfortable because he didn’t belong nor had I ever seen him before.  I kept driving to work.

Shortly, I got a call from my window washer requesting a reschedule.  I got a text that my daughter was being picked up from school and I decided I would just stay at the office and work as my son would be at football camp.

I returned home about 5 pm and as normal, entered the house through my garage.  As I made my way through my house, I dismissed a few thoughts. My kitchen was messier than I remember. I thought I locked the back slider, my gamin and heart rate monitor weren’t where they were supposed to be. Moreover, my bedroom was a real mess.  I know I own a house cleaning company, but we live busy lives, and just like everyone else, we can get scattered, after all, I have two teenage kids.

Suddenly I stopped dead in my tracks and stared into my master bathroom.  Someone removed my safe from my closet, and everything was missing!  My heart sank, and my hands started shaking.  I immediately called 911 and then went through the house with different eyes. It was shocking. They were good.  They knew exactly how to find stuff.  Jewelry, sporting good equipment and electronic gadgets….ALL GONE! Someone burglarized my house.

Why am I telling you this?  Because I have been in business for over 20 years and had a few phone calls from clients, who have had this same thing happen to them.  The police stated that there has been an influx of robberies in the area and that these were professionals.  You never think it can happen to you, but when it does, it feels incredibly personal and unsettling that the place you are to feel safest was attacked.

They are highly skilled at turning our lives upside down! Please remove your safe and your valuables from obvious places like your master bedroom, bathroom or home office. The police say most people keep their valuables in the same places as everyone else.

If you see someone walking in your neighborhood in the middle of the day that looks like they don’t belong they most likely don’t. Call the police or hang around until they leave.

The blessing was the window washer, my daughter and I was redirected, and my son was at football camp.  so no one came home in the middle of the break-in which could have made this horrible act much worse.

We have gathered several more tips on how to protect yourself from burglaries that we will be sharing on our blog over the next few weeks.  Check out the first one here.

Stacie McMillan

FAMILY In the Home

Protecting Your Home Against Burglary

Our homes are not just a place of residence.  It is where we live with our family, keep our property and personal things. Additionally, it is where we base our lives from the very beginning.  However, crime rates are increasing including burglaries. So, it is important we protect ourselves by protecting your home against burglary.

Statistics show that burglars will give up and move onto the next vulnerable target if they can not gain entrance in 2 minutes or less.  Statistics also show that most burglars only need 8-12 minutes to find what they are looking for to steal.  It is a scary thought that in less than 15 minutes, all of the material things that are valuable to you could be taken from your home.

Tips for Protecting Your Home Against Burglary

Over the next few weeks, Clean and Simple Cleaning™ will be publishing additional blog posts that go into detail about each of these tips and provide you with specific action items.

1.  Do Not Advertise You Are Not Home

Most burglars will pass on a house if they believe someone might be at home.  After all, they want your stuff, not to mess around with people.

2.  Make It Hard To Gain Entrance

It all goes back to the 2-minute rule mentioned earlier.  If your house is hard to access, they will pass on it and find one with easy access.

3.  Make All Points of Entry Visible

More burglaries are happening in the middle of the day.  They clearly avoid being seen. So, get rid of hiding places at all entry points.

4.  Install Home Security Alarm System and Secure Locks (use them 100% of the time)

It does not eliminate your risk but does minimize it as it makes your house harder to enter without getting caught quickly.

5.  Know Your Neighbors

Having people look at your house and the neighborhood is one of the most efficient ways to scare off intruders and have police notified right away.

Your home should be a place to feel safe and be comfortable with your family.  Following these main precautions will hopefully protect your home against burglary and keep you feeling secure in your home.  Although, it is an excellent idea to take pictures and keep a written inventory of your valuable items that are not kept in your home.  You also want to make sure you have the right amount of insurance to cover the value of your belongings and make sure to keep your valuables secure and hidden in the least visible places in your home.

Share any other tips for protecting your home against burglary with our community in the comment section.  Look out for our follow up blog posts on this topic in the coming weeks.


Paper Clutter Solutions

Paper clutter can be overwhelming to deal with, that much is true.  It is amazing in the digital world we live in how much paper comes into the average household.  The amount of mail received, the piles of paper from kid’s schools and extracurricular organizations, the paper clutter can be overwhelming.  After all, we often describe clutter as ‘postponed decisions.’

Here are a few paper clutter solutions for your home.

First, (and possibly the most critical for long-term success) set a dedicated space and time to go through the mail and school work.  Whether it is in the foyer, the kitchen or the den, make sure it is close to garbage, recycle container, family calendar, and some basic office supplies.

Secondly, make decisions immediately about most of the items.  For instance, transfer dates to calendars and recycle all notices and junk mail.   Designate a holding place for all mail or school papers that need action/attention at a later time for instance bills, field trip forms or book orders.

Lastly, have a plan to deal with the sentimental papers such as artwork, homework assignments kids are proud of and note from friends which are treasures to them.  A few exceptional pieces may make it to the refrigerator or an art wall where they can admire and show off.  Most, however, should instantly be placed in a designated bin for each child.  If it is too bulky to fit, take a picture of it.  If it is something that could stick to or ruin other papers, put it in a sheet protector first.  During the summer, then you can go through each of the boxes with your child and reminisce over their achievements throughout the past school year.  Then make decisions of what items go into their forever keepsakes and what items can now be recycled or thrown out.

These paper clutter solutions can keep you from feeling overwhelmed by the piles of paperwork in your home.

What are the ways you handle paper clutter or any clutter from building up in your house?


Inspiring Hope Run/Walk Free Cleaning Giveaway

Inspiring Hope means to fill someone with the urge or ability to experience a feeling of expectation. And fill someone with the desire for a certain thing to happen.

The Inspiring Hope Run/Walk was established to bring people together. To inspire hope by encouraging and showing the whole community that together we can make a difference. And hopefully soon, we will find a cure for cancer.

Clean and Simple Cleaning™ is proud to be a gold level sponsor of Inspiring Hope Run/Walk and an active part of the community. We honor the ones who have inspired us and strive to inspire others by sharing our stories and encourage you to share yours with us too. By sharing who inspires you, you will enter in our drawing for a FREE CLEANING. See the details of the contest listed below.

“My Mom inspires me to be whom I want to be and to take control of my future.   Raised in what I would consider a harsh environment with little nurturing, She knew she did not have to be her past. Moreover, she was always a loving and caring Mom to my siblings and me.  My family’s favorite saying is ‘buck up,‘ and even today at 86 years old, she encourages me to do what I need to do even when I think life is too hard.”
Janet Swett, Office Manager (4 years)

“My kids inspire me. Everything I do is to keep them going forward so in the future they may be able to be better than me in all aspects but especially with good hearts and to be able to triumph in life.”
Emilia Morales, Cleaner (2 years)

“My family; my kids, my mom, and my grandkids inspire me because I live for them. They are the reason I try to maintain myself in good shape and healthy.”
Maria Diaz, Cleaner (6 years)

“ So many different people in my life inspired me, my children, my best friend, and my parents. This year, as I deal with the hardship of divorce, three women in my life inspired me. They who faced this struggle in their own lives with grace, strength, and courage. Their understanding and encouragement provide me with the ability to hope and strength to believe in myself as a mother and an independent woman.”

Jen Yormark, Marketing (3 months)

“My Dad inspired me. He died of cancer, and when we found out (about the diagnosis), there was nothing we could do about it. His name was Juan Carrillo.”
Trinidad Carrillo, Cleaner (1 year)


To be entered in the contest for 2 Hours of FREE CLEANING…

  • Your home must be in our service area.
  • You must leave us a comment of who inspires you and why on this blog post. (Make sure to include your email address.)
  • For an extra entry in the drawing for the Free Cleaning, please share this contest on your Facebook page and leave us another comment on this blog post telling us you did so. Moreover, also remember to like Clean and Simple Cleaning™ on facebook as well!
  • We will announce the drawing for the free 2 hours of cleaning on May 13, 2013. Additionally, we will contact the winner directly.  The free cleaning is valid until April 30, 2014.

About Inspiring Hope Run/Walk

Inspiring Hope Run/Walk consists of a 10k run, 5k run and 5k walk starting and finishing at Kamiak High School in Mukilteo. It is also the fourth consecutive year this race has been held. Moreover, 100% of profits benefit the Susan G. Komen for the Cure organization. For more details, please visit the official race website at Alternatively, to make a generous donation, please visit .


Questions You Should Ask When Choosing a House Cleaning Service

Choosing a house-cleaning service is different from picking someone to mow your lawn or clean your gutters. It is more intimate than most business relationships because in many cases, house cleaners have the key to your house.  House cleaning services are responsible for caring for your belongings, dusting your family portraits and cleaning valuable heirlooms.  For those reasons, there are many items that one should consider when choosing a house cleaning service.

Here are six questions, you should consider when Choosing a House Cleaning Service.

1.  Is the company a member of the Association of Residential Cleaning Services International (ARCSI)?

Membership in this organization shows a dedication to the ethical standards of ARCSI. Also, it is a dedication to quality in the residential cleaning industry.

2.  Is the work guaranteed?

Ask about how a company checks quality and what happens if you are not satisfied with all or part of your cleaning.  The companies who are truly committed to quality will have a quality assurance process. Moreover, they will always be willing to come back and redo the cleaning to your satisfaction if you let them know within 24 hours of original cleaning.

3. Can I get references from other clients?

Any cleaning service can say whatever they want about their past jobs.  Make sure you can depend on the cleaning service by reading comments and reviews from their past and current customers.

4. Can I get an in-home, written estimate?

This one will allow you to get an outline of specific tasks of cleaner will perform. Additionally, it as well as help the cleaning service is evident on your expectations and familiar with your home.

5. What are the costs involved?

Obviously, the cost is always a deciding factor, but remember small cost is not always the best option.  The low cost might be due to their house cleaners not insured or bonded. It can also be because they are not able to replace an item if broken. Alternatively, it can be because the equipment and supplies used in your home could also be less expensive and less effective.  There could also be hidden costs or pressure to add services which also goes to the importance of #4.

6. Can I get proof  or documentation of background checks of the cleaning technicians who will work in my home?

The costly investment of background checks of workers is only made by cleaning service companies who are serious about protecting their clients and employees.  These cleaning companies are more likely to have higher caliber employees working in your home.

When deciding on house cleaning services, it is a good idea to compare cleaning services. However, be sure you are comparing similar services.  When comparing multiple written estimates, it is important to check if the frequency of cleanings, the inclusion of services, equipment, and supplies (are they provided by all companies?), and some cleaners per team is similar.

Choosing a house cleaning service is a major decision and a personal one.  Take the time to consider these items and find a good reliable company that will be providing you quality for years to come.

For more information about choosing a house cleaning service.

Please register to receive our free Consumer’s Guide to Home Cleaning Services by clicking on your service area from our service area page and filling out a short form, or you can leave your address as a comment below, and we will mail one out to you.


Seasonal House Cleaning Checklist

Spring has officially begun, and in the pacific northwest, we have even been experiencing some beautiful sunny weather recently.  Spring is known for a time to clean and get the house freshened up, but there are cleaning tasks that one should do at every season change.

Here are a few items that Clean and Simple Cleaning™ think are important to include on your seasonal house cleaning checklist at the start of each season.  Please check out our other house cleaning checklists as well; weekly and monthly.

Seasonal House Cleaning Checklist

Thoroughly clean

  • Windows
  • Outside accessory items such as grills and patio furniture
  • Gutters (these should be looked at in the spring and end of summer unless there is a problem about them)
  • Baseboards and moldings
  • All vents (change filters if needed)
  • Fire place
  • Blinds
  • Oven (either run your self-cleaning oven and wipe away any excess left once completed or hand clean)
  • Interior of all your cabinets.

Check Maintenance Issues

The change of seasons is an excellent time to do a walk around both the inside and outside your house and check for any maintenance issues.  All windows should especially be checked.  So, add any items on your to-do list to complete or to make phone calls to a professional depending on the issue and your abilities.  Set a timeframe to perform these maintenance issues and stick with it.

Clutter Control

Organize and get rid of items that are no longer needed by your family or are outside of their prime.  Make sure to cover…

  • closets
  • pantry
  • medicine cabinets
  • kid’s bedrooms
  • garage


  • Replace baking soda in fridge
  • Change out batteries on smoke detectors

To help with these extra chores, we offer specialty deep cleanings and have a monthly special this April offering 1/2 off any of our add on services.


Clean and Simple Cleaning™ News – Spring Happenings

As Spring rolls in, Clean and Simple Cleaning™ is keeping busy and has exciting News to share. It’s a good thing it is staying light out longer so we can fit a lot into our days!

First of all, we are proud to announce our gold level sponsorship of the Inspiring Hope Run/Walk. Inspiring Hope Run/Walk is a race in Mukilteo in May that raises funds for the Susan G. Komen For The CureClean and Simple Cleaning™ will have a table the morning of the race with a fun giveaway or two. We also plan on having several employees from our office running or walking. Our new Marketing Assistant, Jen, ran the Inspiring Hope 10k for the last 2 years and says its a great course to run. I am looking forward to running it and supporting such a great cause both personally and professionally.

Going along with our support of breast cancer research, we also received our newest Certification of Appreciation and Participation from Cleaning For A Reason. Our company is proud to be a charter member of this organization which provides house cleanings to women undergoing cancer treatment.

We are also looking forward to a company wide photo shoot with Urban Utopia Photography. We will be updating some photos for our website and other marketing materials. Having photos taken can be such a daunting task, but we plan on having fun. One of the greatest things about the crew and staff at Clean and Simple Cleaning™ is that we can have fun and smile while we work hard.

As mentioned before, our office staff has grown to include a marketing assistant. Jen started in February and we enjoy having her in the office. Janet, Ivon and Raquel are still busy making sure our customers are being taken care of.

Next month, I will be headed to Dallas, TX to attend Extreme Business Makeover convention. This Spring Leadership Conference is sponsored by ARCSI (Association of Residential Cleaning Services International) and Cleaning For A Reason. It is always educational and fun to network with other cleaning business owners from around the country.

As always, thank you for your support and for your business. It is a pleasure to serve you.

Stacie McMillan


Choosing Paint Colors to Turn Your House into Your Home

There is no doubt that coming home to a clean house puts you in a good mood, but there are more layers than just a clean home that can affect your mood at home.  

Did you know? New paint colors can make one of the biggest differences in bringing out your personality. Moreover, it makes your house feel more like a home making choosing paint colors a significant decision.

Colors provoke feelings.  Even a child will tell you that yellow is a happy color, so while we might not realize it, room color can influence our thoughts and moods on a daily basis.

Consider your color preferences, the room’s purpose and the feelings colors can provoke when choosing paint colors and hues.

Light colors can make a room seem bigger and brighter while dark colors add a sophisticated and intimate feeling.

Here is a brief overview of attributes different colors can offer.

Red is the most intense of the colors and has even been proven to raise blood pressure and increase heart rate.  It is typically used in living and dining rooms as it draws people together provoking conversation.

Yellow, as mentioned before, communicates happiness and is energizing.  We generally find it in kitchens and bathrooms.  Yellow is not often found in large rooms as many believe it that, in large amounts, it has the opposite impact on people. It causes them to feel frustrated and angry.

Orange is an energetic color and creates enthusiasm which is ideal for use in a den or workout area.

Blue is often found in bedrooms as it is considered serene and calming.  Lighter hues of blue typically encourage relaxation while darker shades can cause feelings of sadness.

Green is a popular choice for all rooms in homes. It is since it combines the qualities of relaxation from blue and the happiness of yellow and promotes togetherness.

Purple evokes different feelings based on the hue.  A darker shade such as eggplant acts like a red. While having a lighter tone like lilac is similar to light shades of blue and is calming.

If adding color to your walls seems too risky there are lots of neutral shades that can be used to freshen up space. and the color can be brought in using furniture, wall hangings, and other accessories.

Think about your family’s lifestyle and choose paint colors wisely.  When your house is full of colors that speak to you, you will love coming home.  Your home is your space to grow with your family, rejuvenate your mind and be comfortable, so it is important that it feels like you.

Share with us how you go about choosing paint colors for your house.


Focus on the Gift of You and We’ll Take Care of the Cleaning

The Gift of YOU, and we will take care of the cleaning!

Milestone birthdays often trigger introspection and a desire for meaningful change. For my 50th, I decided to give myself the most valuable gift imaginable: a healthier, stronger me. In a world that constantly demands our attention, it’s easy to neglect our own well-being. However, I realized that investing in myself wasn’t selfish; it was essential for being the best version of myself for those I love and the endeavors I pursue.

My journey toward self-improvement involves training for my first Ironman triathlon. It’s an audacious goal, encompassing a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride, and a full marathon. There are days when the sheer magnitude of this challenge feels overwhelming. Fatigue sets in, motivation wanes, and the allure of comfort beckons. But amidst the struggle, I’ve discovered a profound sense of purpose.

Focusing on myself has been transformative. As a single mother and business owner, I’m no stranger to the relentless demands of life. Yet, amidst the chaos, I’ve learned that dedicating time and energy to my own well-being enhances my ability to care for others. It empowers me to prioritize what truly matters, shedding the burden of insignificant details.

Embarking on this journey has taught me valuable lessons about self-care and personal growth. It’s a reminder that we all deserve to prioritize our own needs and aspirations. Whether it’s pursuing a fitness goal, exploring a creative passion, or simply carving out moments of quiet reflection, the gift of self-care is invaluable.

meet stacie owner owner presiden

Committing to Your Goals

The path to self-improvement starts with commitment. Identify the dreams you wish to pursue and set clear, achievable goals. Break down those goals into smaller, manageable steps, and create a plan to guide your progress. Remember, setbacks are inevitable, but they don’t define your journey. Embrace them as opportunities to learn and grow.

Building a Support System

Surround yourself with people who believe in your vision and will cheer you on every step of the way. Share your goals with friends, family, or mentors who can offer encouragement and accountability. Consider hiring a coach or joining a community of like-minded individuals to provide guidance and support.

Seeking Inspiration and Knowledge

Fuel your motivation by seeking out sources of inspiration. Read books, watch documentaries, or listen to podcasts that resonate with your goals while we do the cleaning. Enroll in classes, workshops, or online courses to expand your knowledge and skills. Remember, learning is a lifelong journey, and there’s always room to grow.

Celebrating Progress

Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Keeping a journal or tracking your progress visually can be a powerful reminder of how far you’ve come. Don’t be afraid to reward yourself for your hard work and dedication.

Letting Go of the Little Things

As you focus on personal growth, it’s natural for other areas of your life to temporarily take a backseat. Don’t let concerns about a messy house or unfinished chores derail your progress. Remember, Clean and Simple is here to help. We understand the importance of cleaning while maintaining a organized environment, especially when you’re juggling multiple priorities.

Embrace the Journey – Let Us Do the Cleaning

The pursuit of self-improvement is a continuous process, not a destination. It’s about embracing the journey, with all its ups and downs. Be kind to yourself, practice self-compassion, and celebrate your unique strengths and abilities.

So, take that first step today. Give yourself the gift of time, attention, and unwavering support. Invest in your well-being, pursue your passions, and strive to become the best version of yourself. And remember, as you focus on your personal growth, let Clean and Simple handle the cleaning. We’re here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that your environment remains clean, organized, and conducive to your success.