
COVID-19: Measures we have taken to protect you and your home

by | CLEANING TIPS | 0 comments

COVID-19: Measures we have taken to protect you and your home

by | CLEANING TIPS | 0 comments

We hope this message finds you and your family healthy! The coronavirus situation in our area remains fluid, and there is much we still don’t know about the trajectory of the outbreak. We wanted to share the changes we are making related to the novel coronavirus, and always under consideration of the latest recommendations of national and local health officials.

Safety steps we are taking to protect your home from the coronavirus

Our technicians now have a powerful, EPA-registered disinfectant and virucide, Betco AF315, along with their other cleaning supplies. Not only will this be used to disinfect equipment such as vacuums before and after each home is cleaned, but it will also be used on high-risk, high-touch areas in your home, such as door handles and light switches, to protect your health and safety. Additionally, this product is pH-neutral, which means it is safe to use on all surfaces. We also provide several bleach-based and other products that are approved by the EPA specifically for use against the coronavirus.

Preventing cross-contamination

For the cleaning industry, preventing cross-contamination both within and between jobs is built into the way we do business. Many of these practices are not new to our technicians, though the stakes are higher now:

-Employees will disinfect hands and put on gloves immediately prior to entering each home. They will also be wearing shoe covers at all jobs going forward. Gloves are changed during the cleaning as well to prevent cross-contamination between different areas of the home.

-Sponges, cleaning cloths, and magic erasers are used at one job and then either disposed of or bagged separately to be returned to the office for disinfection.

-Equipment such as vacuums or scrub brushes are thoroughly disinfected with the products listed above in between each job.

Schedules: more solo technician routes

Based on the most recent business guidelines from the CDC on social distancing, starting this week we will begin to change the way we do the schedule to incorporate more solo technician routes, as well as limit the days our technicians come into the office to pick up supplies and route information. While we will still maintain some 2-person routes for jobs that are too large to be cleaned by an individual technician, most of our technicians will be working alone for all or most of the day. We appreciate your understanding as we implement this policy.

Your Pets: maintain at least a 6-foot distance

While in your homes, technicians will maintain at least a 6-foot distance from any occupants. This will include your pets – there is no consensus on whether or not this virus can be transmitted by our pets, but until we know more, we will err on the side of caution. If you can, please crate pets during the cleaning to minimize contact with our technicians.

Paid Sick Leave for our Cleaning Team

Per Washington State law, all Clean and Simple employees who are eligible receive paid sick leave. We make it clear to employees that they are to stay home if they aren’t feeling well, without risking their job or paycheck. Many employees have PTO in addition to sick pay, and we are educating all employees on additional benefit packages if they do need to take time off if they or a family member becomes ill. Currently, no one at Clean and Simple Cleaning™ has contracted the virus, nor been in contact with someone who has. Our technicians are as concerned about getting sick as we know you must be, but they also want to have work if they are healthy.



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All of these changes reflect the latest business recommendations from the CDC and local health professionals. We will continue to monitor their recommendations, as well as best practices within our industry as things progress.

House Cleaning Service is an Essential Service

If you or a member of your household has had COVID-19 or tested positive for the coronavirus, please cancel all cleanings until you or they have been symptom-free for at least two weeks. You must let us know.

In the meantime, having your home professionally cleaned is an important component in overall defense against the spread of the virus, and we will continue to provide this essential service along with the quality you have come to expect.

In fact, during this time we would love it if you could share our name with your friends and family. If you know someone who could benefit from our services, please send them our way. Gift cards are also a great option to spread the cleaning love, and they can be easily purchased online.

We hope everyone stays safe and healthy. As always, if you have any questions or concerns at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re happy to chat with you!

A Message from Stacie Sutton, owner of Clean and Simple Cleaning™