
8 Items to Remember During a Remodel

Remodels are stressful but bring great joy when finished.  There are several items homeowners should remember during a remodel to help it be as smooth as possible.  Read through our list and feel free to comment with added items!

Clean and Simple Cleaning™’s Top 8 Things to Remember during a Remodel!
  • Expect the Unexpected.
    • No matter how much you plan and how detailed you are something always goes wrong during a remodel.  Whether it’s a simple miscommunication with the contractor or an unforeseen repair to the structure or mold or termites hiding behind your walls, some problem will come up in the remodel.  The best plan to deal with this is be prepared for the unexpected with wiggle room in the budget (and timeline).
  • Know it will take Longer than you Plan.
    • Products get delayed due to delivery or damage, work gets pushed back or extra work needs to be added to the project.  It is more common than not for a remodel project to take longer than the original time line.  Building a buffer into your time frame will help lessen the frustration.
  • Ask Questions throughout!
    • The last thing you want to do is be disappointed in the end. Ask contractors questions and make sure you are getting what you want and the plans are being followed.  With this in mind, also make sure to be respectful of the workers and their knowledge.  Crabby contractors do not make for an easy remodel.
  • Be Mindful of the STRESS.
    • The Remodel will undoubtedly bring stress to your life.  Make sure to be patient with your loved ones and remember most of what is going on is due to the added stress and emotions so don’t take things personally.
  • Plan for Interrupted Living Arrangements.
    • Figure out a plan for how you are going to deal with not being able to use the space in your home that is being remodeled.  For instance, if you are remodeling your kitchen plan to set up a temporary kitchen (microwave, mini fridge, garbage, etc..) to get you through.  If you are remodeling a bath, come up with a schedule for the family to ensure all will be able to get ready and out the door on time.
  • Pack First.
    • Pack up all items from the remodeled area of the home before the remodel starts.  Try to be mindful of items that you may need to bring out before the end of the remodel. Pack those on top and of course as always label your boxes.
  • Stay Safe.
    • Limit access into the area being remodeled.  Depending on the space that is easier said than done.  Make sure children and pets are watched closely and not allowed into construction zones.  Also, make sure there aren’t pieces of glass or nails sitting around which can often be overlooked by construction workers.
  • Manage the Mess.
    • Your house will be a mess during a remodel but there are a few things to help minimizes its impact.  Put up plastic sheeting in doorways to limit the dust entering other rooms. Furthermore, have workers use one path to gain entry to the area. Moreover, make sure all supplies and machines are not kept on or moved on top of you landscaped yard.

If you can remember these items during a remodel, you will have a good solid plan to get through the remodel with as little stress as possible.

When your remodel is done and your house is covered in dust, contact the Clean and Simple Cleaning™ team to come do a deep cleaning to get your new space sparkling and ready to show off to friends and family.


Prepare for the New Year

As we start celebrating the ending of one year and the start of another, there are three actions we can do to help make the new year the new beginning we desire.  Reflect, Repent and Renew are the 3 R’s that are recommended to prepare for the new year.

As a company, we do a version of this too.  It helps to look at our strengths and weaknesses and set goals and see how we best move towards them and the roadblocks that are in our way so we can determine how to remove them best.  We also celebrate our successes and the people who help make Clean and Simple Cleaning™ the company that it is.

Reflection is critical because it allows you to take a moment to sit back and see the positives and negatives of the past year.  The past is an indicator of the future, after all, so we need to consider and learn from our past.  Think about the major incidents of 2014 and ask yourself:

•What did I do to contribute to my successes and my failures?

•What will I most fondly remember about 2014?

•For what am I rightly proud?

I know it doesn’t sound like a fun thing, but repentance helps us see our shortcomings and take accountability for them.  Don’t be too hard on yourself but ask yourself these questions and try to answer honestly.

•What are the areas I need to improve?

•Who and what is truly important and worthy of my dedicated attention in 2015?

Taking time to renew and recharge yourself for the new year allows you to focus on the future.  Go into this New Year with hope and determination.  Ask these questions of the world:

•Who will be my inspiration this year?

•What new adventures are ahead?

•Where are the new lessons to learn?

•How will I be able to contribute in a significant manner?

When we Reflect, Repent and Renew than we can apparently look at where we have been and took steps to go where we want to go.  Prepare for the new year and make 2015 your best year yet.

Happy New Year!


Are all House Cleaning Companies the same?

The short answer to the question..’Aren’t all house cleaning companies the same?’ Is no.  But, let me expound.  House cleaning is a true-professional service that requires training, a knowledge base, and an understanding of both techniques and solutions.

There are different types of housecleaning companies and their goals, abilities and services vary greatly.  There are individuals, independent contractors, franchisees or independent companies ranging in size. Furthermore, of course, there are benefits and risks to each of these options.

Here are some items that one should consider when choosing a housecleaning company. Which, will certainly affect experience and value received.

Proper Training Program

Ask about training. Consumers want to make sure their homes actually get sanitized.  There are proper protocols. If not followed properly, the home might just smell clean but not actually disinfected. Furthermore, there are different cleaning solutions that one can use on certain surfaces. All to fully clean or protect it against damage.  You want to make sure your cleaning technician knows and understands all the fundamentals of cleaning not just how to wipe down a countertop.

Do they have any HCT Certified Cleaning Technicians on staff? 
 HCT Certification consists of attending a House Cleaning Technician course which provides a knowledge and understanding through the application of science and proven methods for proper cleaning maintenance of a residential home. To earn the certification an exam must be passed.  

Dedication to the Industry

Dedication to your trade says a lot about how you are going to approach customer service and level of quality.  The only national professional association for owners of residential cleaning services is ARCSI.  Membership in this organization demonstrates a commitment to the ethical standards of ARCSI and providing the most professional service possible for the purpose of improving the standards of quality work and service in the residential cleaning industry.

Flexibility/Consistency with Scheduling

When receiving regular house cleaning service, there will be times when you will have special requests, need to change your cleaning schedules yet you will always want your cleanings consistent.  This is a reasonable expectation.  Verify that you will easily be able to reach someone and communicate with them about all cleanings.  Also, find out how often a company initiates rescheduling of cleanings and what their policy is on all rescheduling; company and customer initiated.

Quality of Service

It is important that the quality is present in every single cleaning.  Ask how they monitor quality and about employee incentives.  If a company is taking care of their employees then their employees will take great care of your home.  Homes should be quality checked from time to time and training should be on-going.

Is their a guarantee on the work completed?

Comparing companies using these criteria will quickly make consumers realize that not all cleaning companies are the same.  Decide what is important to you, research a few companies and you will have an easier time to figuring out the right house cleaning service for you.

If you are in the north King county or Snohomish county, give Clean and Simple Cleaning™ a call.  We would love to tell you about our company.  If not, check out the ARCSI Member Search.


Determine Frequency of Housecleaning

The question of frequency of housecleaning is often asked when inquiring about house cleaning services and honestly it does not have a one size fits all answer.  You need to consider your life and your family’s needs.

House cleaning service should work into your life making it simpler. So, as you decide the frequency, think what you are looking for and what you are used to.  Through the past 20+ years, we have found the following things helpful to clients when determining the frequency of cleaning for their homes.

How to Determine Frequency of Housecleaning

Current Cleaning Routine

Take a realistic look at how often you really clean your home now.  If you are only getting to the bathrooms once a month then a three week rotation might be a good fit.  If you have health issues, such as asthma, in your household then you might want to consider a weekly rotation.  Somewhere in the middle?  Bi-weekly rotations are the most common.

In-Between Cleaning Maintenance

Does your family add to the mess or help keep it clean?  This is important. Because it will  help you figure out how much time and effort you will need to put into your home in between cleanings.  If your family is adding to the mess, then increasing the frequency of your housecleaning might eliminate some frustration.  If you are lucky to have a family who consistently helps you with household chores, then having help with the major cleaning less frequently might be a better option for you.


It would be nice if money wasn’t an issue in decision making, but for most of us that isn’t the case.  Frequency in cleanings will change the cost.  For instance a 3 week rotation cleaning will cost more per visit than a weekly cleaning due to cleaning rotations and attention to detail.  The level of service will also affect price so consider the items you want to have included in your service and make sure that you clearly state them to any and all cleaning services you are working with.

The good news is that you should easily be able to change your housecleaning frequency. Most especially if you end up not happy with your first choice.  So do not fret. Over determining the frequency of housecleaning too much and move forward with the decision to hire a professional housecleaning service for that decision we don’t think you will ever regret.


How to Make Stainless Steel Sinks Sparkle

When a sink sparkles, the whole kitchen feels fresher and cleaner.  I think this is because our sinks are used so often, they don’t always sparkle.  Sinks are one of the dirtiest places in our homes so cleaning them isn’t just about having it look good, but also killing germs and being sanitary.  Following are step by step instructions on how to make stainless steel sinks sparkle.

  1. Rinse sink with hot water and remove any food or other debris if applicable.
  2. Spray a disinfectant cleaner such as bleach, 409, or Lysol and let sit for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Use soap and water with a non-abrasive cloth and scrub the entire sink.  Make sure to rub in the direction of the finish as to help eliminate scratching.
  4. Use a toothbrush soap to clean all tight areas such as the edges of the sink, around the faucet, around the drain and the edges of the garbage disposals.
  5. Rinse completely and dry completely.  Water spots will form if the sink area has not been properly dried.
  6. Finish of the sink with glass cleaner and a soft lint-free cloth rubbing in the direction of the grain.

Make sure to not use steel wool, wire brushes, or abrasive pads as they are likely to scratch your stainless steel sink.  Some faucet types may have special cleaning needs, so always follow care instructions from the manufacturer for faucets and on your sinks.

If you follow these steps, you should have a stainless steel sink that sparkles!  Of course, if you want to have your sink sparkle without the work, give us a call and schedule a cleaning today.  One of the items we get the most positive feedback from our clients is their sparkling kitchen sinks.


Clean and Simple Cleaning™’s Guide to School Lunches

The kids are all heading back to school next week. So, the preparation for the adjustment of schedules is in full force once again. Bedtimes are adopted once more. And we get to stock up on school supplies too. Moreover, we are, once more back, to making and preparing school lunches.

Making and preparing school lunches for my kids is always a challenge for me. I want to provide healthy, well-balanced meals, but also ones that they will eat. I also struggle at times making sure I have things ready and easy to pack. As the morning routine, at my house at least, can get a little tight on time. Furthermore, I have come across a few things that I love and help make lunch making an easier task to add back into my schedule. Here are my top 3 tips to school lunch making!

Get them Muffin

My kids get tired of the same lunch and don’t always eat sandwiches very well. So, I have found muffins to be an excellent alternative. My kids love pizza and corn dog muffins. I also do make them banana nut muffins and PBJ ones too. I can prepare them ahead of time, put them in their lunches frozen. By the time lunch comes around, they are ready to go.

Use Child-Friendly, Easy-to-Use Containers

Get them items that are easy to pack, in containers that are easy to pack in. I love my Lock n lock containers. They have dividers that can be situated differently to fit everything I want to pack for the day and eliminate all of the garbage waste that I would otherwise have.  The best thing about the boxes, it makes me see everything together which helps me to add variety and color. An entirely brown lunch is not a balanced and healthy lunch after all.

Go Get Bite  Size Varieties 

My youngest does not eat very fast. Moreover, both of my kids are social. They need the break in their day not only to eat but to talk to friends. So, of course, getting to recess as fast as possible is also a priority for them. Making food bite size means that it gets eaten at lunch and not thrown away. I make the muffins that I mentioned earlier mini size and pack multiples. Additionally, when I do make a sandwich, I use one piece of bread and roll it up and then cut into pieces. (We call them sushi sandwiches)

If you have other tips for lunches for the little ones, please add a comment below. Getting back into the school routine once more can be a challenge. Hopefully, these tips can make it a little easier to add school lunches back into the schedule.

As you are trying to scratch off all of the back to school to-dos from your list and you notice that your house is a little out of whack from a relaxed summer schedule, consider giving us a call. In September, we are offering 20% off all one time and extra cleanings as a back to school special.


Local Farmer Markets

Farmer Markets fulfill all your senses with the beautiful vibrant colors, the smells of the array of foods available, and the sounds of performers and people walking past.

They are a summer treasure that will soon be fading. Going to the different markets is a fun way to spend time and the perfect place to find fresh foods and unique gifts. Check out the following local Famers Markets before the season is over.

Bothell Farmers Market Bothell’s Country Village (23718 Bothell Everett Highway)
Fridays 12-6pm through October 3rd

Everett Farmers Market Waterfront (1600 W Marine View Dr)
Sundays 11 am – 4 pm through October 5th

Lake Forest Park Famers Market 17171 Bothell Way NE
Sundays 10 am – 3 pm through October 18th

Lynnwood Farmers Market Wilcox Park (5215 196th St SW)
Thursdays 3-7pm through September 25th

Mukilteo Farmers Market Lighthouse Park (next to ferry dock)
Wednesdays 3-7pm through end of September

Shoreline Farmers Market Shoreline City Hall (17500 Midvale Ave N)
Saturdays 10am-3pm through October 4th

Snohomish Farmers Market Carnegie Library (105 Cedar Ave.)
Thursdays 3-7:30 pm or sunset through September 25th

Willis Tucker Farmers Market Willis Tucker Park (6705 Puget Park Drive)
Fridays 3 – 7:30 pm through August 29th

Woodinville Farmers Market Woodinville City Hall (133rd Ave NE)
Saturdays 10 am -4 pm through September 27th

If you have a favorite farmers market or vendor, share it with us in the comment section.


Clean and Simple Cleaning™’s Memorial Day Event

Memorial Day weekend is here.  It is the unofficial beginning of summer.  There are tons of sales going on as well as cookouts and family gatherings while we enjoy an extra day off of work.

There is another part of Memorial Day which is much more sobering.  It is this day we remember those who gave their lives in the fight for our freedom.  Their sacrifices and their families’ sacrifices, allow us to enjoy this holiday weekend.  It is important to honor these brave men and women who have secured and continue to secure our political freedom.  Our gratitude is huge to this amazing group of people.

There is a Memorial Day event in Everett, WA which not only family friendly and fun, but also interesting. Moreover, it helps keep the focus on the real reason for this holiday.  Tankfest Northwest is a Flying Heritage Collection sponsored event.

Tankfest Northwest
Flying Heritage Collection in Everett, WA from
10am-5pm on Memorial Day (May 26th)

Family-friendly event where restored tanks, military vehicles, and artillery weapons will be on display in the Tank Arena, driving and firing demonstrations, along with a Military Vehicle collectors Club parade.

Cost: $14/adults; $12/seniors and military; $10 children 6-17; Free/children 5 and under


Do It Yourself vs. House Cleaning Services?

Since I work at a house cleaning company, the answer seems like a no-brainer, but I can honestly relate to the Do It Yourself (DIY) way of thinking.

Since I have started at Clean and Simple Cleaning™, I have not always chosen to have my house cleaned.  I thought it was a luxury. A luxury that I did not need to spend money in the first place.  I also felt since I am physically able to clean my house, I should be the one to clean it.  I wanted to be superwoman. All with a clean home, behaved children, dinner on the table, and a paycheck in the bank.  Luckily for me (and probably my kids too), I gave up being superwoman as I would always fall short and missed what was truly important.

Here are the reasons why I changed seeing house cleaning services as a luxury to extremely valuable:

  • My time is valuable
  • I have other things I like to do MORE (much more!)
  • When cleaning my own house I get involved in the other little projects like reorganizing the bookshelf or pantry shelves, so it takes more time when I only have a little available in the first place.
  • My schedule is full, so I end up putting cleaning off until later. Which, unfortunately, led to my home with two kids and a puppy getting ‘well-used’ and cluttered.

However, now that I have house cleaning services:

  • I get everything picked up and clutter-free. So my house gets picked up on a more regular basis. Making it easier, faster and more manageable.
  • It provides me time and energy to tackle those little projects that used to get pushed to the side or get left half done.
  • It adds balance to my life. Which I, personally, believe is invaluable especially as a single mom.

Having house cleaning services is one of the best things I have done for myself and my family.  Having a clean home adds a peacefulness to my home and my mind.  It reduces my stress. Furthermore, it helps to allow me to be present with my family. And not to always think that I need to clean our bathroom and the floors vacuumed.

We offer regularly scheduled cleanings. Which, you have the option of having weekly, bi-weekly and every three weeks for a flat rate after an initial cleaning billed hourly.  Fill out our estimate request form or call the office and give yourself the gift of time, relaxation, and a clean house!  We also offer one time and move out cleanings.


Graduation is Fast Approaching

Graduation season is fast approaching. Furthermore, in between all the senior activities and finalizing college plans is the realization that my baby boy is turning 18. Moreover, he is graduating high school and going off to college in the fall.

My son is simply a nice young man. When he was young, I can remember him putting his little sister on the floor. And then building his train track around her.

She was just a few months old, and he was three. He would just watch the trains go around, and she would just smile at him. He is patient with her still, and trust me she takes patience, she is  15 after all! She was so excited to be a freshman his senior year. She looks up to him, and he is the best big brother!

When he was ten, he got super angry with me because his baseball uniform was dirty. He pitched a rare fit about having a dirty uniform for his All Star game. I was thrown with his emotion over the matter and showed him how to operate the machines! It was a pivotal moment.  He has in fact done his own laundry since that day. I would say he is the master of our laundry room. Always making sure we have an adequate supply of detergent, fabric softener and clothing baskets! If I leave laundry in the machines, he makes sure it is properly dried and in a basket in my room!

It has just been the “three” of us for years and he just always amazes me with his kind gentle spirit. He fixes things, is helpful and hardworking, and has a giving heart!

My most recent memorable moment was seeing him at the finish line of my Ironman at Whistler this past summer. He dropped to his knees with tears in his eyes. My son was overwhelmed with emotion. He picked me up and held me so tight that I was a tear filled in awe of him, not because I just spent the last 14.5 hours completing an event. Just simply proud to have this young man on my side.

He gives me strength and brings joy to my heart. A heart that will ache during his absence but knowing he has made great choices and is now ready for his next adventure! I will continue to pray for his protection and bless him as he leaves for Gonzaga at the end of August. Moreover, I am sure he will be successful! I am sure his sister and I will miss him!