
Avoid the Flu with a house cleaning

by | CLEANING TIPS, FAMILY, In the Home | 0 comments

Avoid the Flu with a house cleaning

by | CLEANING TIPS, FAMILY, In the Home | 0 comments

When looking around at a room full of people, it is easy to see who is fighting an awful cold of flu and who is trying to avoid them desperately.

With the flu being in full swing at an earlier time than normal this year it’s important to take precise steps in keeping you and your family healthy. The obvious steps to Avoid the Flu are to wash your hands, apply a generous amount of hand sanitizer after touching keyboards, door knobs, etc, and possibly get the flu shot. Those along with others are common ways of protecting yourself from illness, but another that not as many people think of is house cleaning.

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When you come home from work, or your children get home from school, you are unintentionally bringing home germs, on your clothes, hands, and shoes. Without spending hours of time you don’t have house cleaning, those bacteria will stick around and potentially come in contact with you, making you sick. Disinfecting is important to Avoid the Flu during the Flu season. You already know the importance of washing your hands to eliminate germs, and that can be just as important as cleaning your house. While washing your hands protects you, regular house cleaning will protect your whole family from the many germs you bring home with you.

For most people who do not have the time to scrub the floors, disinfect all the surfaces, and keep up with all the house cleaning, don’t be afraid to schedule a professional house cleaning. Professional house cleanings will not only keep your house clean, and free of germs, they also will help you fight the flu season. Just as you consciously wash your hands, remember to keep your family safe with regular house cleanings.