
Focus on You and We’ll Take Care of the Cleaning-Digital Newsletter

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Focus on You and We’ll Take Care of the Cleaning-Digital Newsletter

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The Gift of YOU, and we will take care of the cleaning!

What have you done in past years for your milestone birthdays? I decided to give a gift to myself (trust me, I do NOT say thank you to myself every day) for my 50th birthday. My gift to myself is a healthy me. I mean, after all, that is the worst that can happen? I get in the best shape of my life while trying to achieve one of the biggest physical goals I have ever put in front of myself.

As some of you might know, I am training for my first Ironman. It will take place in Whistler BC on August 25, 2013 (www.ironman.ca) and consists of a 2.4-mile lake swim, a 112-mile bike ride, and a 26.2-mile run. Some people say the training for these events is crazy and on some days I would agree. There are many days I am just TIRED and looking at my bike, the thought of gathering my swim bag or heading out to run in gale force winds with sideways rain just makes me want to toss in the towel! However, this is a journey.

It has been an amazing gift to focus on me. I find that it is hard to focus on one’s self. There is always something to do, somewhere to be and others who are relying on you. Trust me I am a single mom and business owner!

However, I found that spending time and energy on me makes me a better mother, friend, and boss. It also allows me to prioritize the things that are most important and not get so hung up on the small details of life.

So, whether it is training for an athletic event, painting on a blank canvas or taking photographs, give yourself the gift of you. Commit to the things you want to do and the goals you want to achieve. Determine your plan and gather up supporters to cheer you along because there will be days you get off course. Hire a coach! A business coach, a nutrition coach, a personal trainer or a life coach if you do not have proper accountability to yourself. Sign up for lessons or a class, watch videos or read motivational books to help inspire you. Mark your progress and strive to be the best you for you.

If your house gets messy when you are focusing on you, don’t worry. The last thing you need when focusing on yourself is to get sidetracked on the ‘little details’ of cleaning. Remember that we, at Clean and Simple, are here to assist you along your journey and can take care of any or all of your cleaning needs.

stacie sig